Showing posts with label Akon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Akon. Show all posts

Friday, 26 March 2010

The Dumb Side - Akon banned from Sri Lanka for Buddha statue video

She's nothing like a girl you've ever seen before. Nothing you can compare to your neighbourhood hoe. I'm tryna find the words to describe this girl without being disrespectful. The way that booty movin I can't take no more. Have to stop what i'm doin so I can pull up close. I'm tryna find the words to describe this girl without being disrespectful. Dam girl. Dam you'se a sexy bitch. A sexy bitch. Dam you'se a sexy bitch.

Yeah, no surprise he's banned! Just shocked the reason wasn't the awful muzak!!

The real name for this crock is actually Sexy Bitch!

A ditty about "the baddest thing around town." Probably about one of Tiger Woods' hoes!

Akon banned from Sri Lanka for Buddha statue video

R&B; singer denied entry to Sri Lanka after 'controversial' video featuring Buddha statue provokes violent protests in the capital

Sean Michaels,
25 March 2010

R&B; star Akon has been refused a Sri Lankan visa after one of his music videos spurred violent protests in the nation's capital. The singer apologised to Sri Lankan Buddhists, saying he "never set out to offend or desecrate anyone's religion" with the video to Sexy Chick, which shows a raunchy pool party in front of a statue of the Buddha.

"[I] am a spiritual man, so I can understand why they are offended," Akon said. "But violence is never the answer and I am disheartened to hear about what happened in Sri Lanka."

Sexy Chick is not strictly speaking Akon's song – it was released by French producer David Guetta, with Akon as guest vocalist. Nor is the video a parade of sharply targeted blasphemies. Instead, it's the most banal kind of dance-music clip, with writhing bikini babes and terrible haircuts. Shot at a mansion in Ibiza, the Buddha statue scarcely figures at all, appearing in the corner of frames, out of focus, for mere instants (2:06 in the YouTube video). Akon claims that he was not aware the statue was even there.

Despite this, hundreds of people stormed the headquarters of Colombo's Maharaja television network on Monday, protesting a forthcoming gig by Akon. Demonstrators threw stones, with four workers injured and several cars smashed, according to the BBC. The Sri Lankan government subsequently denied the Senegalese-born singer's visa request, citing his "controversial video images, offensive song lyrics and strong protests coming from various cultural, religious groups and organisations in the country".

Akon's promoters have formally cancelled the 20 April concert, but say they are hoping to reschedule once the "situation [has been] resolved".

Wanna see it? .... Earplugs ready?? ..... OK then .... Here's the damned thing!

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