Aisha Dow


Health reporter for newspaper in Melbourne. Send tips/feedback to

Unit: abril de 2009


Has blocat @aishamae

Estàs segur que vols veure aquests tuits? Això no desblocarà @aishamae.

  1. ha retuitat
    2 nov.

    This is shaping up to be v interesting. Member of the Khmer Rouge murdered in Melbourne 30 years ago. Arrest today.

  2. ha retuitat
    2 nov.
  3. ha retuitat
    1 nov.
  4. 1 nov.
  5. 1 nov.
  6. 31 oct.
  7. 31 oct.
  8. ha retuitat
    31 oct.
  9. ha retuitat
    30 oct.

    Not everyday that bioethics makes the front page! Great article by on our new fertility preservation paper

  10. ha retuitat
    30 oct.

    Wow 6yo’s ovarian tissue frozen so she has chance to hv kids if chemo leaves her infertile. Great one 👉🏻

  11. 30 oct.
  12. ha retuitat
    29 oct.
  13. ha retuitat
    30 oct.
  14. ha retuitat
    29 oct.

    State pumps extra $53m into rehab as Yarra drug deaths surge - very welcome but MSIC needed for acute end

  15. 29 oct.
  16. 28 oct.
  17. ha retuitat
    26 oct.
  18. ha retuitat
    26 oct.

    Born between 1982 and 1999? Know people who are? 40% OF THAT AGE BRACKET HASN'T POSTED THEIR SAME SEX MARRIAGE THINGO. YOU HAVE 24 HOURS.

  19. ha retuitat
    25 oct.
  20. 25 oct.

Sembla que triga molt a carregar-se.

És possible que el Twitter hagi assolit el límit de capacitat o que experimenti una sobrecàrrega momentània. Torna-ho a provar o vés a l'estat del Twitter si en vols obtenir més informació.

    També et pot interessar
