About The Chamber

Top 10 Reasons to Join the Chamber!

  1. Increase Your Online Visibility

    Generate more awareness of your business through a complimentary enhanced business listing on GoKennebunks.com. Promote features of your business, link to your website and social media networks, create a photo gallery, advertise jobs, post events on the community calendar and more!

  2. Access Our Community

    Chamber membership is an ideal forum for meeting and building relationships with the local business community.

  3. Promote a Healthy Local Economy

    The Chamber works closely with towns, economic development boards, state government and tourism groups to address issues affecting business concerns.

  4. Learn New Skills

    Attend educational seminars to learn about business related topics and interact with local businesses.

  5. Be Seen in the Guidebook

    Your business listing in the “Experience the Kennebunks” guidebook goes out to 70,000 people worldwide and more online.

  6. Participate In Destination Marketing

    Be a part of the overall marketing of our community to drive more business and visitors to the area, including partnerships with Cruise Portland Maine, Maine Beaches Association and Maine Motorcoach Network.

  7. Advertise in the Visitor Centers

    Display rack cards, menus and event posters and business cards in the Chamber’s two visitor centers. Over 11,000 people annually visit these centers for area information, referrals, assistance and relocation information. Estimated visitation to the Maine Beaches area in 2013 exceeded 11 million visitors

  8. Market Your Business

    Get in front of visitors, residents and businesses with marketing and sponsorship opportunities exclusively for Chamber members.

  9. Enhance Your Credibility

    Chamber membership conveys credibility and gives your business a competitive edge.

  10. Cost Savings

    Receive comprehensive savings through member only group purchasing program for health insurance. The Chamber is developing a member to member discount program and your business can be a part of the action!