Showing posts with label Myanmar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Myanmar. Show all posts

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

NWO Nonsense - Burmese Drone Aung San Suu Kyi's New Party Logo

All you need to know about Burmese puppet Aung San Suu Kyi is the occult/masonic meaning of the nefarious Pentagram and Peacock/Phoenix logo her party has "chosen" and just unveiled; a thing that tells us a lot about the vile luciferian/satanic entity pulling the strings in Myanmar, as well as worldwide!

The pentagram very prominently adorns the forehead of the lovely horned luciferian god Baphomet (i.e. satan)

The five-pointed star, known as the pentagram, is probably the most blatant occult symbol in use today. Witches Janet and Stewart Farrar explain that the five-pointed star is "one of the main symbols of witchcraft and occultism in general" ('Hidden Secrets of the Eastern Star' p. 82).

The star itself is known by different names throughout the occult world, such as a witch's foot, a goblin's cross, a wizard's star and the dog star. Wiccan witches use its five points to mystically represent the elements of nature, earth, fire, water, air and spirit.

This symbol is one of the most prominent emblems within Freemasonry, though its significance, like every symbol inherited from the occult, is concealed behind a smokescreen of secret society ambiguity.

The five-pointed star is found on most Masonic memorabilia and represents the blasphemous resurrection rite of the five points of fellowship, each point mystically symbolizing a part of the resurrection act. First - Foot to foot. Second - Knee to knee. Third - Hand in hand. Fourth - Breast to breast. Fifth and last - Left hand behind back.

via delusionresistance

The pentagram is also alluded to in one of the freemasons' key symbols, the so-called "Square and Compass" (below.)

Albert Pike states in the tome "Morals and Dogma" [page 631-32] that the Monad symbol here represents the male, and the Duad represents the female. Their sexual union produces the Triad, which is "represented by the letter 'G', the generative principle" ( i.e. code for the sex act.)

Meanwhile, there's the favourite bird of the vile NBC and of course insidious luciferian drone and muzak monger Bono, the peacock - which is another prominent occult symbol of lucifier (aka satan) being thought to represent knowledge (Gnosis) and immortality.

As well as screaming like a motherf*cker and annoying Dublin folk more than Bono's bullshit caterwauling, the peacock was an object of veneration in ancient times back in the NWO crowd's beloved Egypt. Meanwhile, the Greeks dedicated the Peacock to Juno.

Because of the myriad "one-eye" symbols (representing the "All Seeing Eye" ... aka "The Eye of Horus" ... aka "The Eye of Satan") in the bird's tail feathers, the peacock was accepted as the symbol of wisdom, and on account of its general appearance it was often thought to be the fabled phoenix of the Mysteries.

Alchemical illustration of Cauda Pavonis (i.e. The Tail of the Peacock)

There was also a curious belief that the flesh of the peacock will not putrefy even though kept for a considerable time.

As a consequence of these aspects, in occult circles, the peacock became the emblem of immortality, based on the 'belief' that the spiritual nature of man (like the flesh of this bird) is incorruptible.

The bird on here - like on the original US seal (later "hidden" via the Eagle symbol) and suggested on the dollar bill - also represents the Egyptian phoenix - and the rebirth of all things luciferian on what was once God-fearing Earth,

And here in  Suu Kyi's insidious logo, for extra good measure (and just to slightly over-egg the pudding - so to speak - as is the wont of these fuckers!) the face on this thing houses another luciferian fave, the ubiquitous Horns of Satan ... so beloved by luciferian drones like Dopey Dubya (and his evil pawww!), Drugrunner Clinton, Midget Sarkozy, Thaksin Shitwad and some Kenyan named Obama!

Aung San Suu Kyi party unveils logo in Burma politics run

... Aung San Suu Kyi’s party has chosen the image of a fighting peacock gazing at a white star as its new voting emblem to contest Burmese elections for the first time in a generation.
12 Dec 2011

The image, which is similar to the party’s flag and will be its official insignia at the ballot box, is a symbol of the country’s struggle for change, said Win Htein, a senior member of the National League for Democracy (NLD).

“In our new seal, the white star represents the revolution. It was used many years ago as revolutionary symbol,” he said.

The choice is a potentially provocative move against the military-backed government, which has consistently sought to suppress use of the peacock symbol. First used as a national symbol, the dancing peacock has since been adopted by Aung San, Miss Suu Kyi’s father and founder of independent Burma as well as the 1988 student’s democracy movement.

The military blocked two breakaway opposition parties from using the symbol in last year’s general election.

But the announcement was broadcast on the state-run media in an unusual concession by the army-dominated government, which has embarked on a series of reform measures in recent months, including holding talks with critics.

The NLD has accepted an invitation to rejoin the political mainstream and applied in November to re-register as a political party. Suu Kyi has said she will take part in forthcoming by-elections, although no date has been set.

Win Htein said the peacock was chosen in an homage to student protesters involved in the country’s 1988 rallies against the military which were brutally crushed by the then ruling junta.

“Students demonstrated against the government under the fighting peacock symbol during the 1988 democracy uprising. So we used this image to acknowledge the struggle of students,” he said.

At least 3,000 people were killed in the crackdown, and many democracy activists including Suu Kyi were later locked up. Some student leaders remain in prison and their release is a key demand of the international community.

Emblems are used in Burma as a visual marker for voters unable to read.

The NLD’s new symbol replaces its well-known bamboo hat trademark, which was used by a breakaway group that participated in the much-criticised November 2010 elections.

The hat symbol became a source of bitter contention during the run-up to the poll – the first since an NLD victory in 1990 that was never recognised by the junta.

Suu Kyi’s party refused to participate in the 2010 vote because of rules that appeared designed to exclude the Nobel laureate.

Its boycott led to a splinter group forming a new party, the National Democratic Force (NDF), which appropriated the hat sign.

The NDF now has a handful of seats in the new parliament and continues to use the symbol, despite complaints by Suu Kyi’s party.

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Bad Day In The Office - Cinema Sweetheart Michelle Yeoh Deported From Myanmar

Myanmar deports Michelle Yeoh after Suu Kyi movie

via AP

YANGON, Myanmar (AP) — The military-backed government of Myanmar has deported Hollywood actress Michelle Yeoh, who stars as pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi in an upcoming movie, officials said Tuesday.

The Malaysian actress arrived in the country's main city, Yangon, on June 22 and was deported the same day because she was on a blacklist, a government official said.

The official, who declined to be identified because he was not authorized to speak to the press, did not say why Yeoh was on the list. But Myanmar's repressive government has routinely rejected visa requests of journalists and perceived critics for years.

Suu Kyi spokesman Nyan Win confirmed Yeoh was deported but had no other details.

The Luc Besson movie about Suu Kyi's life, "The Lady," is due out later this year, and Yeoh has said she hopes her portrayal of Suu Kyi will raise awareness about the Nobel Peace Prize winner's story.

Suu Kyi, 66, spent most of the last two decades detained by the former military junta. She was released last year, just days after an election that her party boycotted and in which she was barred from being a candidate.

The vote was the nation's first in 20 years, and in March, the junta handed power to a civilian government. But critics say little has changed and the new government is merely a front for continued rule by the army, which has been in power here since 1962.

Yeoh visited Myanmar in December and spent time with Suu Kyi for the movie, which was filmed in neighboring Thailand.

Yeoh, a former Miss Malaysia, shot to international fame when she costarred with Pierce Brosnan in the 1997 James Bond film "Tomorrow Never Dies" as a tough but beautiful Chinese spy. She has also starred in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and "Memoirs of a Geisha."

Thursday, 26 August 2010

The Music - Beautiful Burmese Babes The Tiger Girls

I thought the only thing happening in fascistic Burma (or what's now called Myanmar) was the freemason/CIA military junta and their massive heroin trade! Well, there is that... but there's this too!

Well, the NWO's global social engineering programme knows no boundaries!!

Yap, here's a new girl group of Beautiful Burmese Babes called the Tiger Girls! (yap, they're big gans of philandering golfers!!)

The members are, of course, called Baby Tiger, Chilli Tiger, Electro Tiger, Missy Tiger and Tricky Tiger! ... Burmese names sure are weird! (nah, they've never heard of the Spice Girls!!

After Asian K-Pop and J-Pop, I guess this type of stuff must be called "B-Pop" ... or "M-Pop"!

Anyway, here the pack of Tigers strut their stuff!! ANd knock out a ditty too, the title of which I don't have a f*cking clue about!

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Burmese Reptiles running the Zoo

Stephane Peray, The Nation, Bangkok, Thailand

Thursday, 1 January 2009

Sexy Tila Tequila strips for Burma!

A rather strange one this!

Vietnamese hotty Tila Nguyen is sizzling in this vid which seeks to attain publicity for the plight of the Burmese people, ruled for decades by a ruthless dictator.

Man, if I'd had a teacher like that, I wouldn't have left school at 11 and consequently not be having no book smarts!

Click Above To View Tila Tequila

Saturday, 24 May 2008

Myanmar Disaster - Please help the countless suffering people in Myanmar.

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Jimmy Margulies, New Jersey - The Record
Visit Jimmy
E-Mail Jimmy

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Read more about the horrific Myanmar disaster here; myanmar-massacre-banky

You can help the plight of the countless suffering people in Myanmar.

Every small amount helps.

Please contribute to one of these charities;

ADRA International


Care International

Accepts online donations in British Pounds.

Foundation for the People of Burma

Accepts online donations in US Dollars.

Friends of the World Food Program


By donating to UNICEF and Direct Relief International throught this Google page, Google will do too for US$ 1 million.

Project HOPE

Save the Children

US Fund for UNICEF

World Concern

World Vision

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Friday, 23 May 2008

Myanmar Massacre / Useless United Nations make a move all too late

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Adam Zyglis, Buffalo, NY, The Buffalo News
Visit Adam's site. E-mail Adam.

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Myanmar Massacre / Useless United Nations make a move all too late

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Cyclone Nargis, which struck in the early hours of May 3, killed over 78,000 people in Myanmar, with 56,000 missing, according to official Government figures.

According to the United Nations, the number of deaths well exceeded 100,000.

I have heard on news reports today that this UN figure is inaccurate and that there are over 140,000 dead !

140,000 dead is shocking in the extreme. What's worse though, and utterly abhorrent and inhuman, is the fact that a large percentage of these deaths were avoidable.

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.On top of that of course are the staggering numbers of people displaced by the tragedy.

The numbers here make my head spin. Current reports estimate that two million (2,000,000) citizens are displaced and without proper shelter or relief.

Nowhere to shelter from the relentless monsoon rains.

Nowhere to rest weary and sick bodies.

Nothing at all substantial to eat.

Very little untainted water to drink.

Nothing to help prevent the spread of water borne disease.

No medicines to help the hurt and injured.

two million (2,000,000) human beings in dire need of assistance, in need of human compassion.

The numbers are utterly obscene.

To put this in context, it is equivalent to over half of the citizens of Ireland being displaced, homeless and suffering! If that were the situation there, the world would be mourning it as the greatest disaster of recent times.

But the disaster happened and exists in some secluded Asian country that nobody knows about, therefore the world response is horribly muted.

Amazingly, U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon, aka Banky, only today visited Myanmar's flooded Irrawaddy delta, where the ravages of the cyclone stretched as far as the eye could see: Villages were empty of life, flattened huts dissolved into vast areas of water and people perched on rooftops.

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Now the amazing thing of course is that Banky is only doing this today - almost three weeks after the cyclone.

Yes, three weeks!

Three interminably long weeks, every minute of which was spent in unimaginable pain and suffering by the dying and helpless poor people of Myanmar.

Three interminably long weeks, every minute of which was filled with needless death.

Three weeks during which there have been countless avoidable casualties suffered at the hands of the storm, but more specifically at the bloody hands of the military junta in charge in Myanmar.

Desperately needed aid, as well as specialist international disaster relief experts, were prevented from entering the country by this scumbag junta. Thousands upon thousands of innocent people perished as a consequence.

Immediately after the disaster, the priority for this nasty military junta was to ensure that a planned referendum that would see these scum stay in power over the coming years, was conducted. They cared not one jot for the thousands of corpses piling up in the paddy fields and on the streets.

The same military junta who, in a country of unimaginable poverty, have immense personal financial wealth.

This obscene wealth was evidenced in 2006 when the porcine daughter of the main military junta scumbag, Than Shwe, was wed in a disgustingly lavish ceremony involving the giving of diamonds to the privileged guests as well as other outrageous displays of vulgarity and elitism.

My understanding is that the UN's key mandate is to oversee that situations like this do not arise, (situations where Governments use their power to abuse and effectively kill their citizens) and, should they arise, to ensure that appropriate justice is brought to bear upon the perpetrators of the Crimes Against Humanity - which is what these events clearly are.

Not only a mandate of the UN, but too of the International Community, who sat idly by.

The UN, the International Community and especially the main world powers (USA et al) are morally bound to ensure that the status quo in Myanmar is changed and that this evil Junta is brought down.

They need to ensure too that these junta scum receive appropriate justice for these Crimes Against Humanity.

There is however an extreme reluctance on the part of all such parties to get involved.

This is clearly evidenced by Banky's idleness for the past three weeks.

For the world powers,
political and strategic imperatives, with which such actions would inevitably conflict, have taken priority.

The UN should have brought all their powers to bear on this situation in the immediate aftermath of the disaster, not wait three weeks for its head honcho to take a helicopter ride in Myanmar!

"I'm very upset by what I've seen" Banky said. So he should be! And ashamed too!

It seems crystal clear that significant changes at the UN need to be made.

For a start, as the head honcho of that useless group, Banky needs to be booted out of his role.

The UN needs to be given a kick in the ass and revamped so that it will in future meet its mandate and do what the fuck it is that the UN is supposed to do!

If the UN cannot be revamped, it should be canned and the billions of dollars donated to it better used elsewhere.

Utterly inhuman sickening situations like this can never be allowed occur again.

You can help the plight of the countless suffering people in Myanmar.

Every small amount helps.

Please contribute to one of these charities;

ADRA International


Care International

Accepts online donations in British Pounds.

Foundation for the People of Burma

Accepts online donations in US Dollars.

Friends of the World Food Program


By donating to UNICEF and Direct Relief International throught this Google page, Google will do too for US$ 1 million.

Project HOPE

Save the Children

US Fund for UNICEF

World Concern

World Vision

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Myanmar Massacre II

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Nate Beeler, The Washington Examiner, Washington, D.C.

Visit Nate's site. E-Mail Nate.

Myanmar Massacre

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Mike Keefe, The Denver Post -- Mike's award winning work has appeared in the Post for more than 20 years.

visit Mike's web site. E-Mail Mike.

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