Showing posts with label Freemasons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freemasons. Show all posts

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

NWO Nefariousness - Bonzo's Bullshit End Game: Ronny the Shill on the Future Black Flag "Alien Invasion" to Force the NWO Global Government

Monday, 2 July 2012

Art of the Cover - Two Door Cinema Club's "Beacon" (2012)

The Norn Iron boys are back, with their new collection graced by a shot of a typical Friday night in Belfast! That, or some subtle, albeit coarse, Eye Of Horus symbolism.

Yap, it's album number two, with the title "Beacon." Man, I wonder what they mean by that title! ... Well, other subtle song titles like 'Sun', 'Pyramid', ' Handshake' and the LP cover, provide some, erm, illumination.


1. Next Year
2. Handshake
3. Wake Up
4. Sun
5. Someday
6. Sleep Alone
7. The World Is Watching (with Valentina)
8. Settle
9. Spring
10. Pyramid
11. Beacon

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Sinister Shit - BBC Uses a 2003 Picture from Iraq to Incite War Against Syria

BBC Uses a 2003 Picture from Iraq to Incite War Against Syria

May 29th, 2012
By vigilant citizen

When it is time to justify the invasion of a country that is of no threat to Allied forces, mass media deception kicks into high gear to sway public opinion. Only a few years after the “Watch-out-Saddam-is-gonna-nuke-us-all-with-weapons-of-mass-destruction” fabrication, mass media is now being flooded with horrible stories from Syria to incite people in Western countries to think “I hope we go in there and clean up this mess”. However, as it is often the case in war propaganda, lies, fabrications and deceit are used to justify military action.

A recent example of this is the BBC using a horrifying picture from 2003 in Iraq to illustrate an alleged massacre that happened in Houla, Syria. When a “reputed” news source such as BBC gets caught using fake pictures to demonise a country, one can wonder what other fabricated insidious lies appear in the news and goes unnoticed.

Here’s an article on BBC’s “mistake” .....

Oops, BBC: Iraq photo to illustrate Houla massacre?

With the shock of the Houla tragedy ringing across the world, the BBC has released a story with a harrowing picture of rows and rows of children’s bodies awaiting burial… But isn’t that post-Saddam Iraq?

Photographer Marco di Lauro who took the shot grabbed by the BBC says he nearly “fell off his chair” after finding the picture on the network’s website with a caption reading: “Photo from Activist. This image – which cannot be independently verified – is believed to show bodies of children in Houla awaiting funeral.”

The picture was actually taken on March 27, 2003; it depicts an Iraqi boy jumping over dozens of white body bags containing skeletons found in a desert south of Baghdad. The image, which is published on Marco di Lauro’s website, is part of his story Iraq, the Aftermath of Saddam.

Marco di Lauro takes photographs for Getty Images picture agency, his works have been published across Europe and the US. But the indication that the BBC picked his image from the internet, not from official stock worries him somewhat.

“What I am really astonished by is that a news organization like the BBC doesn’t check the sources and it’s willing to publish any picture sent it by anyone: activist, citizen journalist or whatever. That’s all,” the photographer told The Daily Telegraph.

“Someone is using someone else’s picture for propaganda on purpose,” he added.

A BBC spokesman says the picture, illustrating Sunday night’s story “Syria Massacre in Houla Condemned as Outrage Grows,” was taken down “immediately” when the source was identified.

“We were aware of this image being widely circulated on the internet in the early hours of this morning following the most recent atrocities in Syria. We used it with a clear disclaimer saying it could not be independently verified,” he added.

These words about information “which cannot be independently verified” have become a trademark of media coverage of the 14-month conflict in Syria. Before UN special envoy Kofi Annan brought his peace plan to the troubled Arab country, the Syrian government had remained reluctant to open borders to most international journalists.

But even now the bulk of information comes from people calling themselves opposition activists – via amateur videos uploaded to YouTube or eyewitness reports.

But sometimes it looks that the mantra “cannot be independently verified” serves as a disclaimer to publish information which wouldn’t stand a chance of ever being verified.

- Source:

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Art of the Cover - Noah Gundersen's "Family" (2011)

These things couldn't possibly be vaguely subtle (using those adjectives very loosely!) representations of one of the arcane luciferian sect of freemasonry's key symbols; their beloved pyramids ... here, like the dollar bill of "the Great Satan" USA, replete with the so-called "All-Seeing Eye" (i.e. "Eye Of Horus" ... aka "Eye Of Satan") at their apex for double good (evil!) measure??

Yap, good ole Pyramids and All Seeing Eyes, sick symbols of the masonic enslavement of the dumb masses, who have for some many many decades now been truly and f*cking utterly .... erm, enslaved?

Nah, of course they're not! Just a totally random configuration of chalets or some shit!!

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Welcome To The Occupation - U.S. Marine spared from jail time in Iraq killings

U.S. Marine spared from jail time in Iraq killings

By Mary Slosson | Reuters

CAMP PENDLETON, Calif (Reuters) -

A U.S. Marine accused of leading a 2005 massacre of 24 civilians in the Iraqi city of Haditha was spared jail time when he was sentenced on Tuesday for his role in killings that brought international condemnation on U.S. troops.

The harshest penalty Staff Sergeant Frank Wuterich, 31, now faces for his guilty plea on Monday to a single count of dereliction of duty is a demotion to the rank of private, the lowest rank in the service, as recommended by a military judge.

More serious charges of involuntary manslaughter and aggravated assault were dismissed as part of a plea deal that cut short Wuterich's court-martial.

The outcome appeared certain to stoke outrage among Iraqis, adding to anger over other abuses by U.S. soldiers or private security contractors, including the 2004 Abu Ghraib prison scandal, during the more than eight years troops spent in Iraq since the U.S.-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein in 2003.

Even before it became clear that Wuterich would be spared from serving time in jail, relatives of the victims decried the results of his court-martial as a disgrace.

The head of the Iraqi parliament's human rights committee, Saleem al-Jubouri, said terms of the plea deal were "a violation of Iraqis' dignity" and vowed to convene his panel on Wednesday to discuss the matter.

Wuterich, whose guilty plea had carried a maximum possible penalty of three months in jail, showed no emotion as a military judge pronounced his sentence.

But in a pre-sentencing statement he read in court earlier in the day, Wuterich expressed remorse for the slayings and said he realized his name would always be associated with "being a cold-blooded baby-killer, an out of control monster."

As part of his guilty plea, Wuterich accepted responsibility for giving negligent verbal instructions to the Marines under his command when he told them to "shoot first and ask questions later," orders that resulted in the deaths of civilians.

In his court statement on Tuesday, Wuterich added that when he gave that order, "the intent wasn't that they should shoot civilians. It was that they would not hesitate in the face of the enemy."

He said that he and his fellow Marines behaved honorably under extreme circumstances, and that he "never fired my weapon at any women or children that day."

A final decision on a demotion of rank for Wuterich is up to the commander of the Marine Corps Forces Central Command, Lieutenant General Thomas Waldhauser, who had ruled out any confinement as part of the punishment.

Any discharge process faced by Wuterich, a father of three girls, will be separate from his sentencing.


Wuterich was accused of being the ringleader in a series of shootings and grenade attacks on November 19, 2005, that left two dozen civilians dead in Haditha, a city west of Baghdad that was then an insurgent hotspot.

The killings were portrayed by Iraqi witnesses and military prosecutors as a massacre of unarmed civilians -- men, women and children -- carried out by Marines in anger after a member of their unit was killed by a roadside bomb.

Defense lawyers argued the deaths resulted from a chaotic, fast-moving combat situation in which the Marines believed they were under enemy fire.

Jeffrey Dinsmore, an intelligence officer with Wuterich's battalion, testified on Tuesday that insurgent forces "had complete control over the city (of Haditha) at the time" and the unit had received word that an ambush was likely.

He said insurgents were known to commandeer homes as places to launch attacks and to use civilians as human shields.

Six of the seven other Marines originally accused in the case had previously had their charges dismissed by military judges, while another was cleared of criminal wrongdoing.

Even before sentencing, word of a plea deal that carried a jail term of no more than 90 days for Wuterich sparked indignation in Iraq, where Ali Badr, a Haditha resident and relative of one of the victims, called it "solid proof that the Americans don't respect human rights."

"This is not a traffic felony," said Khalid Salman, a lawyer for the Haditha victims' relatives and a cousin of one of those killed, expressing his shock at the plea ahead of sentencing.

Wuterich, in his statement on Tuesday, directed an apology to family members of those killed in Iraq, but said civilians were not singled out for attack.

"Words cannot express my sorrow for the loss of your loved ones," he said. "The truth is, I don't believe anyone in my squad ... behaved in any way that was dishonorable or contrary to the highest ideals that we all live by as Marines."

"But even with the best intentions, sometimes combat actions can cause tragic results," he added, reading calmly and deliberately.

In his own remarks to the judge before sentencing, Wuterich's civilian defense lawyer, Neal Puckett, said his client had unfaltering integrity and was "not evil," but knew that his Marine career was at its end.

After the proceedings, his lawyers said Wuterich planned to pursue a post-military career in information technology.

Wuterich enlisted in the Marines after his 1998 graduation from high school, where he was an athletic honor-roll student and played with the marching band. He was serving his second tour of duty in Iraq when the Haditha incident occurred.

(Writing by Steve Gorman; Editing by Cynthia Johnston)

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Art of the Mag - Satanic Hollywood Exposed In Photoplay (Dec. 1928)

Isn't it great to see that, all these years later, the satanic/occult foundations of HollyHellLand (and the entire so-called masonic "Entertainment Business") have at last been eradicated!

Friday, 23 December 2011

Sinister Sh*t - "Uuh ... Hello, Weird": 'Mind Control' Victim Britney Spears

Underage 'Sex Doll' Lolita Brit -- A disturbing shot of a sixteen year-old Brit (yap, that word is 'sixteen'!) by Dave La Chapelle (a douchebag who's no stranger to Mind Control symbolism), mixing childhood innocence with oddles of very adult sexuality. [The array of dolls here are also references to a specific type of MK ULTRA Programming (known as 'Monarch" Programming i.e. "Sex Kitten" Programming") and the multiple alter personalities it creates.]

The vid below's "Uuh ... Hello Weird", sure f*cking enough!

There's a hell (no pun!) of a lot of material out there on sites like Vigilant Citizen and many more about nefarious so-called 'MK ULTRA' Mind Control, developed by the CIA and based on Nazi experimentation.

There's a detailed - and very disturbing - article at on the Origins and Techniques of MK ULTRA Monarch Mind Control.

MK victims are transformed into fully controllable entities with multiple controlled "alters" (i.e. alter egos - one of many "multiple personalities") that can be switched between by a victim's controller ('Handler') by using certain pre-programmed triggers (often certain words or phrases.)

This is done by the inflicition upon the victim of various repetitive trauma-based processes, which use a variety of vile and extremely violent techniques to reprogram the psyche of the victim. The victim creates multiple (reprogrammed) personalities as a safety mechanism against the sickening abuse inflicted upon them.

Reading up on the thing, it does seem more than plausible. Just look at the array of zombie-like so-called "superstars" out there on the front line of the media based prong of the ongoing evil campaign of social engineering (reinforcing the empty, soulless, uber-materialistic, greed-based so-called 'society', the sexualisation of childhood, the destruction of the family entity, the final death knell of proper Religion and the Laws of Moses, the promotion of drugs, the dumbing down of society even further, the packaging/promotion of insidious masonic/satanist imagery, the creation of one global so-called "culture", the continuation of global homogenisation ... yada yada yada) overseen by that arcane luciferian 'New World Order' obsessed sect that pulls the global strings.

Mind Control victims are trained to dissociate and to take on alter personas, each of them having their own characteristics and even different accents.

In this regard, people close to Britney have described these precise symptoms:
“Sources are now painting a very disturbing picture of Britney Spears, or whoever she happens to be at any given moment.

We’re told the whole British accent thing — well, it’s more than an accent. Britney has multiple personalities, including, as people in her life call it, “the British girl.” We’re told when Spears loses the British personality, she has absolutely no idea what she did during the time she assumed that personality.

Sources say Brit has a number of other identities, where she becomes “the weepy girl, the diva, the incoherent girl,” and on and on.

Sources say Britney had become the British girl the day she didn’t show for her deposition and has no recollection of it.”

- Source

Brit v Brit --- Two Britney’s fight it out, each sporting different colors, representing the distinct nature of each manufactured alter /persona.

- from the vid for 'Hold it Against Me', directed by masonic douche Jonas Akerlund.

Interestingly, on this self same theme, Britney’s ex-husband (of 55 hours) from a certain infamous Vegas trip some years back Jason Alexander recently spooke of the tight control imposed by her "entourage." He told US Today:
“I think it’s fake and I think people are afraid to say it. It seems like a answer to the court thing. Sort of a nice way to sew it all up she marries her Handler. That way she always has someone controlling her. It’s sort of sad.”

In MK ULTRA, spouses or relatives of victims often double as mind control handlers. So is Jason Alexander on to something? Check the article from Huffington Post.

Anyway, in this rather scary piece from a few moons back, it sure seems the trigger word "Weird" has a ... erm ... very very weird effect indeed on Brit, clearly switching her immediately into a different pre-manufactured alter/ persona (and no doubt causing her out-of-shot Handler to freak out!)

Words of Wisdom - John Steinbeck does Masonic Capitalism

“It has always seemed strange to me - the things we admire in men, kindness and generosity, openness, honesty, understanding and feeling, are the concomitants of failure in our system. And those traits we detest, sharpness, greed, acquisitiveness, meanness, egotism and self-interest, are the traits of success. And while men admire the quality of the first they love the produce of the second."

- from 'Cannery Row'

Friday, 28 October 2011

Lies Beneath - The "Global Protests" and the Hidden Hand

The Global Protests ... A Riddle Wrapped In A Mystery Inside An Enigma

by David Icke

I am seeing the mentality of what is called the political 'Left’ – which includes the core of the ‘Greens’ – much in evidence in these protests. This mentality thinks it is informed and streetwise about global events when its myopia makes it a manipulator’s party trick.

It sees the world in black and white when the world is multi-coloured. It sees an ‘us’ and ‘them’ on either side of an easily definable line based on background, income bracket and voting preference. Filmmaker Michael Moore is a classic, or at least that is the persona he promotes. Democrats good (or better) and Republicans bad; The Left is good, the Right is bad.

The fact that all these different political ‘sides’ are directed by the same force to give the illusion of ‘choice’ is beyond them to comprehend, not least because they don’t want to comprehend it. To do so would shatter their black and white world view of Left v Right and that is the comfort zone they don’t want to surrender. But they must to take this forward.

Michael Moore and so many others of his ilk – including many of those in the Wall Street-type protests – will have enthusiastically supported Barack Obama in 2008 when he was the most obvious fraud you could ever imagine.

If they are continuing with that same black and white ‘us and them’ naivety today – and some are because I have seen them – then they may as well go home. The system will have them for breakfast, dinner and tea.

The Left mentality cannot see the global conspiracy because it can only see the us and them. To accept the existence of a Hidden Hand they would have to accept that the Left is being manipulated by the same force that manipulates the Right and the Centre. Many can’t handle that and so it is dismissed by reflex action.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Art of the Cover - The Beatles' 'Butcher' photo session(1966)

A tiny wee peek behind the ridiculous 'playful, harmless scallywags' veneer, into the dark sinister realities of one of the most insidious (and effective) manufactued tools of social engineering via the medium of (so-called) 'popular culture', that were masonic drones, beelzebub's beloved (Scarab) Beatles. 

The Beatles' 'Butcher' photo session ... Friday 25 March, 1966


On 25 March 1966, a photo session which was to become a notorious part of The Beatles' history took place: the infamous 'butcher cover' pictures were taken.

The session took place at a top floor studio on the second floor of 1 The Vale, Chelsea, London. The space was rented by Oluf Nissen, but the photographer was Robert Whitaker.

Before it took place, though, the group posed for a more conventional session at the studio for Nigel Dickson, working for The Beatles Book magazine. They wore light turtleneck sweaters and dark jackets, for what became their 1966 handout and standard promotional pictures.

They also taped an interview for Radio Caroline DJ Tom Lodge, for a free flexi disc titled Sound Of The Stars which was given away by Disc And Music Echo, co-owned by Brian Epstein.

The butcher concept

Whitaker had the idea of creating a satirical commentary on The Beatles' fame, inspired by the German surrealist Hans Bellmer's images of dismembered doll and mannequin parts.
I did a photograph of the Beatles covered in raw meat, dolls and false teeth. Putting meat, dolls and false teeth with The Beatles is essentially part of the same thing, the breakdown of what is regarded as normal. The actual conception for what I still call "Somnambulant Adventure" was Moses coming down from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments. He comes across people worshipping a golden calf. All over the world I'd watched people worshiping like idols, like gods, four Beatles. To me they were just stock standard normal people. But this emotion that fans poured on them made me wonder where Christianity was heading.

- Robert Whitaker

It was later claimed that the photographs were intended as a protest by The Beatles on their treatment by the press and public, and Capitol Records' insistence on reordering their album tracks for the American market, but Whitaker later denied this, saying it was entirely his idea.
Q: How did that photo, featuring the Beatles among slabs of meat and decapitated dolls, come about? Was it your idea or the Beatles'?

Robert Whitaker: It was mine. Absolutely. It was part of three pictures that should have gone into an icon. And it was a rough. If you could imagine, the background of that picture should have been all gold. Around the heads would have gone silver halos, jewelled. Then there are two other pictures that are in the book [The Unseen Beatles], but not in colour.

Q: How did you prepare for the shoot?

It was hard work. I had to go to the local butcher and get pork. I had to go to a doll factory and find the dolls. I had to go to an eye factory and find the eyes. False teeth. There's a lot in that photograph. I think John's almost-last written words were about that particular cover; that was pointed out to me by Martin Harrison, who wrote the text to my book. I didn't even know that, but I'm learning a lot.

Q: Why meat and dolls? There's been a lot of conjecture over the years about what that photo meant. The most popular theory is that it was a protest by the Beatles against Capitol Records for supposedly "butchering" their records in the States.

Rubbish, absolute nonsense. If the trilogy or triptych of the three photographs had ever come together, it would have made sense. There is another set of photos in the book which is the Beatles with a girl with her back toward you, hanging on to sausages. Those sausages were meant to be an umbilical cord. Does this start to open a few chapters?

Q: Were you aware when you shot it that Capitol Records was going to use it as a record cover?


Q: Were you upset when they did and then when they pulled it and replaced it with another photo?

Well, I shot that photo too, of them sitting on a trunk, the one that they pasted over it. I fairly remember being bewildered by the whole thing. I had no reason to be bewildered by it, purely and simply, because it could certainly be construed as a fairly shocking collection of bits and pieces to stick on a group of people and represent that in this country.

The triptych as intended by Whitaker was to be retouched to make The Beatles appear as religious icons. The decoration was intended to contrast with the earthiness of the meat and dummies, underlining the group's normality beneath their fame.
The cover was an unfinished concept. It was just one of a series of photographs that would have made up a gate-fold cover. Behind the head of each Beatle would have been a golden halo and in the halo would have been placed a semi-precious stone. Then the background would have contained more gold, so it was rather like a Russian icon. It was just after John Lennon had said that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus Christ. In a material world that was an extremely true statement.

- Robert Whitaker

Out-takes from the session, included in Whitaker's book "The Unseen Beatles," indicate the form the triptych was to take. The first photograph shows the group facing a woman standing with her back to the camera, with her hands raised in surprise or worship. The Beatles held a string of sausages, intended to symbolise an umbilical cord, to emphasise that the group were born like everybody else.

The triptych's centre panel is the image now known as the 'butcher' photograph, and shows The Beatles dressed in butchers' white coats, surrounded by slabs of meat and doll parts.

The final panel was an image of George Harrison standing behind a seated John Lennon, holding a hammer as if he was driving nails into Lennon's head. This was intended to underline that The Beatles were real and substantial, not idols to worship.

The butcher photograph was used in advertisements for Paperback Writer in the British music press before it appeared on the cover of the Capitol Records compilation Yesterday... And Today.

Capitol pressed the cover in early June 1966, but upon its release that month it was swiftly recalled after an outcry from record retailers. Nervous after Lennon's comments about The Beatles being "more popular than Jesus", the label issued letters of apology and hastily issued the album with a replacement cover, also taken by Whitaker.

Eventually it was decided that it would be cheaper to paste the new cover shot over the withdrawn butcher sleeves. Unpeeled copies are now highly sought-after by collectors; however, the most valuable are the original 'first state' versions, particularly the stereo pressings.

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Art of the Mag - Scarlett Johansson gets all Horny with Beelzebub's Baphomet

Talentless booby bimbo Johansson up close and personal with the symbol of Baphomet (the insidious horned goat sigil of Satan, beloved by the freemason sect and other satanists) on the cover of Brit music rag NME back in 2008, when the caterwauling clown unleashed a horrorshow of an album on the general public!

In occult circles, holding the horns of Baphomet is supposed to be a major source of power. And this moron's pose here suggests such is transpiring.

I wonder what this faustian freak's trying to tell us about her inexplicable rise to fame?!

Friday, 19 August 2011

Lies Beneath - Puppets and Mouthpieces




… (Well, some of us don’t.)

Friday, 19 August 2011

It is so pathetic to watch. Grown men (it says here) and a grown woman (ditto) reading their script like good little children and when they are finished they can have a sweetie. My god. ‘Leaders of the Western World’ – the ‘Free World’? Terrifying. I wouldn’t pay them in washers.

Obama, Cameron, Sarkozy, Merkel and their fellow ‘leaders’ (readers) are political prostitutes singing for their supper and the illusion of ‘power’. They have no ‘power’, except officially and in theory. They say what they are told to say and this is why they always say the same.

Ever noticed that? No matter if they are the ‘leader’ in America, Canada, Britain, Germany or France they always agree on the same statements and the same course of action. The media calls this ‘unity’. I call it: ‘Do what we tell you all – or else.’

There are essentially four kinds of ‘leader’:

(1) Those who know what is happening and what they are working towards (the few);
(2) People who are desperate for ‘power’ for power’s sake and will do and say anything to get it;
(3) Those with big secrets to hide through which they can be blackmailed into doing what they are told to do;
(4) Idiots who are easily manipulated by ‘advisors’ and public ‘servants’.

Some, like Barack Obama, can be all four. Whichever category it is, singular or in combination, the ‘leaders’ are not chosen by ‘the people’, but by those that control the money and the media – the silent network.

Whenever any of these ‘leaders’ open their mouths-for-sale it is their true masters speaking; and given that these controlling cretins are born with ‘forked tongues’ it is no surprise that lies issue from their puppet front-people like bullets from a machine gun.

Monday, 15 August 2011

The Cover Version - Justin Townes Earle does "Louisiana 1927"

What has happened down here is the winds have changed. Clouds roll in from the north and it started to rain. Rained real hard and rained for a real long time. Six feet of water in the streets of Evangeline.

Justin delivers a fine sparse unaccompanied version of Randy Newman's minimalist yet powerful protest song "Louisiana 1927" from a gig last Summer in Lakewood, NJ.

"Louisiana 1927" is a song which perfectly snapshots the reality of those who suffer in this insidious fucked-up 'capitalist' society and the reactions of those with the lion's share of the massive wealth "pie" -reactions ranging from blatant indifference ... to joy that a few thousand more proletariat 'slaves' are no longer around to be a "drain" resources ... to elation that there's now a lot more extra pie to be gobbled up. Yap, there's a hell of a lot of moolah to be made by certain motherf*ckers in the aftermath of so-called "Diasasters."
President Coolidge came down in a railroad train, with a little fat man with a note-pad in his hand. The President say, "Little fat man isn't it a shame what the river has done to this poor crackers' land."
A song never so pertinent as today with the seemingly endless series of manufactured masonic "disasters" ... from US "Hurricanes" (sic) to Japanese "Tsunamis" (sic).

"They're tyrin' to wash us away. They're tyrin' to wash us away" .... indeed!

Saturday, 13 August 2011

The Video - Broken Bells' "The High Road"

The dawn to end all nights. That's all we hoped it was. A break from the warfare in your house. To each his own. A soldier is bailing out. He curled his lips on the barrel. And I don't know if the dead can talk to anyone.

Disturbing the high road, they encamp by the way,
The foes, the foes.

- from Akkadian occult incantation

An, erm, interesting vid here for "The High Road" (interesting reference!)

A song that could seemingly be about drug abuse (let's for one moment assume, perhaps naively, it's not yet another vile ditty about nonsensical luciferian masonic "enlightenment" ... which it could very easily be interpreted to be) from Broken Bells' eponymous debut from last year.

Although, judging from the added occult/masonic imagery ladled out in the Lynchian (the master of such bullshit) vid, I fear I'm being far too naive!

Well actually, the bit I liked in the thing was the Teenage Fanclub-esque finale which is a multiple repetition of "It's too late to change your mind" etc.

I guess whichever one of these two dunce drones wrote this thing is speaking a lot of truth!

Yap, "it's too late to change your mind", bitches! ... You've made your luciferian beds!

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Words of Wisdom - Dancing to the Tune of the Dark Masters in "New Egypt"

“Even as he dances to the tune of the elite managers of human behavior, the modern man scoffs with a great derision at the idea of the existence and operation of a technology of mass mind control emanating from media and government. Modern man is much too smart to believe anything as superstitious as that!

Modern man is the ideal hypnotic subject: puffed up on the idea that he is the crown of creation, he vehemently denies the power of the hypnotist’s control over him as his head bobs up and down on a string.”

-Michael A. Hoffman II : "Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare"

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