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Digital sovereignty à la russe

Russia’s digital security doctrine is isolationist and authoritarian. It not only trumps the ​​development of the country, but blocks it. RU - free thinking for the world
March "For free Internet", July 2017, Moscow. Source: "Leviy blok" / Telegram.

Digital sovereignty à la russe

Russia’s digital security doctrine is isolationist and authoritarian. It not only trumps the ​​development of the country, but blocks it. RU - free thinking for the world
March "For free Internet", July 2017, Moscow. Source: "Leviy blok" / Telegram.

This week’s editors

Adam Ramsay, Editor

Adam Ramsay is Co-Editor at openDemocracy UK.

Call for submissions: Listening to Libya - Intervention and its aftermath

NAWA seeks to provide a deeper look into Libya by inviting Libyan writers, and readers to submit their thoughts, articles and pitches but also their reading recommendations to us.

The challenges of building a shared Iraqi identity

If we take the fracturing of Iraqi memory to be an indicator of the direction Iraq is headed, then it is clear that reconciliation will also entail reconciling such competing narratives of Iraqi history, and thus identity.

We need to talk about Europe

What are the Brexit answers – and what indeed are the right questions? Anthony Barnett’s new book, ‘Lure of Greatness’ triggers a lively exchange of opinion with Simon Maxwell.

The great British drug rip-off

Drug prices are soaring, crippling our NHS. And Big Pharma’s defence (‘research is expensive’) omits one crucial fact…

Catalonia: now what?

Last October 27, in hours, Catalonia went from independence being declared by the Barcelona Parliament to having its system of self-rule taken over by the government in Madrid. Español

Facts will not save (the youth) from Fake. Citizenship will

How can we reconquer the capital city, symbolically – both in real and virtual terms – to capture the imagination of youth, to reorient it towards creativity, imagination and engagement?

Letter from London, not Raqqa

An ISIS adherent reports from his new base, in the latest of a series imagined by Paul Rogers.

Sustainable finance: Funding a low carbon economy

The world of finance has long been out of focus for climate change campaigners. Now is the time to change that.

Upholding the Rule of Law in the European Union

An open letter concerning the upholding of the Rule of Law in the European Union, co-signed by 188 scholars, politicians, public intellectuals and members of the European Parliament and sent on November 3, 2017.

Digital sovereignty à la russe

Russia’s digital security doctrine is isolationist and authoritarian. It not only trumps the ​​development of the country, but blocks it. RU

Pyotr Ryabov: “Prison is the ideal model for the state”

Russian anarchist writer Pyotr Ryabov was recently imprisoned and deported from Belarus. I asked him about freedom of assembly, the power of the hunger strike and why history lectures are a threat to authoritarian rule. RU

One Zionist view of the Balfour Declaration

The State of Israel came into being thirty-one years after the Balfour Declaration, precisely because Zionist Jews were done entrusting their fate to others.

Osman Kavala, Turkish democracy on the anvil

The leading representative of Turkish civil society faces jail.

The revolution will not be merchandised

As we approach the 100 year anniversary of the Russian revolution, a variety of cultural responses are floating around – but Corbyn mugs and cynical movies don't capture the visionary optimism we need.

Artpodgotovka: six days to destroy a movement

This week has seen members of a Russian radical nationalist movement searched, detained and charged with various offences, including terrorism.

Heated debates around domestic violence in Armenia

Civil society includes many NGOs that are not only conservative but are financed by Russia, and seem to be on a mission to impede Armenia from any rapprochement with Europe.  Interview.

One year after the Jungle: a wasteland of misery and last hopes

People still live in the Jungle camp outside Calais, one year after the French police turned it into a wasteland. Cold, wet, constantly harassed – how much longer must they wait?

Putting the Pacific on the Map

This year, CIVICUS International Civil Society Week will take place in Fiji, and will allow civil society delegates from around the world to explore the frontlines in the global fight against climate change. Español

How not to achieve a sustainable development goal

Turf wars, unrealistic targets, and misconceptions of the problem. What else could go wrong in the quest to end 'modern slavery' and provide decent work for all?

Following Arron Banks' money: who delivered the payment in paraphernalia?

The Electoral Commission is investigating major Leave donor Arron Banks. Why was there a £1.9m 'in kind' donation, and who did it come from?

The world comes closer together as it falls apart

People living under unjust administrations hope for an open world and membership in the global club of humanity, infusing the wilting, erstwhile European notion of global citizenship with new aspirations and purpose.

Before the NFL took a knee: four lesser-known moments of resistance in sports history

This isn’t the first time the world of professional sports has entered the fight for civil rights and racial justice.

Sustainable finance: Changing businesses from the inside out

If I were to use my money to invest in part of a company I would be a shareholder. This term does not only apply to large players. As David Pitt Watson has noted,  if you hold a pension, or if you in...

Sustainable finance: Can socially responsible investing mitigate climate change?

For as long as we live in a capitalist financial system, someone is going to profit while someone else is going to pay. Is it not better that they profit from improving lives rather than destroying them?  

MOST of the world's refugees are from countries invaded by Britain

Shockingly, countries that have been occupied by Britain or British interests are the source of over half the world’s refugees – yet Britain has taken very few people thus displaced.

Clean hands and empty heads: Transparency International’s new report on Russian theatre

17355012_10155067658762410_1648230893_n.jpgTransparency International-Russia’s recent report on the financial operations of Russia’s state theatres is yet more evidence that the anti-corruption agenda is squeezing out concerns for human rights. RU


VIDEO: Highlights from the Festival for New Economic Thinking

How do we build more a just, sustainable, and resilient economy? Watch the highlights from the Festival for New Economic Thinking. 

The European Left needs to wake up - on Catalonia, there is no middle ground

Hope for Europe doesn’t lie with Macron, Rajoy or Merkel. It lies with radical democratic movements from below.