Showing posts with label education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label education. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Maybe We're Just Not That Into It, Minister O Cuív

I have been arguing that people wanting to support the Irish Language should speak it if they know it, learn it if they don't (as distinct from just paying lip service to the language).

I wondered how would a working adult, who had forgotten most of their school Irish, go about (re)acquainting themselves with it? The rather obvious answer is to take some classes. So I had look on for Irish language courses in Dublin. Results back: 157. 'My that's impressive' I thought 'a veritable groundswell of support. Must be those Seoige sisters..'. And then I started scrolling through the returned result. Ahh.

The nightcourses website search facility is a little eager and brings back everything mentioning 'Irish' in its blurb. So the Irish Taxation Institute courses are included along with those for Gael Linn.

So how many actual Irish language classes are being offered in Dublin?
Answer: I counted 71 classes in 34 different institutes, including ones for Irish Sign Language.

So plenty of choice and no excuse not to learn it, if you want to use and support it.

But then I came across this: Éamon O Cuív says "At a time of increasing affluence and choice in Irish society, it would appear that more and more people are opting for the Irish language."


I wanted to test out the Minister's contention that more and more people are opting for the Irish language. I wondered how many classes were being offered in other languages. For comparison purposes I did this search - for Italian classes in Dublin. After weeding out the cookery and opera classes I found there was 88 classes in 41 institutes.

More and more people may be opting for Irish. But it looks like, in Dublin at least, more still are opting for Italian.

Monday, January 15, 2007

No Béarla or On Not Being Sasanachs

Manchan Magan's sojourn around the island speaking only Irish confirmed what most of us already knew - as a country we either can't or won't speak Our Official Language. Seeing him appear on RTE's The Panel last week did make me wonder if someone a little less floppy haired and fey (say a random Seoige sister) would have had more success. Or at least encountered less hostility.

His experience does beg the question of why should we try to promote and preserve a language amongst the populace when the overwhelming majority of people display no inclination to use it. Perversely, the same people, i.e. us, who won't speak it a) dishonestly claim on census forms that they can and b) regard attempts to lessen its importance as some sort of national betrayal. Witness all the letters to the papers in the aftermath of Fine Gael's suggestion to drop mandatory Irish after the Junior Cert.

Why do we desperately want to keep it but have no interest in using it?

The usual reasons given in support of Irish - it's importance to our cultural identity or heritage, it's beauty as a language, are fair arguments to speak and restore the language. They are not arguments to preserve it in some undead, ultra marginalised, zombie like state. The only argument I have heard in favour of this arrangement is the pub stool one: "Lads, if we don't have a different language, what is there to distinguish us from the English?" (at which point the 'debater' will sit back, fold his arms and look insufferably smug). Note that actually speaking or knowing how to speak the language is not required, just having it in existence and paid lip service to, is sufficient. (Let's leave aside the fact that being indistinguishable from the English is axiomatically assumed to be an horrendous fate).

In short, it is a tribal symbol. Its value to us is symbolic, not practical. It's a linguistic Celtic jersey.

Anyone who has 'gone travelling' knows it is always easy to spot the Canadians abroad. They always, always, always have a little maple leaf motif somewhere on their clothing or bags. Within the first 60 seconds of conversation with them they will mention they are Canadian. What they are really saying of course is that they are not American. Given the hostile attitude of large swathes of the world to the US, it is probably a wise policy. Unless you are pretty tuned in to the subtleties of accent, one tall, healthy looking, even-toothed North American is pretty much indistinguishable from any other one, nationally speaking.

As a country we should either decide to speak the language or ditch it and distribute lots of shamrock (or your favourite motif) badges/hats/shirts/whatever instead. It would be more honest and a lot cheaper.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Archbishop's Petri Dish

"Do we want to have a culture of Podge and Rodge, or one of decency and respect?" asked Catholic Primate of All-Ireland, Archbishop Seán Brady.

This is a marvellous question and the potential basis of a very entertaining game. There are not enough spurious comparisons and choices to be made between entirely unrelated items. There should be more questions like it such as "Do we want a culture of apples and oranges or one of puppies and kittens?" Or how about "Do we want magenta and yellow or Pasta & Pizza?"

I don't even particulary like Podge & Rodge, I find their level of crudity is rarely justified by the level of humour. But I think I understand where they are coming from - attacking the soft underbelly of minor (or even major) celebrity. Their interview with Chris Brosnan was a little masterpiece of bubble bursting. On the otherhand the one with Brian Kennedy was cringeworthy. They are part of a backlash against all those years of Gay Byrne being so feckin' grateful that some B-list celebrity would come to little ole Ireland to hock their wares on the Late Late. There is a lot of pent up anger to have to work through.

"The increased "coarseness and aggression" in Irish society was evident "on the roads, in drinking, the increase in sexualisation of children at an earlier age, stress, excess generally. It is dehumanising". Such "dehumanisation is linked to secularisation", he said.

The argument he is making is:
Modern life is increasingly rubbish
Modern life is increasingly secular
Thus the trend towards secularisation has made life rubbish which, of course, is a basic logical fallacy.

But wait! There's more!

[Secularistation] was opposite to Christian core values which "called on Christians to look out for one another" and to develop "a good caring attitude, bringing healing to brokenness", he said.

Message: Secularists have no values, don't care for anyone else. I guess it must be Christians doing all the good stuff, not secularists. The secularists are off corrupting children and being crude.

The past decade had seen a rapid decline in both vocations to the priesthood and attendance at weekly Mass, but he felt using attendance at Mass as a yardstick was "an incomplete way to assess the life of the Church" as there had been, for instance, no decline in numbers at Catholic schools.

Let's face it the Church's marketshare is massively down in the areas (Mass attendance, vocations) where people partake in them voluntarily but is stready (or steady-ish) in areas, like education, where they don't have much of a choice. You could say there is an increase in people attending 'Catholic' hospitals but I doubt it reflects one way or another on the degree of 'life of the Church'. It does of course explain why they are not going to give up the schools (or hospitals) without a serious fight.

He said it was not right "for the State to seek to monopolise education" and did not accept that the segregation of children attending school along religious lines contributed to sectarianism.

He is correct, State monopolies in education or in most other things are not good. It is even less right for there to be a Church monopoly in education particularly when large swathes of the population are no longer interested in what they are peddling.

Do you want "Cathecism and ritual" or "Freedom and choice"? Oh wait I got it wrong, those items are related.