Monday, June 8, 2015

BREAKING!: Judge Brady orders Albert Woodfox's Unconditional Release & Retrial Banned!! (Stay Tuned for Updates)

MEDIA COVERAGE:  CNN  II   Los Angeles Times  II  Times-Picayune  II  NY Times / AP & Toronto Star  II  Spiegel Online  II  BBC  II  Guardian UK  II  Amnesty International USA   II  Christian Science Monitor  II 

We are ecstatic to announce that late this afternoon Judge Brady granted the unicorn of habeas rulings--an "unconditional writ" ordering Albert's immediate release and barring a retrial.
He argues that this extraordinary remedy is merited due to the following 5 factors: "Mr. Woodfox's age and poor health, his limited ability to present a defense at a third trial in light of the unavailability of witnesses, this Court's lack of confidence in the State to provide a fair third trial, the prejudice done onto Mr. Woodfox by spending over forty-years in solitary confinement, and finally the very fact that Mr. Woodfox has already been tried twice and would otherwise face his third trial for a crime that occurred over forty years ago."

The State immediately announced their plans to appeal and request and emergency stay of the order from the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. Though we don't yet know if Albert will be released in days or months, he has never been closer to freedom.

We will let you know more as soon as we do.

Statement from Albert Woodfox's Lawyers, George Kendall and Carine Williams, July 8:

"There is nothing arbitrary about the federal court's ruling, which is carefully considered and relies on firmly established law.  As that law requires, under the extraordinary circumstances of this case--where Mr. Woodfox has spent 40 years in solitary confinement under constitutionally invalid convictions--the only just remedy is his immediate release from prison. The federal court further recognizes that the State has now had two chances to secure a valid conviction against Mr. Woodfox and has been unable to do so.  Now, because the State's key witnesses are deceased, and Mr. Woodfox's alibi witnesses are also deceased, there is no practical way for there to be a third trial which comports with the standards of a fair, American trial.  We are optimistic that Louisiana will comply with the federal court's ruling.  We look forward to Mr. Woodfox going home to his family; getting much needed medical attention; and living the remainder of his days in peace."


June 9, 2015

Contact: Brandon Gassaway
(202) 225-6636
For Immediate Release

Rep. Richmond Calls for Immediate Release of Albert Woodfox

Washington, DC – Today Rep. Richmond (LA-02) issued the following statement following the ruling of U.S. District Judge James Brady to grant the unconditional release of Albert Woodfox from state custody:

“Attorney General Caldwell must respect the ruling of Judge Brady and grant Mr. Woodfox his release immediately,” said Rep Richmond. “This is an obviously personal vendetta and has been a waste of tax payer dollars for decades. The state is making major cuts in education and healthcare but he has spent millions of dollars on this frivolous endeavor and the price tag is increasing by the day.”


  1. Hurray for Judge Brady! Hurray for Justice!

  2. He will never see the light of day. You idiots don't understand that murder is murder, despite how many years ago it happened. Think like humans, not like dogs.

  3. You're right, murder is murder. If you're suggesting we 'think like humans' then I'll suggest we use the legal system to decide whether Mr Woodfox is released, given that he's be tried TWICE and found NOT GUILTY TWICE surely he should be released. Is that thought process human enough for you ?

  4. How come he is still in prison if found not guilty twice.

    1. Yes its always racism when a black man is convicted. There are also 5 Aggravated rape charges on file against this revolting human being, and all the victims were white, that is racism is it?.

    2. Yes its always racism when a black man is convicted. There are also 5 Aggravated rape charges on file against this revolting human being, and all the victims were white, that is racism is it?.

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