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Anders Behring Breivik's comments
at. 04.50
This is a complete list of comments Anders BehringBreivik has left at
2010-10-29 14:08:40
Thanks for the great effort to date, Hans and Document. You are doing an incredibly important job and is considered today to be one of very few ideological alternative voices. And you willbe noticed from the country's parliamentary representatives and journalists. I would even arguethat the Document has become a political force in Norway, as we all know that the country'selites secretly read Document weekly! :-) You continue to make Norway a great service! :-)I wish however to make some constructive criticism when it comes to Documentsorganizational and financial plans. Please do not take it personally:)Considering Documents modest economy and that in any case, are 50 talented writers inNorway who had willingly helped more active, I think it would be a very bad idea to focus90% of Documents assets of a permanent reporter position. Today there are a plethora of essays and articles that requested distributed without financial compensation so why spend allthe funds in a reporter position? I'm pretty sure that, under the circumstances, very costlyposition is liquidated in the course of a two-year period when I expect that you will eventuallyget to the same conclusion.It would be a pity if you ignored the suggestions and decided to squandered all the money in apotentially "politically correct" person with a background in the Marxist boot camp: VoldaUniversity College or any other journalist (Marxist) camps, etc.What you, however should focus economic is to develop "Concept Document" socially andorganizationally, primarily through the development of this blog to a solution more like a socialnetworking f such that is linked to similar organizations in other countries (similar to abeginning of a cultural Euro-version of a Tea Party movement).Alternatively, should you give out a monthly magazine that is distributed through Narvesen. Ihave already presented a detailed strategy for how this can be done. I collected all the offers
from suppliers, I contacted even Narvesen and then submit this to you, Hans. Full distributionthrough Narvesen (2000 copies monthly magazine), can be produced for less than £. 35 000per month, an investment guaranteed to provide "break-even" and could potentially result intwice the revenue! I do not understand why someone from the Document have not wanted toconsider my proposal?You have, at present, access to a fleet of some of the brightest talents in most industries, thatwould be willing to work for free. This talent is now unused. So why use up 90% of Documents agents on a reporter position?I have worked with the project for 14 years with several projects related to web solutions, havethe financial education + two other Bachelor's degrees, earned my first million as anentrepreneur at the age of 24 and have many friends who today are successful entrepreneurs inmost industries. Several of my friends are experts on the development of social networkingsites (one of them runs, Norway's probably the most profitable online communitiesdespite the frayed moral concept).The point of the illustration is that you have access to very valuable skills, free, as you nowrefuse you to use.I hope you will be willing to receive help in a much greater extent than you are today andinstead use the modest funds for more essential costs, as outlined above.Anyway, get on! I support you 100% no matter what you ultimately have to choose ;-)
2010-09-21 23:20:25
The main axes are the economy and culture.They were right-wing culturally but economically leftist (not as extreme as the plannedeconomy but still strong socialist). So it is equally wrong to call them right wing as the leftextreme. They were both: PLiberals like of course to tag them as right wing, as well as anti-socialists refer to them as theleft extreme.The third axis: authoritarian vs liberal is inappropriate to use as the main marker.
2010-09-01 08:19:15
Lasse Moer,Japan and South Korea is much clearer examples of countries that consistently and very directdismissed multiculturalism. This stadfested those in the 70 -, 80 -, 90-number and this confirms
the very day.The UN has for years been trying to push them to receive hundreds of thousands of refugeesbut the number has ended in a tiny fraction of the original claim. Europe has never chosen torun the psychological and economic warfare against them for this reason (as they do toEuropean nations / individuals who espouse the same arguments and principles)Multiculturalists will be very embarrassed if you mention Japan and South Korea as thesenations proves quite obvious that mass immigration is only a result of specific Marxistdoctrines and very rarely economically or culturally privileged. Japan / South Korea has aborder and border guards. If one lacks the visa one is denied passage ... (Europe had knownthis scheme prior 1950-1960)The interesting question is the, why are not Japanese and South Koreans demonized as theNazis and fascists? The answer, we know ...
2010-06-15 11:11:55
Very good and very important article. Great work, Hans!
2010-02-17 10:56:52
The problem is that it often does not help about 80% of Muslims are "moderates", ie theyignore the Quran. "It takes very few people to overthrow a plane."What percentage is the Taliban of Pakistan's population? 1%, 3%, 5%? And how much chaosis there today?In every society where Islam exists there will be a certain percentage of the Muslims whoactually follow the traditional interpretations of the Koran.And then we have the relationship between conservative Muslims and so-called "moderateMuslims".There is moderate Nazis, too, that does not support fumigation of rooms and Jews. But they'restill Nazis and will only sit and watch as the conservatives Nazis strike (if it ever happens). If we accept the moderate Nazis as long as they distance themselves from the fumigation of rooms and Jews?Now it unfortunately already cut himself with Marxists who have already infiltrated-culture,media and educational organizations. These individuals will be tolerated and will even work asprofessors and lecturers at colleges / universities and are thus able to spread their propaganda.For me it is very hypocritical to treat Muslims, Nazis and Marxists differ. They are all
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