Lost My Electric Picnic Virginity

I finally lost my Electric Picnic Virginity. A bit like the real thing, I’d been watching glamorous people apparently having a great time for years and was feeling a bit left out, even though I could have disposed of it … Read more

On Mass

My mass stories are piling up, and I’m afraid I’ll forget them. I’m not sure if I’m ready to start on exactly why I go to mass, but I can say I enjoy it immensely. I read an article once … Read more

The Lamb With No Eyes


Our house is in the corner of a field really. The rest of the field, which is part of a network of four fields, is occupied by sheep. My Uncle J, the farmer/shepherd herds twice a day, morning and … Read more

Norman Doors

I used to work in a tech company full of clever people. A company book club allowed clever staff members to nominate clever books for everyone else to read. Pressure. The reading list looked a bit intimidating but I tried … Read more

The Lotto

I used to be a dedicated player. A Quick Pick for each draw. Sure you had to try right? Other people win, so why can’t I? But I lost heart.

On a whim getting fuel the other day I asked … Read more

Will no one think of the crows?

I seem to be pre-occupied with what takes place outside my kitchen window. It is the stuff of my days. Not that the politics doesn’t matter, but it’s distant and there is little to add, beyond that I hope Dear … Read more

No More Mr. Nice Guy

Like half of Ireland we optimistically put down an Indian sandstone patio, porous as swiss cheese and so now covered with black spots, which have turned out to be lichen. When I went in search of help, an unhelpful man … Read more

Rural life and death

I suppose I’ll start with the small things.

The rabbits are out of control. When we drive in the gates, they’re grazing on the lawn like sheep. Meanwhile the sheep are on the lane, grazing on the ditches. Someone said, … Read more