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Anders Behring Breivik said Muslims threatening youth & wanted to establish Norwegian EDL

by Joseph W

This is Anders Behring Breivik:

This is a powerful image from yesterday’s events in Oslo:

Anders B on Muslims, and unsafe areas for youth:

Non-Muslim youth in Oslo aged 12-18 are in a particularly vulnerable situation in terms of harassment of Muslim youth.I myself am born and raised here and chose out of necessity to the friendships / alliances with A and B team to move freely. The alternative is that you stick to your neighborhood or west side. I know of hundreds of incidents where non-Muslims were robbed, beaten and harassed by Muslim gangs. Top My friend aged 12-17 was Pakistan that I was one of the protected sphere “potatoes” who had protection. But I saw hypocrisy at close range and was disgusted. Muslim gangs have / could devastate free (racism / Jihad behavior), while all attempts “potatoes” do / did to make the same thread are systematically stamped on racism and deconstructed by the local police.

No wonder the Progress Party won the school election. It grows up to a new generation dhimmifisert youth who actually know what Islam and dhimmitude is in contrast to the white politicians and journalists who choose to move to Oslo in 20-30 years of age.

I’m glad I’ve always lived in Oslo West. For it must be hell on the Oslo East: o


There’s a bunch of no-go zones in most American cities. The LA’s most famous – Compton, Crenshaw, Watts, Inglewood, etc. but it can not be directly compared with the situation in Europe while the Afro-Americans are Christians, etc.

On results of the last election:

Well, the essence is that Muslim boys learn æreskodekser, pride in their own religion, culture and cultural conservative values ​​at home while Norwegian men have been feminized and teacher excessive tolerance. This makes them totally unprepared for what awaits them … The curriculum at the school now consists also largely of the demonization of our ancestors (evil imperialists, big farmers who raped maids, bloodthirsty Crusaders who invaded the peaceful Muslims) as it gives a victim the role of Muslims. The result is that Norwegian girls aged 12-18 are particularly vulnerable and often oppressed. They lack pride, æreskodekser and a correct understanding of Islam.

There have now been a mass exodus of non-Muslims from Oslo East in 20 years, even if the media refuses to cover this trend. The reason is simple. People do not want to be oppressed, they do not want to live like other citizens rangs (dhimmitude). Parents observe but can not do much. There are of course very dependent on the situation. If it is 50% Muslims in school or only 2%. It is often easiest to move in instead of letting your child carry the “integration issue” on their shoulders.

In many ways intensified the polarization between Muslim and non-Muslim youth among the younger generations. There are ten times as many Muslim gangs as non-Muslim. Abuse and harassment is perceived as clear racism and frustration is high because the media ignores this racism in total. 100 racial / Jihadi murder of Norwegians in the last 15 years are totally ignored as a single murder of a Norwegian racist resulting in a torchlight procession in which 50 000 participants and establishing a Memorial Fund.

Many young people are apathetic as a result, others are very racist.

I got the impression that the younger generations in Oslo not quite manage to see the political context here. They see the racist attack but do not fully understand that this is Jihad (political / cultural attacks). They repay why they perceive as racism with racism.

My hope is that they will see the cultural / political context, but one should not ignore the fact that the new generations of young people going in the direction of ethnocentrism.

Young people need solutions, and currently there are no anti-racist youth culture conservative options. Some people choose the options that exist, that it is ethnocentric.

I dare not even think of how many Norwegian children who have been suicide because of these experiences (assault, robbery, rape, psychological terror committed by Muslim youths). There are probably several hundred in the last 15 years.

Well, this is certainly part of the reason that the Progress Party was larger than the AP at the last school elections …

The special thing here is that if we had removed the Muslim vote at the last school elections in Oslo, the Progress Party ended up about 30-40% support.

His ideology:

I have not been present in the Norwegian debate until now when I have debated in English for several years / total material Compendium, which I once finished:)

I feel it is important to create a pan-European platform for rhetoric / objectives / policy analysis / research of historical factors relevant to so and transfer this knowledge to every nation. It pan-Europeiske/US environment RobertSpencer , Fjordman, Atlas, Analekta + 50 other EU / U.S. bloggers (and Facebook groups) is the epicenteret for policy analysis and has been for some years.

Much of this knowledge has already been communicated through “document” (are incredibly impressed with the level of knowledge here:)) indicating that it is going to shape a new pan-European “cultural conservative” intellectual movement that is agreed on the basic truths .

Behring Breivik’s upcoming book:

  • You raise many interesting points. I’ve even made lists of these networks, which I will launch my book. It is essential to counter this is to continue the consolidation (the paste into charts earlier of specific tasks and activities, annual plans etc. to systematically regain control of specific NGOs and strengthen the cultural conservatives of all 7 different political fronts. Another important task is to create a cultural conservative media company with national distribution. We are in the process.
  • Ang your choice of an ideological basis. 50 years of efforts by the ethnocentric organizations / movements (from 1960-2009) has failed completely. We know this and further focus, illumination of these strategies will only be counter-productive and potentially very damaging to the current Norwegian and European cultural conservative movement.
  • Ethnocentric movements that BNP, National Front is not successful and will never be able to get over 10% support (BNP 5%, the UN has 7%). One can not fight racism (multikulti) with racism. Ethnocentrism is therefore the complete opposite of what we want to achieve.
  • We have selected the Vienna School of Thought as the ideological basis. This implies opposition to multiculturalism and Islamization (on cultural grounds). All ideological arguments based on anti-racism.
  • This has proven to be very successful which explains why the modern cultural conservative movement / parties that use the Vienna School of Thought is so successful: the Progress Party, Geert Wilders, document and many others.
  • Ethnocentrism is contrary to the principles of the Vienna School of Thought which is why you surely have been censored in the past.
  • I have worked several years for the Progress Party and guarantee you that the Progress Party had less than 10% support if they had not chosen Vienna School of Thought as an ideological basis.
  • Yes, we will defeat the multiculturalism / kulturmarxisme finally (as this is very discriminatory and racist). But we must do it in the correct ideological grounds.

On “Gates of Vienna” thinking:

Hlund, Fjordman, Hårstad, Rust

I’m NOK much later in the game than him when I have only been politically active for 13 years. I førstegenerasjonsdhimmi (Generation Y). I was active Oslo FrP / FpU in the first 6-7 years (in the cultural conservatives + laissez faire capitalist / liberal camp) and contributed to the Progress Party’s success before I stopped. I felt the time was more important to help develop / promote the political doctrines abroad especially British, German, French, American). I ran the business a few years while I studied and earned a few million so I could finance a inntektsløs politically active life. I now use these funds to be able to work full time to further develop / promote the Vienna Academy (Vienna school of thought) that Fjordman, Bat Yeor, Spencer + many others have already contributed so much till. The last three years I worked full time with a cultural conservative works that will help to further develop / promote these political doctrines further.

Anyway, I consider the future consolidation of the cultural conservative forces on all seven fronts as the most important in Norway and in all Western European countries. It is essential that we work to ensure that all these 7 fronts using the Vienna school of thought, or at least parts of the grunlag for 20-70 year-struggle that lies in front of us.

The book is called, by the way 2083 and is in English, 1100 pages).

To sums up the Vienna school of thought:

- Cultural Conservatism (anti-multiculturalism)
- Toward Islamization
- Anti-racist
- anti-authoritarian (resistance to all authoritarian ideologies of hate)
- Pro-Israel/forsvarer of non-Muslim minorities in Muslim countries
- Defender of the cultural aspects of Christianity
- Revealing Eurabia project and the Frankfurt School (ny-marxisme/kulturmarxisme/multikulturalisme)
- Is not an economic policy and can collect everything from socialists to capitalists

Frankfurt School (kulturmarxisme) is a very ambitious unofficial ideology (and quite unknown to most) and they have succeeded in most areas (except to smash capitalism, European Christianity and European identity, traditions, culture). Vienna school is more a defense against this where we often use the Marxist ‘own creations against them (sexual liberation, feminism, liberalism, anti-racism, anti-autoriære arguments).

Vienna school of thought is far from a complete ideology but consists of principles and ideas that are constantly under development.It is unofficial and does not necessarily ever to be recognized.

He wanted to establish a Norwegian EDL:

The whole conflict between BNP and EDL started with a change of leadership in the EDL for a few months ago. They threw out the racist and denounced the BNP. They chose instead SIOE’s ideological basis that is more or less mainstream view on the right side in Western Europe now ( Vienna School of Thought).

Nick was very offended and began to demonize the EDL. Although they are now attacking each other as they compete not at all as these are two quite different fronts. 90% of all votes in the EDL continued BNP (Since this is the only alternative to multikulti in the UK) and 90% of BNP supports EDL regardless of what Nick had to think.

Second, Labour governs intelligence service. They had never in his life supported the EDL as these create a lot of positive attention for the cultural conservative movement in the UK.

I have on some occasions discussed with SIOE and EDL and recommended them to use conscious strategies.

The tactics of the EDL is now out to “entice” an overreaction from Jihad Youth / Extreme-Marxists something they have succeeded several times already. Over The reaction has been repeatedly shown on the news which has booster EDLs ranks high. This has also benefited BNP. WinWin for both.

But I must say I am very impressed with how quickly they have grown but this has to do with smart tactical choice by management.

EDL is an example and a Norwegian version is the only way to prevent Flash / SOS to harass Norwegian cultural conservatives from other fronts. Creating a Norwegian EDL should be No. 3 on the agenda after we have started up a cultural conservative newspaper with national distribution.

The agenda of the Norwegian cultural conservative movement over the next 5 years are therefore:

1. Newspaper with national distribution
2 Working for the control of several NGOs
3 Norwegian EDL