- published: 16 Sep 2008
- views: 588145
A ship is a large buoyant watercraft. Ships are generally distinguished from boats based on size, shape and cargo or passenger capacity. Ships are used on lakes, seas,rivers,and oceans for a variety of activities, such as the transport of people or goods, fishing, entertainment, public safety, and warfare. Historically, a "ship" was a sailing vessel with at least three square-rigged masts and a full bowsprit.
In armed conflict and in daily life, ships have become an integral part of modern commercial and military systems. Fishing boats are used by millions of fishermen throughout the world. Military forces operate vessels for naval warfare and to transport and support forces ashore. Commercial vessels, nearly 35,000 in number, carried 7.4 billion tons of cargo in 2007. As of 2011, there are about 104,304 ships with IMO numbers in the world.
Ships were always a key in history's great explorations and scientific and technological development. Navigators such as Zheng He spread such inventions as the compass and gunpowder. Ships have been used for such purposes as colonization and the slave trade, and have served scientific, cultural, and humanitarian needs. After the 16th century, new crops that had come from and to the Americas via the European seafarers significantly contributed to the world population growth.Ship transport has shaped the world's economy into today's energy-intensive pattern.
In meteorology, a cloud is an aerosol comprising a visible mass of liquid droplets or frozen crystals made of water or various chemicals. The droplets or particles are suspended in the atmosphere above the surface of a planetary body. On Earth clouds are formed by the saturation of air in the homosphere when air cools or gains water vapor.
Cloud types in the troposphere, the atmospheric layer closest to Earth's surface, have Latin names due to the universal adaptation of Luke Howard's nomenclature. It was formally proposed in December 1802 and published for the first time the following year. It became the basis of a modern international system that classifies these tropospheric aerosols into several physical forms which can be found at various altitude levels or étages.
"I Believe" is the first single from female Japanese artist, Ayaka. It entered the Oricon charts at the tenth spot and slowly rose to number three, having a total of 236,012 sales. It was used as the drama Rondo's theme song.
Sing Chew, a female singer from Singapore, and Eric Martin did a cover of this song.
Federation of Light - UFO Cloud Ships?
BIG cloaked UFO alien cloud ships
Spotting Cloudships: 7/19/12
Cloud ships!
SEE IT? Spying Alien Ship Caught Hiding In Clouds Over Memphis!
Cloud ships? Double sun? Chem trails?! Oh my!
Cloud Cloaking Ships
Cloud Cloaked Ships: How I Opened My Eyes
Terrifying!! CLOUD SHIPS / Constant Lightning With No Thunder
Cloaked Cloud Ships Exposed¹ 🌴Koopa High🌴
TERRIFYING!!! CLOUD SHIPS (w/ Constant Lightning With No Thunder)
Cloud Ships Belfast City May 2015
CLOUD SHIPS AT SUNSET/ London UK 1st SEP 2010 Amazing !
Indian in the machine - UFOs and Cloudships
Weird clouds hiding a fleet of extradimensional ships
Are these clouds the cloaked ships that a lot of people talk about?
Cloudships Preparing for Decloaking
Do you wish for us to uncloak our ships? "when i believe it...then...ill see it"...:) ...keep yer eyes to the skies...:)
Getting bigger, getting weirder.
These are a little bit more difficult to pick out on camera than in my original cloudship video: http://youtu.be/8ndw81ozB8c But for those of you who also spot cloudships (and you know who you are,) I got that feeling when I saw them that told me that there was much more there than what my physical eyes were picking up. The crazy psychedelic rainbow on the second one didn't hurt :) www.charismelina.com
Secureteam10 is your source for the best in new UFO sighting videos, information on the government coverup and alien activity caught on tape. Disclosure is coming! Stay tuned my friends. ➨Follow Us On Twitter: https://twitter.com/SecureTeam10 ➨Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Secureteam10 ➨E-mail or private message us with your ideas & footage: Thesecureteam@gmail.com ➨Visit our online shirt shop and gear up with your own ST10 Tee! http://secureteam.spreadshirt.com Music: Spellbound by Keven Macleod Download link: http://www.incompetech.com
I downloaded this video of here a few days ago and can't find who it was from. Whoever you are, thankyou. You did a great job at putting this together.
May 10, 2016 (not 11th as I misstate in the video) Thanks to viewer ________ (can I use your name?) for the "castle turret" photo with the unbelievable right angles appearing in a "cloud". This video features the footage with still shots and analysis that led me to believe that something artificial was in our skies... artificial and hidden.
I don't think it's United States Military or a "Secret Government" or even Extraterrestrials. I need more puzzle pieces before I can begin to make a better assessment... UPDATE: DEC 9th 2016 So what my hypothesis is so far, and mind you this took about two years of watching the sky religiously on my own and familiarizing myself through trial and error and direct observion method and comparison with fellow sky watchers own documentation of the clouds and greatly increased my understanding of their laws and behavior... I believe there are four sources in our skies right now that's contributing to the suspicious unnatural behavior of the clouds and 1 of these 4 is whats really confusing this right now and preventing us from putting our finger on what all this really means.. 1st The first i...
In this video I will show two craft, each will be contrast adjusted and outlined very rough, these are only two of many that were in the area that day, they are always up there, you just have to observe them and their shadows... search online for cloaked craft or just go outside and observe your sky, look between you and the spray lines.. Thanks for watching More to come Cheers Bap
Since capturing 2 "suns" on my previous video I have been doing a few more but this time I have captured what can only be a mothership which appears every night at sunset which is when they most likely are doing some kind of changeover with the fake suns which they control in our skies using holographic clouds, chemclouds, bright light and bright reflections in order for us not to see what's going on but once you take away the reflection, you get a more accurate view of what's up there and believe you me there's plenty going on up there! I have filmed 3 "sunsets and one sunrise this week with 2 cameras which is approx 6 hrs whiuch I will put up soon. It would appear that youtube is blocking my vids so I guess that means I'm doing something right.
I do this for fun and for free. I do not profit or gain by making videos. I have nothing to loose unlike other "truth sites" that make money so therefor are afraid to tell you the whole truth for they may loose subscribers. Not me! Of course I want people to hear it but it makes no difference whether people subscribe or not, like it or dislike it, I work for God. I am going to answer a few questions and show you that these are not just "clouds" but ships being steered and creating weather. All I am offering is some truth, nothing more, nothing less. What you decide to do with it is up to you. Stay safe God Bless
All over the world, there has been a campaign, to slowly and gently introduce us to the notion of advanced technologies and visitation from our star family. Now we are in the time where soon both will appear openly before us. Some ufos come from the stars and some ufos are human made by secret government operations. Our job is to learn to discern the difference between the two. I don't have the answers to this, but I know one thing: our star family have come to visit us in the energies of Love and Light, while our governments hope to use their secret technologies to enslave humanity. Right now using your thought.... ask our star family to appear openly before us so that they can assist us to prepare for the shift of th ages that is almost open us. Good things are in store for thos...
Using a better camera, and being awake to this made it possible to document this occurance.
3:26 pm 9/2/2017
Cloudships arriving onto the Grid that Surrounds Planet Earth=Heart. With Commentary from MotherGod
01/03/18 Florida Sky Scan, Cloud Cloaking Ships (C.A.D.’s) & Demon Manifestations! Video includes still images of CADS (Cloaking Arce Demon Ships) and Demon Manifestations from Wed. Jan 03, 2018 Video Recording. Location: South Pasadena, FL. 33707 (Central Gulf Coast).
Developers can learn more about the Google Maps API at http://goo.gl/58Hk5 Presenters: Francesc Campoy Flores, Kurt Schwehr, Mano Marks Tens of thousands of ships report their position at least once every 5 minutes, 24 hours a day. Visualizing that quantity of data and serving it out to large numbers of people takes lots of power both in the browser and on the server. This session will explore the use of Maps, App Engine, Go, Compute Engine, BigQuery, Cloud Storage, and WebGL to do massive data visualization. For all I/O 2013 sessions, go to https://developers.google.com/live
WE ARE LIVING IN A QUANTUM HOLOGRAM, WATCH "THINNING VEIL" AND SEE WHAT THE VEIL LOOKS LIKE WHEN ITS DOWN. TO LISTEN TO MUSIC...GO TO www.thezenofplanets.org and litne to Ascended Man, Anonymous and We Are Legion... my new music.. My world has changed... the ASCENSION process has begun.. most think me a fool.. medical attention needed... my soul tells me otherwise.. I have seen them.. they are here.. My first vision... I was so sure of I made people uncomfortable.. I apologize.. but now that I see the smaller ships flying into that Cigar shaped cloud... I know I was right.. please watch the videos.. I will tell you where to watch so you dont waste your time.. I have however, learned that you must learn with me.. as I miss things too.. please watch and tell me what I have missed... Namaste...
This talk shows how we were able to get a dynamic visualization of the position and trajectory of all the ships in the world using a set of cloud products. Due to the chosen architecture, the resulting system is fast, robust, and reliable. We'll have a fast look of the functional aspects of the application before getting into the details and the code itself. Visualizing ships is fun!! And the chosen architecture is also useful as a framework for many other similar big data applications. Author: Francesc Campoy Flores Francesc Campoy Flores
All sorts of sky ships are being seen over the mountains of Western North Carolina. There are blue, white, and gold ones with some pulsing rainbow colors. The shapes vary, too, but more intriguing things are happening. A spaceman in a maroon body suit abruptly materialized, a sky ship projected a 30 or 35 foot hologram that remained visible for 20 to 30 minutes and messages from the ships have been dictated word-for-word. With so much cosmic activity, Mary Joyce and Evelyn Gordon were inspired to launch the Sky Ships over Cashiers website.
Commander of US navy orders worldwide 'operational pause' as analysts suspect crew fatigue may be factor in naval collision. 💳 Help support my channel :) https://www.patreon.com/TheOuterDark 💳 https://steemit.com/@theouterlight 💳 My channel: DTube.video/c/TheOuterLight 💳 Come join my Discord chatroom :) https://discord.gg/2YNKCwc 💳 Vid.me/TheOuterDark 💳 YouTube.com/c/TheOuterLight 💳 Twitter @ Esoteric_ED 💳 Minds.com/TheOuterDark
The following video clip is a short sequence from Modellers Shipyard DVD on How to Build a Model Ship (Planking). The complete DVD is over 3 hours of narration & demonstration. To purchase the full DVD set and view others in our range visit www.modelshipyard.com.au
After years of good weather, the 2013 annual trip to Duluth/Superior was marred by fog, clouds, rain, haze, and bad sun angles. Nevertheless, the vessel photography went on. Vessels include: Philip R. Clarke, Tim S. Dool, Kaministiqua, St. Clair, Kaye E. Barker, Walter J. McCarthy Jr., Algoma Transport, Algoma Montrealais, and Great Republic.
[Recorded July 18, 2017] Whether as an engineer or an entrepreneur, Diane Greene’s career can be best described as “storied.” She has designed naval ships, run engineering teams, and co-founded multiple startups. Now she leads Google’s cloud business and sits on the boards of Alphabet, Intuit, and MIT. How did she evolve from engineer to serial entrepreneur to global executive? After receiving degrees in mechanical engineering, naval architecture, and computer science from University of Vermont, MIT, and UC Berkeley, respectively, Greene held engineering and management positions for SGI, Tandem, and Sybase. In 1998 she co-founded and served as CEO of virtualization giant VMware. Over the course of 10 years, she took the company public and to a $2 billion run rate. In 2016 Dell Technologi...
Step by Step tutorial on how to create a nice Silhouetted ship at sea...
☆ Check out Cloud Pirates! http://bit.ly/CPstarnsipe (Huge thanks to the guys from Cloud Pirates for sponsoring the video, much love for the support!) Welcome to CLOUD PIRATES, where we have FREAKING FLYING SHIPS and must battle it out against the enemy fleet of flying ships! (Blackwake with Flying Ships anyone?! :O) ☆ Buy Games for Cheap!: https://www.g2a.com/r/starsnipe ☆ Cloud Pirates Playlist: Coming Soon! ☆ Buy a LootCrate!: http://lootcrate.com/StarSnipe (Use Promo Code STAR for 10% off your order!) ☆ Buy a Server!: http://uhostpro.com/pro/aff.php?aff=015 (Code STAR for 3% off) ☆ Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/StarSnipe1 ☆ Follow me on Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/starsnipe What is Cloud Pirates Game? Enter Early Access now and you can receive a pile of bonuses from th...
Ending the year with a new compilation video. In the past years I've only done it for the Railway Outings so this time I thought I'd give the Cruise Ships a turn. So here it is. Ships featured are as follows... - "AIDAcara" (AIDA Cruises) - "AIDAprima" (AIDA Cruises) - "Azamara Journey" (Azamara Club Cruises) - "Celebrity Eclipse" (Celebrity Cruises) - "Costa Pacifica" (Costa Cruises) - "Columbus" (Cruise & Maritime Voyages) - "Queen Mary 2" (CUNARD) - "Queen Victoria" (CUNARD) - "Queen Elizabeth" (CUNARD) - "Disney Magic" (Disney Cruise Line) - "Black Watch" (Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines) - "Braemar" (Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines) - "Boudicca" (Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines) - "Balmoral" (Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines) - "Ocean Majesty" (Hansa Touristik) - "MSC Magnifica" (MSC Cruises) - "MSC Fantasia" (M...
SMASH THAT "LIKE" button for MORE TNT WARS! :D 🡆 OP SLIME CANNON! - https://youtu.be/HJKjx29kfMg 🡆 SUICIDE TNT WARS! - https://youtu.be/2A800rRDRDs YOUTUBERS IN THIS VIDEO: 🡆 Sharkboy: https://goo.gl/Sr20yp 🡆 Unspeakable: https://goo.gl/gW7LF2 🡆 Landon: https://goo.gl/OzA7Re LIMITED STOCK ON EVERYTHING!! :) 🡆 http://www.PrestonsStylez.com MY OTHER YOUTUBE CHANNELS! 🡆 https://goo.gl/Gx31DP (Variety Video Gaming!) 🡆 https://goo.gl/TdmqL (COD, CS:GO & More) FOLLOW ME HERE! 🡆 Livestream - http://www.twitch.tv/tbnrfrags 🡆 Instagram - https://instagram.com/realtbnrfrags 🡆 Twitter - https://twitter.com/tbnrfrags 🡆 Snapchat - Snapchat Name 'PrestoSnaps' Music Released and Provided by Tasty 🡆 Song Title: Chris Poirier - Star Surfing 🡆 Music Video: https://youtu.be/YVfxBBJ0KZc 🡆 Label Ch...
10 hours of rough sea ambience, storm with lightning and rolling thunder, howling wind and fluctuating rain intensity with stereo panning sounds, designed for relaxation and sleep. *Please adjust the audio volume to your taste. Thank you.
Cloud Pirates Gameplay, Introduction. Cloud Pirates First Look and Tutorial. ►Download Cloud Pirates: https://goo.gl/wqGX92 ►Beast Mode Gear: https://goo.gl/MlHz4l ►Streaming: http://www.twitch.tv/dezgamez ►Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DezGamez ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/DezGamez ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ► Download your Free to Play game from: https://mrs.my.com/r/61f966cf ► Check it out Beast Mode store: https://goo.gl/MlHz4l This is the way to support my channel, to support my effot! Deck out your pirate airship with cutting edge weaponry in Cloud Pirates, an action MMO in which you fire your cannons to crush the enemy in fast-paced aerial battles! ... This is what they said about this game and for some odd reaso...