Showing posts with label Kesha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kesha. Show all posts

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

The WTFFF - Muzak Mongering Knut Kesha and "Satanic Sacrifices For Kiddies"

Muzak Mongering Knut Kesha(?) drinks what looks like blood from what looks like a heart in what looks like the reenactment of a satanic blood ritual.

Meanwhile, the masonic drone ho's wearing a ripped up and faded American flag as a dress while, of course, the skank's make-up, in insidious Gagae-sque fashion, creates the "one eye" effect (i.e. Satan's 'All Seeing' Eye.)

No this vile nonsense is not at some satanic black mass where High Priest Bill Clinton slits the throat of a few virgins! It's at a fucking concert for kids! Mostly young girls!

This nefarious knut's empty skull needs some filling! ... Something with a full metal jacket, preferably!

So too, the parents who allow their young kids be exposed to any of this knut's despicable muzak - and, worse, videos - let alone allow them attend any of her so-called 'concerts'!!

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Hot Popper Katy Perry does Kesha

The Dirge - Kesha's "Tik Tok"

I'm talking about - everybody getting crunk, crunk. Boys trying to touch my junk, junk. Gonna smack him if he getting too drunk, drunk. Now, now - we goin till they kick us out, out. Or the police shut us down, down.

I keep hearing this crock so much that it's making me lose what's left of my fragile lil mind!

It's gotten so bad that now I carry a long sharp knitting needle with me everywhere so that the next time it happens, I can pierce my eardrums and avoid ever again hearing this shit!

This bimbo's kinda hot - albeit in a skanky trailerpark trash way. But that's it.

When I first heard this crock, I thought it was a joke. Some sort of parody of the muzak vomited out by Black eyed Peas and their ilk. But sadly no.

Taking off from the stoopid title, the lyrics here are dumber than a bag of hopped-up Chimpmunks! They take an even crazier turn when this skank says; "we kick em to the curb unless they look like Mick Jagger"! What? She wants to bang 90 year old Brits?

Speaking of which, there's a version of this dirge below that's actually far far better than the original! Yap,it's from some Chimpmunks!

There's a lunatic theory called the infinite monkey theorem which basically speculates that if you put a group of monkeys with typewriters in a room for an infinite timeframe, they will eventually come up with the complete works of William Shakespeare.

Well, for a start, they can't f*cking type! And after a few days they'd be dead and the room would be full of crap!

However, if you put ten monkeys in a room with typewriters and have them listen continuously to muzak by Black Eyed Peas and Pussycat Dolls, then in ten hours, they'd have come it with this!

The head monkey would say ...  "We came up with this thing. Yeah, it's a total crock. But so what? We're only f*cking monkeys!"

Kesha with a Chimpmunk Ditty


Chimpmunks with a Kesha Ditty

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