- published: 19 Jun 2016
- views: 16970
The Bhavishya Purana (Sanskrit: Bhaviṣya Purāṇa) is one of the eighteen major Hindu puranas. It is written in Sanskrit and attributed to Vyasa, the compiler of the Vedas. The title Bhavishya Purana signifies a work that contains prophecies regarding the future (Sanskrit: bhaviṣya). Despite being labelled a purana or "tales of ancient times", the work relates only a few legends. It is one of several puranas in which a list of royal dynasties of the "past" are followed by lists of kings predicted to rule in the future. The Padma Purana categorizes Bhavishya Purana as a Rajas Purana (Purana which represents passion). The text as it exists today is a composite of material ranging from very old to very recent. Portions of the extant text are drawn from the Manusmṛti, including its account of Creation. The Bhavishya Purana is classified as one of the ten Shaiva puranas in the classification system used in the Śivarahasya-khaṇḍa of the Śaṅkara Saṃhitā. In the traditional system of classification according to the three guṇas given in the Padma Purana, it is classified in the rajas category, which contains puranas whose central deity is Brahma. The available versions of Bhavishya Purana are based on a printed text published during the early British period.
Kali Yuga (Devanāgarī: कलियुग [kəli juɡə], lit. "age of [the demon] Kali", or "age of vice") is the last of the four stages the world goes through as part of the cycle of yugas described in the Sanskrit scriptures, within the present Mahayuga. The other ages are called Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, and Dvapara Yuga.
Kali Yuga is associated with the apocalyptic demon Kali (who is not to be confused with the goddess Kālī (काली). The "Kali" of Kali Yuga means "strife", "discord", "quarrel" or "contention".
There is considerable controversy over the date for the start of the Kali Yuga and its duration. According to the Surya Siddhanta, Kali Yuga began at midnight (00:00) on 18 February 3102 BCE.
According to the astronomer and mathematician Aryabhatta the Kali Yuga started in 3102 BC. He finished his book “Aryabhattiya” in 499 AD in which he gives the exact year of the beginning of Kali Yuga. He writes that he wrote the book in the "year 3600 of the Kali Age" at the age of 23. As it was the 3600th year of the Kali Age when he was 23 years old, and given that Aryabhatta was born in 476 AD, the beginning of the Kali Yuga would come to (3600 - (476 + 23) + 1 (As only one year elapses between 1 B.C and 1 C.E) = ) 3102 BC.
The Indian subcontinent or the subcontinent is a southern region of Asia, mostly situated on the Indian Plate and projecting southwards into the Indian Ocean from the Himalayas. Definitions of the extent of the Indian subcontinent differ but it usually includes the core lands of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh;Nepal, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka, and the Maldives are often included as well. The region is also called by a number of other names including South Asia, a name that is increasingly popular.
The region has been variously labelled as "India" (in its pre-modern sense), the Indian subcontinent (a term in particularly common use in the British Empire and its successors) and South Asia. Though the terms "Indian subcontinent" and "South Asia" are sometimes used interchangeably, some academics hold that the term "South Asia" is the more common usage in Europe and North America. According to historians Sugata Bose and Ayesha Jalal, the Indian subcontinent has come to be known as South Asia "in more recent and neutral parlance."Indologist Ronald B. Inden argues that the usage of the term "South Asia" is becoming more widespread since it clearly distinguishes the region from East Asia.
Zakir Naik (born 18 October 1965 in Mumbai, India) is an Indian Islamic preacher, who has been called an "authority on comparative religion", "perhaps the most influential Salafi ideologue in India", and "the world's leading Salafi evangelist". He is the founder and president of the Islamic Research Foundation (IRF), and founder of the "comparative religion" Peace TV channel, through which he reaches a reported 100 million viewers. Unlike many Islamic preachers, his lectures are colloquial, given in English not Urdu or Arabic, and he wears a suit and tie rather than traditional garb.
Before becoming a public speaker, he trained as a medical doctor. He has published booklet versions of lectures on Islam and comparative religion. Although he has publicly disclaimed sectarianism in Islam, he is regarded by some as an exponent of the Salafi ideology, and, by some, as a radical Islamic televangelist propagating Wahhabism.
Zakir Naik was born in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. He attended Kishinchand Chellaram College and studied medicine at Topiwala National Medical College and Nair Hospital and later the University of Mumbai, where he obtained a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBBS).
Hindu deities are the gods and goddesses in Hinduism. The terms and epithets found in Indian culture, that are translated as deity, varies with the text and diverse traditions within Hinduism, and include Deva, Devi, Ishvara, Bhagavan and Bhagavathi.
The deities of Hinduism have evolved from Vedic era (2nd millennium BCE) through medieval era (1st millennium CE), regionally within India and in southeast Asia, and across Hinduism's diverse traditions. The Hindu deity concept varies from a personal god as in Yoga school of Hindu philosophy, to 33 Vedic deities, to hundreds of Puranic deities, to millions of deities in Tantra traditions of Hinduism. Illustrations of major deities include Vishnu, Sri (Lakshmi), Shiva, Parvati (Durga), Brahma and Saraswati. These deities have distinct and complex personalities, yet often viewed as aspects of the same Ultimate Reality called Brahman. From ancient times, the idea of equivalence has been cherished in Hinduism, in its texts and in early 1st millennium sculpture with concepts such as Harihara (half Shiva, half Vishnu),Ardhanarishvara (half Shiva, half Parvati) or Vaikuntha Kamalaja (half Vishnu, half Lakshmi), with mythologies and temples that feature them together, declaring they are the same. Major deities have inspired their own Hindu traditions, such as Vaishnavism, Shaivism and Shaktism, but with shared mythology, ritual grammar, theosophy, axiology and polycentrism. Some Hindu traditions such as Smartism from mid 1st millennium CE, have included multiple major deities as henotheistic manifestations of Saguna Brahman, and as a means to realizing Nirguna Brahman.
Bhavishya Puran - अध्याय १: भविष्य पुराण की महिमा एवं परम्परा, सिर्ष्टी वर्णन...
"Malecha" - Prophet Muhammad in Bhavishya Purana - Zakir Naik Exposed by Sant Rampal Ji
Bhavishya Puran ke 9 Bate भविष्य पुराण की नौ बातें अब आप भी जान सकते हैं किसी का स्वभाव एवं भविष्य /
Bhavishya Purana Muhammad & His Religion
क्यू है हमारा भविष्यपुराण अधूरा??? किसने जलाया था भविष्यपुराण ?? Who burnt our Bhavishyapurana?why?
Bhavishya Purana -15 Mysterious Predictions for Kali Yuga(The Dark Age) From Bhagavata Purana.
भविष्य पुराण की सटिक भविष्यवाणियों(कलयुग के बारे में )
भविष्य पुराण की भविष्यवाणियाँ | Bhavishya Purana Mysterious Predictions
Muslim & Christian Tamper Bhavishya Puran
What hindu Scripture says about Muhammad
Bhavishya Purana Mysterious Predictions for Kali Yuga/ कलियुग की भविष्यवाणी
Bhavishya Puran Ch 397.4: शिवाजी की कथा.
Bhavishya Puran - Chapter 161: म्लेक्षवंशीय राजाओं का वर्णन.
Bhavishya Purana Conversation Between Jesus & Indian King Shalivahana
Bhavishya Puran Ch 397.1: अकबर आदि अंतिम मुग़ल शासकों की कथा.
Bhavisya Purana and the "Prophet" -"Maha-mada"-reincarnated demon Tripura
The Prediction of Jesus Christ in the Bhavishya Purana
Bhavishya Puranam 1/19 By Vaddiparti Padmakar garu
Bhavishya Purana-8 स्थानों के आस पास घर नहीं बनवाने चाइये
Bhavishya Purana
Bhavishya Purana Muhammad & His Religion
Mleccha and muslims as per BHAVISHYA-PURANA
Muhammad Saw in Bhavishya Purana - Br. Nizam A. Khan
Bhavishya Purana Conversation Between Raja Bhoj & Mahammad
The Bhavishya Purana is one of the eighteen major Puranas genre of Sanskrit literature in Hinduism. The title Bhavishya means "future" and implies it is a work that contains prophecies regarding the future. The first 16 chapters of the first part of the Bhavisya Purana is called Brahmaparvan. The Brahmaparvan part of the Bhavishya Purana includes a 169 chapters compendium of Surya (Sun god) related literature, that overlaps with Zoroastrianism-related views. This Sun-related sections are a notable and important part of the Bhavishya Purana, and it may be related to the migration or interaction between people of Persia and central Asia with those in Indian subcontinent. The second part of the text, called Madhyamaparvan, is a Tantra-related work. The fourth part of the text called Uttara...
Malecha means Low, Mean, Ignoble, Abject, Despicable. Dr Zakir Naik is telling a lie in Similarities between Hinduism & Islam when he gives a reference to Bhavishya Purana. The truth has been shown by Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj which shows that Zakir Naik is a manipulator who has twisted the meanings of some words and is telling false baseless stories and wrongly quoting the Vedas and Puranas. http://www.jagatgururampalji.org/zakir-naik.php
भविष्य पुराण की नौ बातें अब आप भी जान सकते हैं किसी का स्वभाव एवं भविष्य /Bhavishya Puran ke 9 Bate Ab Aap Bhi Jaan Sakte Hai Kisi Ka svbhav avam bhavishy Produced by Chamatkari Totke Video URL https://youtu.be/hh66AQkd2F4
इस वीडियो मे भविष्य पुराण से जुड़ी कुछ सटीक भविष्यवाणी का वर्णन किया गया है जिसमे महारानी विक्टोरीया इसाह मसीह और भविष्यपुराण मे "म्लेच्छ" - पैगंबर मुहम्मद का भी उल्लेख मिलता है| In this video i decribed about our bhavisyapurana which is one of the our 18 puranas. Bhavishya purana has a more than 50,000 shlokas,but today we have only 28,000 actual shlokas .The reason behind this is described by me in this video.There are 4 major parts of bhabishya purana, and it also contains names and description on queen victoria , isa masih as well as muhammad also. Bhavishyapurana was burnt by the mughals when they seen their names on that purana. This video contains secrets of bhavishya purana in hindu mythology. There are too many predictions in our bhavishya purana like on muhhamad, victoria, isu c...
Bhavishya Purana -15 Mysterious Predictions for Kali Yuga(The Dark Age) From Bhagavata Purana. 15 Most Amazing Predictions for Kali Yuga from the Bhagavata Purana- The Bhavishya Purana (Sanskrit:Bhaviṣya Purāṇa is one of the eighteen major Hindu puranas. It is written in Sanskrit and attributed to Vyasa, the compiler of the Vedas. The title Bhavishya Purana signifies a work that contains prophecies regarding the future (Sanskrit: bhaviṣya). Despite being labelled a purana or "tales of ancient times", the work relates only a few legends. It is one of several puranas in which a list of royal dynasties of the "past" are followed by lists of kings predicted to rule in the future. The Padma Purana categorizes Bhavishya Purana as a Rajas Purana (Purana which represents passion). The text as it e...
this channel gives you perfect guidance whereas home remedies are concerned. these are my personal studies . before implementing youmshould also consult your doctorभविष्य पुराण की कुछ सटिक भविष्यवाणियों
भविष्य पुराण की भविष्यवाणियाँ | Bhavishya Purana Mysterious Predictions
A speech by Swami Chidananda Puri on the tampering, insertions and interpolations in Bhavishya purana by Muslims and Christians for vested interests
http://bhavishyapuran.blogspot.in/2007/07/bhavishya-purana-prediction-of.html This video is made just for informative purpose and not insulting anyone. It has valid data and contents from Bhavishya Puran and it existed even hundreds of years before advent of Muhammed. I am repeating this again and again just because any one if they think with their intellect can understand its significance as it was not anything compiled after muhammed and quran. And thus it lays its divinity.... Hope it helps you. http://agniveer.com/479/prophet-puran/ http://bhavishyapuran.blogspot.com/
श्लोक 1- ततश्चानुदिनं धर्मः सत्यं शौचं क्षमा दया । कालेन बलिना राजन् नङ्क्ष्यत्यायुर्बलं स्मृतिः ॥ अर्थ- धर्म, सत्यवादिता, स्वच्छता, सहिष्णुता, दया, जीवन की अवधि, शारीरिक शक्ति और स्मृति सभी दिन-ब-दिन घटती जाएगी। श्लोक 2- वित्तमेव कलौ नॄणां जन्माचारगुणोदयः । धर्मन्याय व्यवस्थायां कारणं बलमेव हि ॥ अर्थ- कलयुग में जिस व्यक्ति के पास जितना धन होगा वो उतना गुणी माना जाएगा और कानून, न्याय केवल एक शक्ति के आधार पर लागू किया जाएगा। श्लोक 3- दाम्पत्येऽभिरुचिर्हेतुः मायैव व्यावहारिके । स्त्रीत्वे पुंस्त्वे च हि रतिः विप्रत्वे सूत्रमेव हि ॥ अर्थ- इस युग में पुरुष-स्त्री बिना विवाह के ही केवल एक-दूसरे में रूचि के अनुसार साथ रहेंगे। व्यापार की सफलता छल पर निर्भर करेगी। कलयुग में ब्राह्मण सिर्फ एक धागा पहनकर ब्राह्मण होने का दावा करेंगे। श्लोक 4- लिङ्गं एवाश्रमख्यातौ अन्योन्यापत्ति कारणम् ...
"Shiva Ji Ki Katha." The Bhavishya Purana is one of the eighteen major Puranas genre of Sanskrit literature in Hinduism. The title Bhavishya means "future" and implies it is a work that contains prophecies regarding the future. The first part of the Bhavisya Purana is called Brahmaparvan. The Brahmaparvan part of the Bhavishya Purana includes a 169 chapters compendium of Surya (Sun god) related literature, that overlaps with Zoroastrianism-related views. This Sun-related sections are a notable and important part of the Bhavishya Purana, and it may be related to the migration or interaction between people of Persia and central Asia with those in Indian subcontinent. The second part of the text, called Madhyamaparvan, is a Tantra-related work. The fourth part of the text called Uttarapa...
"Mlaksha Vanshiya Rajaon Ka Varnan." The Bhavishya Purana is one of the eighteen major Puranas genre of Sanskrit literature in Hinduism. The title Bhavishya means "future" and implies it is a work that contains prophecies regarding the future. The first part of the Bhavisya Purana is called Brahmaparvan. The Brahmaparvan part of the Bhavishya Purana includes a 169 chapters compendium of Surya (Sun god) related literature, that overlaps with Zoroastrianism-related views. This Sun-related sections are a notable and important part of the Bhavishya Purana, and it may be related to the migration or interaction between people of Persia and central Asia with those in Indian subcontinent. The second part of the text, called Madhyamaparvan, is a Tantra-related work. The fourth part of the text...
"Akbar Aadi Antim Mughal Shaskon Ki Katha." The Bhavishya Purana is one of the eighteen major Puranas genre of Sanskrit literature in Hinduism. The title Bhavishya means "future" and implies it is a work that contains prophecies regarding the future. The first part of the Bhavisya Purana is called Brahmaparvan. The Brahmaparvan part of the Bhavishya Purana includes a 169 chapters compendium of Surya (Sun god) related literature, that overlaps with Zoroastrianism-related views. This Sun-related sections are a notable and important part of the Bhavishya Purana, and it may be related to the migration or interaction between people of Persia and central Asia with those in Indian subcontinent. The second part of the text, called Madhyamaparvan, is a Tantra-related work. The fourth part of t...
From Kartik Prabhu's notes, we learn that the central shrine of Islam is the Kabba, which is a cube-shaped, one-room stone structure in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. In pre-Muslim Arabia it already attracted pilgrims as the most important sanctuary. The traditional belief is that it was built by Abraham and Ishmael (to whom the Arabs trace their descent). This is confirmed in the Qur'an (Koran). A black stone is worshiped in the shrine. This kaaba stone is also called as Sange-Aswad, which is corruption of Sanskrit linga-asveta which literally means the Black (asveta=not white) Shiva Linga. Near this shrine there is a sacred well called Zamzam, a name that sounds remarkably like "ganga. " The Zamzam well was holy even before the rise of Islam in Arabia, and it remains holy to the Muslims. It appe...
The following prediction of Jesus Christ is found in the ancient Hindu scripture known as Bhavishya Purana. Bhavishya means “future”, and Purana means “history”, so the name means the “history of the future”. The Bhavishya Purana was originally written 5,000 years ago by the sage Vyasa, who was the compiler of the Vedic scriptures. Usually Puranas are historical narrations of universal events that happened in ancient times, but in the case of the Bhavishya Purana, Vyasa is providing a narration of events that will happen in the future, beginning with the arrival of the age of kali yuga. [ Bhavishya Purana: Pratisarga Parva, Chaturyuga Khanda Dvitiyadhyayah, 19th Chapter, Texts 23 ] Text 23 ko bharam iti tam praaha su hovacha mudanvitah iishaa purtagm maam viddhi kumaarigarbha sambhavam...
this channel gives you perfect guidance whereas home remedies are concerned. these are my personal studies . before implementing youmshould also consult your doctorBhavishya Purana-8 स्थानों के आस पास घर नहीं बनवाने चाइये