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Richard Seymour
Author of 'Corbyn:...'. A founding editor of Salvage. Academic. Writing at LRB, Vice, AJE, Guardian, etc. FB:
Richard Seymour 16m
Larva matures to imago, the chrysalis hatches, and at last with a harrowing cry, the dread Slake Moth Queen shakes herself free.
Richard Seymour retweeted
Alex Nunns 20h
Useful analysis of the poll of Labour members. Conclusion: no "sea-change," Corbyn's support is steady
Richard Seymour 15h
Lacan took Freud to mean that the ego was *way too strong* -- a fantasy which exerted a mortifying grip on desire. Ciao.
Richard Seymour 15h
depends what you mean by civilisation. If you mean reading/writing/science/tech, we do. Otherwise, performative contradiction
Richard Seymour 15h
It's up to you if you want to read it in that way, but you're just narrowing your own repertoire.
Richard Seymour 15h
it's a hypothesis, which some analysts have worked with (Lacan gave it a socio-linguistic grounding) and others haven't.
Richard Seymour 15h
Freud developed death-drive to explain repetition compulsion and other problems that homeostatic pleasure principle couldn't.
Richard Seymour 15h
Reich was a Freudian. (Not imo a very interesting one, but a Freudian in all his key metaphsychological assumptions).
Richard Seymour 15h
That's not true and clearly not rooted in any reading of Freud.
Richard Seymour 16h
incidentally, death drive (Trieb, not instinct), is in many ways a profoundly subversive idea. Worth thinking through.
Richard Seymour 16h
and there are elements of it in the Anglican version of Freudian theory (British object relations). But that's not all.
Richard Seymour 16h
...that psychoanalysis can become a sophisticated form of adaption. That's essentially what 'ego psychology' became.
Richard Seymour 16h
and in so doing, to change whatever was causing them to be unable to enjoy life. There is always a risk...
Richard Seymour 16h
I don't think it's as simple as that. The point of psychoanalysis was to let people speak without censorship.
Richard Seymour 16h
It's hardly fair to blame Freud for reinforcing the norm. That was not the thrust of psychoanalysis at all.
Richard Seymour retweeted
Morten Stinus 18h
Det her er et virkelig godt interview med om socialisme i dag, bl.a. dets forhold til identitetspolitik.
Richard Seymour retweeted
ravensbot 21h
Couldn't agree more with here. Catastrophism isn't the problem—catastrophe is:
Richard Seymour Mar 7
My little TeleSUR slot on Trump, the Muslim ban, and the media "resistance":
Richard Seymour retweeted
Laurie Ray Mar 6
thanks for this lucid and compelling interview
Richard Seymour retweeted
Jimmy Nicholls Mar 5
Our latest podcast with has got 1,000 listens. You could be the 1,001st!
Richard Seymour retweeted
Pat Noble Mar 5
Halfway through Richard Seymour's () - The Strange Rebirth of Radical Politics. Great read thus far. Recommended.
Richard Seymour Mar 5
‘Mourning and Militancy’ by Richard Seymour | Monthly Review
Richard Seymour Mar 5
Interesting! For the first time ever, I am criticised for not writing in a sufficiently ornate fashion. For once I am the staid naturalist.
Richard Seymour retweeted
Adam Tooze Mar 4
Engaging with Perry Anderson on anger, fear, despair and anti-systemic politics. -
Richard Seymour retweeted
Oxford Radical Forum Mar 4
Richard Seymour speaking on Brexit & UK-Trumpism at 6pm at ChCh
Richard Seymour retweeted
Ken MacLeod Mar 4
'Trumpism, a fascism for the end of history' Yes.
Richard Seymour retweeted
Katrina Forrester Mar 4
The case for the Women's Strike: in
Richard Seymour retweeted
Joana Ramiro Mar 3
or ? Who's to blame for 26k people leaving the Labour Party over last year? ft
Richard Seymour Mar 3
without any polling on that, my instinct says mostly the first two.
Richard Seymour Mar 3
Q: how many are centrists; how many disappointed Remainers; & how many disaffected Corbynites.