November 7, 2017
by actforfreedom

GREECE: EN/ES – Solidarity to anarchist prisoner of war Konstantinos Yigtzoglou

Report elaborated by Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras with press sources and counter information]
On Wednesday 1/11, comrade Konstantinos Yigtzoglou was taken to the judicial chamber, where a prosecutor and a special judge for questions of terrorism ordered that he be taken into custody.
Konstantinos [Dinos] faces charges related to the attack with a letter bomb against former Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos, as well as with other charges for explosive packages found in the distribution center of the Post Office, in addition to the infamous Article 187A, of participation in criminal organization, for his alleged membership of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, the group that claimed the shipment of one of the explosive packages.
Also, the Greek police try to use against the comrade, once again, the “scientific proof” of DNA as “indisputable evidence”, stating that there is Konstantinos’ DNA in the letter bomb that seriously injured the former Greek Prime Minister on May 25, 2017.
The comrade will be imprisoned in Larissa prisons and on Friday 03/11 a hearing was scheduled for the weapons that were found in the apartment in which he was arrested on Saturday 28 October.
For their part, compañerxs solidarixs convened an open meeting in Athens for Thursday 2/11, an initiative of the solidarity assembly with Konstantinos and the other comrade who was arrested on the same day.

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November 7, 2017
by actforfreedom

Australia , Video: Urgent Message from the Refugees Abandoned by the Australian Government on Manus Island

Video message from the refugee men who have been left for dead by the Australian government at the former Australian government-run detention centre on Manus Island in Papua New Guinea. RISE, a group of refugee survivors and ex-detainees in Australia are calling for an International Day of Action in solidarity with the refugee men on Manus at Australian Embassies around the world on November 7th.

November 5, 2017
by actforfreedom

Uruguay: Butcher Shop Sabotaged in Montevideo

from Frente de Liberación Animal
translated by Earth First! Journal
Before dawn on November 1st, we used explosive artifacts to destroy the windows of a butcher shop in Montevideo; we also glued their locks shut, simply because animals are not to be fucked with.
We frame this action within the “Global Week of Antispeciest Actions”
We reaffirm the need to consider the fight against animal exploitation important; may this be translated through our actions.
Against all forms of oppression,
rage, solidarity, and action
En la madrugada del 1º de Noviembre hicimos estallar con artefactos explosivos las ventanas de una carnicería céntrica de la ciudad de Montevideo y sellamos también sus cerraduras, por la sencilla razón de que con los animales no se jode.
Enmarcamos esta acción en la “Semana internacional de acción antiespecista“.
Reafirmamos la necesidad de darle la importancia que se merece a la lucha contra la explotación animal y que esta se traduzca en acciones.
Contra toda forma de opresión; rabia, solidaridad y acción.

November 5, 2017
by actforfreedom


1st November, North UK
‘Under the International Week of Action Against Speciesism, an egg-laying chicken farm in the north UK was sabotaged. Owned by James Potter, this farm supplies to main supermarkets around the country telling the fallacy of “free range” as somewhat “not cruel”.
One hundred chickens were freed from their slavery, the machinery and disinfectants were sabotaged, all the eggs smashed and graffiti on the walls was sprayed on reading “EAT YOUR OWN EGGS”, “FUCK THE EGG INDUSTRY”, “BARRY HORNE, A LOVE WARRIOR” and “BARRY LIVES IN THOSE WHO ACT”.
All hens are now safe and will live a life of freedom away from the exploitation of humans.
With this action, we would like to remember and give power to Barry. We do not forget and we do not give up. The Animal Liberation Front is only growing. We will fight against speciesism and we will extend our love and power to anyone oppressed by this system.
For a truly anarchist revolution,
against all hierarchies,
against animals being used as commodities.


November 5, 2017
by actforfreedom

Solidarity to G.Abdala: October ’16, attack to the french embassy of athens, from The Organisation of Revolutionary Self-defense – Athens,Greece

Mexican embassy in Athens 31st of August 2017
French Embassy in Athens 9th of October 2017
Statement of deed from The Organisation of Revolutionary Self-defense towards a new international revolutionary movement
On Sunday 31st of August, a little before dawn, we carried out an armed intervention against the mexican state, by shooting at the building of its embassy in Athens. On Wednesday 9th of October, at quarter to five a.m. we carried out another armed intervention against the french state, by throwing a hand grenade next to the guard of its embassy in Athens, opposite the greek parliament. These two aggressive actions of our organization, together with our first armed intervention on the 25th of May 2014 against PASOK, defy in deed the armed domination of the greek state and at the same time they express the vision of social revolution and of the dissolution of authoritative institutions here and now.
In order to construct a revolutionary movement on sturdy foundations, we must study the defeats of the past. We must focus on the contradictions of past movements and analyze the dynamics of class antagonism today, as a result of a historical evolution. The totalitarian capitalist aggression, which began two and a half decades ago and spreads around the globe, is connected to the fundamental crisis of the socialist movement.
The main contradiction which brought about the demise of the revolutionary wave of the 20th century is statism. Parliamentary democracy, dictatorship of political parties and, at the same time, the repression of workers’ self organization implanted bourgeois authority in the loins of social revolutions, ever since the french revolution. The revolution in Russia was led by a political and technocratic elite. Early enough, the cul-de-sac of state socialism was revealed in the repression of the revolt in Crostande and of the revolution in Ukraine in 1921. Following the 2nd imperialist war the socialist bloc, with Russia at its epicenter, underwent a gradual restructuring, by assimilating elements of capitalist antagonism. By 1989 the course to raw capitalism had been completed. The resources and the labor power of socialist states were granted to private looting from the party and technocratic elite. The nationalism that had been retained within state interrelations became a weapon of war, to be used by multinational capital for its onslaught.
The revolutionary movement in Greece paid a heavy price for the dominance of the statist dogma. In December 1944 the popular movement in Athens was left isolated and practically unarmed to be crushed by the British troops and the local fascists. Thereafter, the Communist Party (KKE) capitulated to the fascist monarchical republic and surrendered the weapons of resistance, thus abandoning the struggling masses to the brutal state and paramilitary terrorism. The national front became the guarantee of defeat for the social revolution.

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November 5, 2017
by actforfreedom


On Saturday September 16th, antifascist protests we carried out for the
4 years from the murder of Pavlos Fyssas by a raiding battalion of the
golden dawn -during the day in Keratsini, in the evening in downtown
Athens-. In the aftermath of the clashes that broke out in the evening
protest but also after in ended in Exarhia, 16-year-old Kostas B. Is
arrested. During his arrest, he is tortured viciously by the cannibals
of a riotcop unit that is camped in the area until he loses
consciousness. As soon as he arrived at GADA (Athens police
headquarters), and while he’s re-gaining his consciousness, he attempts
to escape but is hit by a passing car on Alexandras avenue.
Heavily injured, he is transferred to KAT hospital cuffed behind his
back and put into intensive care because of how critical his situation
was. While he is in an induced coma, fighting for his life, he is
guarded by cops inside the room, with the blessing of the hospital
director Nikos Kontodimopoulos. During a solidarity intervention
protesting his hospitalization conditions, he said that: “police is
above all, even me, and only they can decide”. The mass media played
their own role (as always) presenting the incident as a car accident.
And as if this all was not enough, on Monday September 25th, and while
Kostas B. is recovering, an interrogator visits the hospital, with leaks
speaking of even dna extraction. In the end, this procedure is blocked
by a solidarity gathering. In order for reactions to defuse, Kostas B.
is released on bail, with a heavy indictment.
And why did reactions have to be defused? Beatings, torturing of someone
the same age of A.Grigoropoulos and the almost tragic ending brought the
ghost of December over the heads of the Syriza government. The incidents
in December 2008 were the largest condition of social de-legitimization
of greek police in modern history. The last thing Syriza wanted is for a
social mutiny to break out just when they are promoting their tale of
growth, which together with investments to come lead us…. to the
exiting from the crisis.
In the war that is raging everyone has their role, and the police have
their, timeless role. Police personnel, through enforcing order, is what
guarantees the glamour of state and capital. Historically the police was
established as a force whose job to manage the thoughts, desires, and
directions of the population. Prevention, control and wherever

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November 5, 2017
by actforfreedom

Greece : A text letter from anarchist comrades Vaggelis Stathopoulos, and Christoforos Kortesis

Seven and a half years after our arrest in April 2010 for the
Revolutionary Struggle case, on Tuesday 24/10 ended the second degree
trial for the case. And this court ratified the obvious with its
decision: across it was declared opponents of the regime and treated
them as such. As for us, our conviction to 6 years imprisonment -charged
with forming a terrorist organization, a master key charge for
convictions- is due exclusively to what we have declared from the first
moment when refusing the charge: our political identity and action as
anarchists as well as our insubordinate attitude to all investigative
and judicial proceedings.
The vindictiveness of the prosecution mechanisms penetrates all stages
of our prosecution culminating with our re-imprisonment after the recent
decision. For the remainder of our sentence we have to serve (5 months
and 8 months respectively), the prosecutor of sentences Drakos took
special care of us by sending us to the prisons of Alikarnassos and
Kerkira respectively, isolating us from those close to us and our
political environment.

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November 5, 2017
by actforfreedom

Athens:The first Revolutionary Struggle appeal trial, which began on May 22, 2015, ended on 25 October 2017.

The five-member Court of Appeal ended after two and a half years of sessions
in Korydallos Women’s Prison.
The Appeal Court actually validated the first instance decision. Sentences of 46 years’ imprisonment (from the 50.5 years that had formerly been imposed) for the two main defendants (Kostas Gournas,  and Nikos Maziotis and pola roupa 49 years) who took responsibility for their participation in the organization and 6 years (from the 7 first in force) for both (E. Stathopoulos and Ch. Kortesis), who refuse the accusations.
Following the conclusion of the court case, comrades Vangelis Stathopoulos and Christoforos kortesis, who had been out of prison with restrictive measures for the last three years, have now been brought back to prison to complete their sentences.



November 3, 2017
by actforfreedom


Against the exploitation, detention, and torture of animals.
On the occasion of the call for an international week of anti-specistm actions, we have decided to undertake multiform actions aimed at highlighting the issue of the total liberation of animals and earth in the context of the anarchist struggle.
The relationship between humans and other animals is characterized by the objectification of the latter by the former. By putting ourselves at the center of “creation,” we begin to perceive the natural world as well as the non-human animals within it as a source of profit-oriented exploitation. In the context of this anthropocentric perspective, all self-sufficiency disappears, since everything non-human exists to serve the fake-and-no-needs of man.
The issue is dominated by a mechanistic perception where non-human animals are born lacking any sense, denying their existence as autonomous beings and subjects of life with perceptiveness and delight. At the same time, the creed, the distinction based on the species, negates any possibility of their interaction with their environment, such as their ability to experience pain and joy by turning them into objects.
Modern forms of exploitation of non-human animals are numerous. They are perceived as machines for producing meat, milk, eggs, fur, leather and as objects of entertainment and experimentation. Babies are detached directly from their mother. In the cages of productive units the hygiene conditions are miserable, infections rates are high, resulting in the disease of the incapacitated beings, which leads to their killing. Everything that reduces profit in the production process is exterminated.
The largest and most frequent production involves a continuous effort of genetic intervention in them as well as the artificial fertilization of the females, which is a systematic rape.
The animals we fail to domesticate are locked up in zoos and other structures for the sake of an all-terrestrial spectacle, or used as research tools, with the assistance of the state, thereby confirming human sovereignty within the context of civilization. Universities, war industry, pharmaceutical companies and private laboratories are a self-powered industrial complex which uses animal testing with a view to gain and maintain order in the context of mass society.
Collective action is a prerequisite for knocking out power relations, which are not limited to people. As is necessary for the confrontation with all forms of repression, the same is true of the animal issue; the latter is an integral part of the anarchist struggle.
In this context, we advocate a permanent conflict with all the death industries and the state that supports them.
International anti-crisis calls, like this on October 30-November 5, are the rebellions of rebellion that bring us closer to freedom.
Anarchist Initiative for the Complete Release of Animals & Earth

November 3, 2017
by actforfreedom

Grenoble,France: Solidarity Fires

During the night of October 26 – 27, we burned three vehicles in via Jean Perrot in Grenoble, i.e. a vehicle of the SPIE (a company that gets rich building prisons), a private security company car, and a Schindler vehicle. We also tried to set fire to a Jaguar but, for unknown reasons, it seems that it came out with just some trace on the bodywork and with the tires down.
With this gesture, we want to send our solidarity to Ghespe and Paska, presently detained in Italy following the wave of arrests last August, and the two imprisoned for the story of burnt cop-mobile. We also welcome the recent attacks on the cops in Limoges, Clermont and Isère, and we express our support for the anonymous incendiaries.
via: sansattendre.
Translated by act for freedom now!

November 3, 2017
by actforfreedom

Greece , Athens : Insurrection Festival 12th 13nt and 14th of November at polytechnic university.

16:00 Security on cellphone and internet / Digital sabotage
Bring your laptop or smartphone, and a usb stick (4 Gb enough)
19:00 ZAD Bure (France)
Story telling of rural conflicts in the struggle against the project of nuclear waste burial
22:00 Theater team Tsiritsantsoules
00:00 Music installation μουσική εγκατάσταση
The depiction of the relationship between insurrection and revolution in the historical experience of barricades, as a limiting point of the social-
political relationship
19:00 Projection
Adapt and destroy. The doctrine of counter-insurgency Introduction and conversation around the greek example
22:00 Past & Present
The organization of Exarchia’s defense on 6 December 2016 and the open social conflict fronts today
01:00 Projection
NO GOD NO MASTER ‘a history of anarchy’. Part 1o THE PASSION FOR DESTRUCTION (1840-1906)
The conditions that create the Insurrection, the battlefield and the de-briefing.
19:00 Intervention from political prisoners
22:00 An attack to Florence Carabinieri station
A bomb outside the fascist library that ends up with the serious injury of a cop & and the repression wave that follows with squat evacuations and imprison of 2 comrades.
Information and discussion with the participation of prosecuted comrade from Italy.
01:00 LIVE
-StreetDog (marocco)
-DOXA from Brava (france)
-16 MONKEYS ARMATA (italy)

DURING the festival
  • free price brochures, books from movement publishers, workshops, collective kitchen.
Act for free receve by mail

November 3, 2017
by actforfreedom

Graz, Austria: Snatches of struggle against the construction of a power station on the banks of the Mur

Graz, Austria: spontaneous demonstration against the power plant construction site
Monday, October 2, we expressed our rage against the construction site of the power station on the bank of the Mur. Nearly 20 people moved spontaneously and uncontrollably through Graz city centre with a banner reading “Bring down the State, not the trees”. Several hundred leaflets were given out, traffic was intermittently blocked and fireworks were set off.
After an hour or so, the demonstration dissolved, the banner was hung from a fence of the construction site and everyone had disappeared before the cops arrived at the scene of the demo.
A brief quote from the flyer:
“The struggle around the river Mur is only part of the confrontation concerning our surroundings and ultimately our lives. Every attack initiated against authority is a step of irresponsibility. Because it shows that nothing is impossible – no matter what they try to make us swallow day after day. “
The projects of dominion are rotting and destroying our lives, let’s sabotage them together! With all means…
Let’s destroy power!
via: sansattendre.
Translated by act for freedom now!

November 2, 2017
by actforfreedom

[Porto Alegre, Bra$il] “When anarchy disturbs” LIbrary Kaos statement about the prosecution against anarchists

via A_N_A
translated by tormentasdefogo
There are many things to say, but we will start with the most urgent. In the 25 of October began an anti-anarchist persecution against FAG [Gaucho Anarchist Federation] Parhesia institute, Pandorga squat and some individuals who had their spaces and houses raided by cops. If not all, probably a good part of the anarchist diversity was reached and several of them spoke firmly from their agreement against repression. And this is a fresh air that strengthens every one who feels sedition.
It is evident that the aim of the agents of repression also points against us, against the publications we have made or in which we participate. And that is what we are going to say. “The chronology of the Anarchic Confrontation”, the one that collects information from 2000 to 2015, and the one that collects the anarchic trigger of 2016, both are the books that are being exhibited as “evidence” of vandalism, attacks, and criminal acts. Among the many ways anarchism has to search for freedom, these books speak of anarchic informality as an option according to the current domination’s face. Further, we clarify that these books speak of actions but not only anarchists ones. The focus of the books is the diffusion of anarchic actions. To be more precise, it spread actions in which we feel the aroma of anarchy. And between anarchism and anarchy there are differences that may be delicate but which are important.

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November 1, 2017
by actforfreedom

Greece,Thessaloniki – Italian consulate attacked In Solidarity with comrades Pierloreto Fallanca and Salvatore Vespertino

For action against states, capital and the mechanisms of authority:
to eliminate the distances with insurgents around the world, to break
the isolation of imprisoned comrades.
On 3 August, the Italian state carried out 8 arrests of comrades accusing them of involvement in 2 different episodes (6 in Florence, one in Rome and one in Lecce). It is worth remembering that in order to carry out 2 of these arrests, the cops evicted the Riottosa Zquat in Florence. Specifically, 5 are accused of placing a bomb outside a fascist bookshop in Florence, which, exploding, seriously injured a cop, while the three others are accused of a molotov attack on a carabinieri barracks in the same city. In the days that followed, 6 of them were released due to insufficient evidence. Concerning the comrades still in prison, Pierloreto Fallanca is accused of being a member of a criminal association, Salvatore Vespertino, of attempted murder of the cop, with a biological DNA trace as the only evidence.
These persecutions are part of the modern strategy of a dominion that aims at repressing struggles, causing material damage to communities in struggle, the arrest and detention of anarchists, revolutionaries, insurgents and the defamation, marginalization and emptying of ideological significance of their actions.

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November 1, 2017
by actforfreedom

Action claim for anarchist Santiago Maldonado . Copenhagen, Denmark

In the night between the 17th and 18th of October we vandalized the entrance of the Argentinian embassy in Copenhagen with paint. We also wrote the name Santiago Maldonado and a circled A.
We did this because the Argentinian state is responsible for the disappearance of the anarchist Santiago Maldonado that happened more than two months ago. A few days after our action we heard the sad news that his dead body had been found. The state and the police are responsible! We are angry!
Some anarchists.

November 1, 2017
by actforfreedom

Text from Anarchist communist Tasos Theofilou about his release from the court on July 2017

Text from Tasos Theofilou about his release from the court
The depth and intensity of my gratitude for the people who with whatever means supported me all these years far exceeds my ability to express it. At the same time, my discharge from all categories is much more important than a personal vindication. It is a victory for the world of the struggle against repression. A victory of the underdogs against the deep police state. A victory of the movement and alternative media against the dominant mainstream media. A victory of counter-information against the regime’s propaganda. A victory of the movement against the depravity of authority.
The decision of any court that had to confront such a voluminous file, but missing any kind of proof, such as the first degree court and also the second degree one, could not be anything other than political. But in contrast to the 1st degree, the majority of the members of the 2nd degree Felony Court of Appeal had the honesty to remain consistent in their declarations of – still classist – criminal justice and not succumb to the pressure of the lobby of the “anti-terrorist” crusade, but listen to the solidarity movement, ultimately acquitting me of all the charges.
So this decision is at the same time a first threshold on the machinations of the anti-terrorism unit and their industry of persecutions that have as their spearheads the anti-terrorism law 187A and the pseudo-scientific element of DNA.
The field of criminal justice can and must be one more field of struggle, as the individual court decisions that materialize also define – always within the limits that their class position imposes – social and political correlations. This particular struggle has future points of reference. From Irianna’s release application to the court on July 17th to the trial of Skouries case following in September, and any protester trial up to every terror-court.
Tasos Theofilou

Translated by A.F.F.N.

November 1, 2017
by actforfreedom

Greece , Thessaloniki – Responsibility Claim on 23/5/17 Solidarity with anarchist comrades T. Theofilou and D. Harisis.

Salonika – Responsibility Claim
The existing authoritarian structure comes from and at the same time is maintained by a  series of institutions and mechanisms, including thejudicial system. The latter contributes to  the reproduction of the state and capitalism. Through laws that make up the model of the peaceful and well-respected citizen, condemn each deviant behaviour, seek to erase any struggle and insurrectional flame and at the same time terrorize those who choose to fight. From the prosecutors who measure lives with numbers enclosed in filing cabinets, the judges who by hitting a hammer like modern inquisition priests send lives to the dungeons of democracy, right up to the lawyers that barter the lives of the “accused”.
Specifically in the case of enemies of democracy, the vengefulness of the judicial system invalidates the face of indiscriminate justice and goes hand in hand alongside all the mechanisms of repression. Abductions of comrades, imprisonment and isolation of friends and relatives and the violent taking of fingerprints and DNA. While new legislations, (anti-terrorist law, anti-protest law) are written to enhance fear, to give a reason for imposing abusive sentences and ensuring the longevity of the fortification against the enemy within.

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November 1, 2017
by actforfreedom

Italy – The trial story against Silvia, Billy and Costa ends in the Court of Cassation

After five years of hearings, the trial of Silvia, Billy and Costa, accused by the Procuratorate of the Turin Republic of transportation of and receiving explosives between Italy and Switzerland for purposes of terrorism, concluded in Rome today. From the time Silvia, Billy and Costa terminated the sentences imposed in the trial in Switzerland, the Procuratorate of Turin, in the role of Attorney Arnaldi Di Balme, had tried to set up a trial first for subversive association (involving other people involved in the Coalition against noxiousness) and subsequently, with more appeals, tried to prove that part of the sabotage attempt in Switzerland had been prepared in Italy, at least in the procuring and transportation of  materials.
The cassation court, on the other hand, confirmed the previous judgment of impunity in accordance with the principle “Ne bis in idem”, that is, a person cannot be judged several times for the same offence, appealing therefore to a principle of fault in jurisdiction. For those who want to go into it further, they can read the publication “Solidarity and complicity”: a collection of texts around the attempted sabotage of the IBM centre on nanotechnologies in Switzerland and the solidarity expressed by  realities of movement also at the international level.
Translated by A.F.F.N.

November 1, 2017
by actforfreedom

Transnationational Gathering for G20 Prisoners Support , 03.- 05.11.17 Hamburg rote Flora

The campaign “UNITED WE STAND” is a loose network of different people and groups to support the ones who face repression after the g20 summit in Hamburg. Our focus is to support them during prison and trial.
We invite particulary those we have comrades, friends and relatives in jail because of the g20 summit – to get to know us, exchange experiences, come together, develop ideas and strategies and to learn from each other. We want to gain more power together to handle repression.
During the gathering, we want to develop future action strategies, it’s not a wrap-up.
The shedule
Friday: arriving, food and get to know each other
Saturday: breakfast, actual situation of prisoners and trial, we
would like to discuss the following topics
  • Trial
  • support
  • Networking
  • sustainabiliti
Sunday: demonstration the the jail in Hamburg-Billwerder with a manifestation with greetings, music and encouragement.
We welcome your ideas and suggestions for the weekend, please tell us
with the application.
Please write us if you come as soon as possible, thereby we can support
you with your expenses and to find a place to stay.
See you in november “UNITED WE STAND”