- published: 12 Jan 2014
- views: 33786
Runes (Proto-Norse: ᚱᚢᚾᛟ (runo), Old Norse: rún) are the letters in a set of related alphabets known as runic alphabets, which were used to write various Germanic languages before the adoption of the Latin alphabet and for specialised purposes thereafter. The Scandinavian variants are also known as futhark or fuþark (derived from their first six letters of the alphabet: F, U, Þ, A, R, and K); the Anglo-Saxon variant is futhorc or fuþorc (due to sound changes undergone in Old English by the names of those six letters).
Runology is the study of the runic alphabets, runic inscriptions, runestones, and their history. Runology forms a specialised branch of Germanic linguistics.
The earliest runic inscriptions date from around 150 AD. The characters were generally replaced by the Latin alphabet as the cultures that had used runes underwent Christianisation, by approximately 700 AD in central Europe and 1100 AD in northern Europe. However, the use of runes persisted for specialized purposes in northern Europe. Until the early 20th century, runes were used in rural Sweden for decorative purposes in Dalarna and on Runic calendars.
Runes Made Easy, Part 1 - How to Read Runes
What Are Runes?
The vikings runes
Muslim Vikings and Magic Letters: the odd history of Runes pt 1
How to Cast Runes (Runes for Beginners)
The Dark Ages: Viking Runes
Se préparer pour la S7 - Les runes TOP
Operation Werewolf - Runes Part 1
Writing Old Norse in Runes
Les Sentiers du Réel - Thierry Rodhan - Les Runes partie 1
This is part of a series of 4 brief videos to help newcomers to runes memorize their meanings. This video series should help you get on your feet so you can start reading the runes after watching this series, with no book in hand. Future videos will include some reading methods, once you have the meanings down. The blog including the link to all 4 videos is located at: http://www.donnaleigh.com/apps/blog/show/40667462 These meanings are not complete, and I do not include the rich history that comes with runes. The viewer is encouraged to continue their studies on the runes to continue to learn more. This series is intended to inspire so you feel capable of giving them a go.
What are runes? Are they different from Witches' Runes? What are they used for? You can find the runes I use at - www.castastone.com Business facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/LunarWisdom CricketSong's facaebook fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/pages/CricketSong/246657515390970 Website: http://www.lunarwisdom.net/
Runology is the study of the runic alphabets, runic inscriptions, runestones, and their history. Runology forms a specialised branch of Germanic linguistics. The earliest runic inscriptions date from around 150 AD. The characters were generally replaced by the Latin alphabet as the cultures that had used runes underwent Christianisation, by approximately 700 AD in central Europe and 1100 AD in northern Europe. However, the use of runes persisted for specialized purposes in northern Europe. Until the early 20th century, runes were used in rural Sweden for decorative purposes in Dalarna and on Runic calendars.
Pillaging Vikings, huge runestones, protective amulets... Discover the linguistics behind the Norse Runes! Meet the Elder Futhark and the Younger Futhark. See how the Norse used them. Learn why the Germanic runemasters were very different from the "book and ink club" writing in medieval languages like Arabic and Latin. This is part 1 of a collaboration with The Endless Knot. Part 2 reveals the history behind the word "rune" and some surprising ways runes are relevant to English: https://youtu.be/Cl6qVHxMaDg CREDITS Art and animation by Josh from NativLang. The Endless Knot logo used with permission from Alliterative. Old Norse runestones and translations based on Rundata (Samnordisk runtextdatabas). Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com): - Big Mojo - Our Story Begins - The Path ...
This video shows some of the ways that runes can be read. If you do not know the meanings of runes, be sure to see my quick-start guide at http://www.divinewhispers.net/apps/blog/show/40667462.
Runes. The Viking world was full of them. In an extract from The Dark Ages: An Age of Light, Waldemar Januszczak explains their importance in the much-misunderstood Viking culture. The complete series is now available on DVD from the ZCZ Films shop: http://www.zczfilms.com/shop/films/the-dark-ages-an-age-of-light/
For the esoterrorist. First video in a series dealing with runes and their application in a no bullshit fashion. Articles, e-books and equipment at www.operationwerewolf.com
See below for the runes and their names. Dr. Jackson Crawford introduces the Younger Futhark, the runic alphabet that was actually in use during the Old Norse period, and offers a brief tutorial on which letters represent which sounds in Old Norse. Dr. Jackson Crawford is a historical linguist who teaches in the Department of Scandinavian at the University of California, Berkeley (formerly at UCLA), and is credited in Disney’s Frozen. His new, contemporary translation of the Poetic Edda—the most important source for the stories of the Norse gods and heroes—is available at https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1624663567 Support Jackson Crawford's educational videos about Old Norse language and myth on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/norsebysw and get exclusive bonus content including tra...
Les runes sont un outil ancestral tiré de l'alphabet éponyme. Plusieurs grands peuples les utilisèrent avec plus ou moins de variantes dans les symboles. Que savait-on voir dans les Runes? Beaucoup de choses semble-t-il et avec beaucoup de précision. Thierry Rodhan nous explique dans cette première partie les bases de cet art divinatoire pas comme les autres... Bonne vidéo! Musique d'intro : Alexis Lambin Pour télécharger cette vidéo au format mp3 : http://gofile.me/1QyBZ/kHXbafBw
I know myself hanging there
For nice icy nights
Facing the endless darkness around me
Wounded by my own spear
On the wind cold tree
I am Odin - Hallowed by my own rite
A tree unknown the roots be sprouts
Lets my life slowly fade
From a bough of Yggdrasil I hung
Committed to my fate
Delivered to the fright
Of endless ice and night
I had to gaze into the misty world
Of Niflheim - the dire northern frost empire
In my self chosen solitude
Runes you will reveal
In the dust of ancient times
Remember my sacrifice
When I hung for these nine nights
Runes they were concealed
In the dust of ancient times
I died to be reborn
When I suffered these nine nights
When I begun to grow
Evanescent by pain
I sunk from the tree with a sigh
The knowledge of the dead I learnt
Cause only cruelty can forge