2 November 2017

Anti-Russia hearings in the US:
Lawmakers demand tech companies censor journalists and conduct mass surveillance

By Andre Damon, 20 October 2017

Wednesday's testimony made clear the social media giants are being required to act as a proxy of the US government, to muzzle its critics and political opponents.

US Congressional hearing:
Former FBI agent says tech companies must “silence” sources of “rebellion”

US congressional hearings on “extremist content” prepare assault on free speech

Trump uses New York terror attack to call for restrictions on immigration and democratic rights

By Sandy English, 2 November 2017

Right-wing Republicans have called for Trump to dispense with legal protections for the suspect, who is a legal US resident entitled to full constitutional rights.

Truck attack kills eight in New York City

“They are waging war when necessary”
Niger defense minister exposes US military role in West Africa

By Eddie Haywood, 2 November 2017

Washington has claimed that the 800 US special forces personnel stationed in Niger are restricted to providing training and surveillance assistance.

Washington exploiting Green Beret deaths to escalate Africa intervention

Mattis, Tillerson testify before Senate committee
Bipartisan push for new US force resolution to rubber-stamp expanded war

More on the US war in Niger »

Catalan, Spanish workers face grave dangers from Madrid’s repression

By Paul Mitchell and Chris Marsden, 2 November 2017

The attempt by Madrid and the EU to impose a dictatorial regime, whether or not this is sanctioned by imposed elections, must be opposed by the entire Spanish and Catalan working class.

Catalan premier appeals to EU as opposition mounts to Madrid’s crackdown

After Madrid’s violent crackdown:
An independent class strategy for the Spanish and Catalan working class!

More on the crisis in Spain »

Victim of police brutality suing Detroit Police Department

By Robert Verdine, 2 November 2017

David Bivins is suing for wrongful arrest, assault and battery, negligence, and slander following a brutal attack in a grocery store parking lot by an off-duty police officer.

More MPs face disqualification after Australian Senate president quits

By Mike Head, 2 November 2017

Parry’s resignation demonstrates that what has become, in effect, a nationalist purge of parliament, is far from over.

High Court disqualifies five MPs, demanding “single-minded loyalty” to Australia

Australian Greens demand disqualification of all “foreign” MPs

The dual citizenship furore in the Australian parliament: What is at stake for the working class?

More on Australia »

Iraqi counter-offensive roils Kurdish Regional Government

By Keith Jones, 2 November 2017

With the US having stoked sectarian conflict in the Mideast, McCain and other congressional war-hawks are now claiming a new intervention may be needed to “save” the Kurds.

Tillerson touts US-India partnership on South Asian tour

By Deepal Jayasekera, 2 November 2017

The US secretary of state made clear that New Delhi is central to Washington’s aggressive strategy against China.

US, India push anti-China campaign at Sri Lankan maritime conference

Australian rail union suspends industrial action in Pacific National dispute

By Terry Cook, 2 November 2017

The Rail, Tram and Bus Union called off all industrial action as it moved to broker another sell-out agreement.

New in Spanish

La UE respalda la imposición por parte de Madrid de un régimen autoritario en Cataluña

Por Francis Dubois, 2 noviembre 2017

Temiendo el surgimiento de luchas de masas contra la austeridad, la oligarquía financiera europea está respaldando la imposición de un régimen autoritario en Cataluña.

New in French

Les mises en examen des responsables de campagne de Trump et la crise politique en Amérique

Par Barry Grey, 2 novembre 2017

L’assertion d’une ingérence russe a pris le caractère d’une chasse aux sorcières relevant d’un néo-maccarthysme, dans laquelle l’opposition sociale et politique à la politique de la classe dirigeante est attribuée à l’intervention malveillante du Kremlin.

Audience du Congrès américain :
Un ex-agent du FBI affirme que les entreprises de technologie doivent « faire taire » les sources de « rébellion »

Par Andre Damon, 2 novembre 2017

Plaidant pour une censure accrue de l’Internet, Clint Watts, ex-agent de l’armée américaine et du FBI, a déclaré : « Les guerres civiles ne commencent pas par des coups de feu, elles commencent par des mots ».

Les audiences du Congrès sur le «contenu extrême» préparent un assaut contre la liberté d’expression

Par Andre Damon, 2 novembre 2017

Cette semaine, les compagnies de technologie américaines vont témoigner devant le Congrès sur leurs actions visant à limiter le «contenu extrémiste» sur internet dans le cadre de la chasse aux sorcières anti-russe, qui cible de plus en plus le Premier amendement.

Le Premier ministre catalan fait appel à l’UE alors que l’opposition à la répression de Madrid monte

Par Alex Lantier, 2 novembre 2017

Puigdemont a demandé à l’UE de négocier un accord entre le gouvernement espagnol et les autorités catalanes sur la base des élections du 21 décembre imposées par Madrid à la Catalogne.

New in German

Anklage gegen Trumps Wahlkampfchef: Krise der US-Politik spitzt sich zu

Barry Grey, 2. November 2017

Die Anschuldigung, Russland unterwandere die US-Politik, dient einer Hetzkampagne im Stil des Kalten Kriegs: Widerstand gegen die Politik der Herrschenden wird den düsteren Machenschaften des Kremls zugeschrieben.

Anhörung im US-Kongress:
Ex-FBI-Agent verlangt, dass Facebook, Google und Twitter Aufrührer „zum Schweigen“ bringen

Andre Damon, 2. November 2017

Clint Watts, ein ehemaliger Offizier der US-Armee und FBI-Agent, plädiert für eine verschärfte Zensur des Internets: „Bürgerkriege beginnen nicht mit Schüssen, sondern mit Worten.“

Kaufhof-Belegschaft auf dem Auktionsblock

Carola Kleinert und Andy Niklaus, 2. November 2017

Zwei Jahre nach der Übernahme durch die kanadische Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) müssen die 21.000 Beschäftigten der Kaufhauskette Galeria Kaufhof erneut um ihre Löhne und Arbeitsplätze fürchten.

Jedes fünfte Kind in Deutschland lebt in Armut

Anna Rombach, 2. November 2017

Die Studie der Bertelsmann-Stiftung kommt einer Warnung an die Herrschenden gleich. Sie liefert ein verheerendes Bild der aktuellen Klassengesellschaft.

New in Russian

Крайне правые националистические группы проводят шествие в Киеве

Джейсон Мелановски, 1 ноября 2017 г.

Недавние шествия и митинги в Киеве указывают на растущий кризис режима Порошенко.

Other Languages


General lets slip US escalation in Syria

2 November 2017

The general’s “slip of the tongue” served only to further expose the military escalation being carried out behind the backs of the American people.

Earlier Perspectives »

Fund appeal

The WSWS is under attack. Help us fight back!

Google's move to block the WSWS and other left-wing sites is part of a campaign to censor the Internet, involving powerful corporations and governments around the world. We need your financial support to fight against the greatest threat to free speech since the Second World War.


White House chief of staff blames Civil War on failure to “compromise”

By Tom Mackaman, 2 November 2017

Retired Marine General John Kelly’s comments resuscitate a reactionary interpretation that denies the Civil War’s historical necessity.

Trump on Jackson and the Civil War: Historical ignorance and the decline of the American presidency

May a word be spoken on behalf of Kevin Spacey?

By David Walsh, 1 November 2017

The politics of the Harvey Weinstein scandal

The Trump campaign indictments and the political crisis in America

By Barry Grey, 1 November 2017

Three former Trump aides indicted as Washington political warfare intensifies

Congressional Republicans open investigation into Clinton role in Russian acquisition of US uranium mines

Bernie Sanders tries to quell anger in Puerto Rico

By Rafael Azul, 1 November 2017

Arts Review

Sean Baker’s The Florida Project: “The joy and heart and humor of being a child”

By Joanne Laurier, 2 November 2017

The Florida Project focuses imaginatively and sympathetically on the “hidden homeless” who eke out a bare-bones existence in the shadow of Disney World in Orlando, Florida.

Revoliutsiia! Demonstratsiia! Soviet Art Put to the Test at the Art Institute of Chicago—an introductory comment
Russian Revolutionary art exhibition opened October 29

By Jeff Lusanne and David Walsh

Socialist Equality Party

Strong turnout at San Diego campuses for lectures by David North on Russian Revolution

By our reporter, 2 November 2017

The lectures were well attended and prompted lively discussions with members of the audience.

New Zealand: Socialist Equality Group meeting discusses new Labour-NZ First government

By our reporters, 2 November 2017

The meeting in Wellington discussed the danger of world war, the right-wing character of the new government and the need to build a New Zealand section of the ICFI.

Auto workers struggles

Death of Jacoby Hennings highlights UAW collusion with auto companies

By Jerry White, 1 November 2017

Hundreds mourn death of young Ford worker in Detroit

Autoworkers take to social media to defend young Ford worker killed in apparent suicide

More on auto workers struggles »

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

Documents of the Russian Revolution
The Art of Insurrection

By Leon Trotsky, 1 November 2017

We are publishing here “The Art of Insurrection,” the sixth chapter in the third volume of Trotsky’s History of the Russian Revolution in the translation by Max Eastman.

This week in the Russian Revolution
October 30-November 5: Bolsheviks marshal forces for the revolution

30 October 2017

Notice: Final centenary lecture date changed to November 11

The final online lecture in the ICFI's series on the centenary of the Russian Revolution, "The Place of the October Revolution in World History and Contemporary Politics" will now be held on November 11 at 1:00 pm EST. For full information and to register, visit wsws.org/1917.


Commemoration meetings in Australia and New Zealand
100 years on: The significance of the 1917 Russian Revolution for today

28 October 2017

US public meeting series: Why Study the Russian Revolution?

24 October 2017

Sri Lankan SEP/IYSSE calls public meetings to mark the centenary of the Russian Revolution

27 October 2017

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »

Featured Video

On the spot report: Five hundred workers who lack access to basic health care attended a free charity health clinic in Charleston, West Virginia.

Workers Struggles

Australia: Possible Woolworths strikes spark warnings of a broader wages movement

By Oscar Grenfell, 31 October 2017

The Grenfell Tower fire

Art auction for Grenfell fire survivors raises £2 million

By Paul Bond, 30 October 2017

Grenfell Fire Forum launches Facebook page

By our reporters, 26 October 2017

More on the Grenfell Tower fire »

Google Censorship

Public meetings in Michigan, California and New York
Google: The new face of Internet censorship

24 October 2017

New York Times and Wall Street Journal demand censorship of YouTube

By Andre Damon, 26 October 2017

The new McCarthyism and the suppression of political dissent

By Andre Damon, 29 September 2017

Google escalates blacklisting of left-wing web sites and journalists

Over 5,000 sign WSWS petition against Google blacklisting

By Trévon Austin, 23 October 2017

The conspiracy to censor the Internet

By Andre Damon and Joseph Kishore, 18 October 2017

The elites “have no credibility left:” An interview with journalist Chris Hedges

An open letter to Google: Stop the censorship of the Internet! Stop the political blacklisting of the World Socialist Web Site!

25 August 2017

Sign the petition and share it as widely as possible through email, online forums, and social media.

Watch: Stop online censorship!

More on Google Censorship »

Book Review

Thomas Mackaman’s New Immigrants and the Radicalization of American Labor, 1914-1924
Immigration and socialist strategy in America, past and present

By Eric London, 24 October 2017

Thomas Mackaman’s New Immigrants and the Radicalization of American Labor, 1914-1924 is an essential contribution not only to labor history, but also toward the development of a strategy of social revolution today.


“This anti-Russian campaign is horrible”: An interview with antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan

By David Walsh, 23 October 2017

Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a US soldier killed in Iraq in 2004, has had many bitter experiences with the Democratic Party.


Thirty years since Wall Street’s “Black Monday”

By Nick Beams, 19 October 2017

50 years since the murder of Che Guevara
Including a republication of Castroism and the Politics of Petty-Bourgeois Nationalism

The contradictions of Ken Burns and Lynn Novick’s The Vietnam War


Neutron star merger observed through gravitational waves and light

By Don Barrett, 18 October 2017

Observation of gravitational waves wins Nobel Prize in physics

Featured Commentary

Forty years since the assassination of Tom Henehan (1951-1977)
Tom Henehan: A revolutionary life

By David North, 16 October 2017

Today marks the 40th anniversary of the assassination of Tom Henehan, a member of the Political Committee of the Workers League—the predecessor of the Socialist Equality Party in the US. We are republishing here a tribute delivered by David North at a meeting in 1997.


New club procedures at UC Berkeley give police effective veto power over campus events

By Gabriel Black and Joseph Santolan, 17 October 2017

UC Berkeley mobilizes police for “Free Speech Week”

Trump threatens UC Berkeley funding cut after protest against fascistic provocateur

International Amazon Workers Voice

Trudeau courts Amazon CEO to locate its second headquarters in Canada

Amazon workers force company to rehire unjustly fired worker after IAWV exposure

Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the International Amazon Workers Voice on Facebook

Is $12 an hour a fair wage for Amazon workers?

Price gouging at Amazon and the case for public ownership