
Showing posts with the label fiju

C4.5 Blog Wrong Again: No Soldiers at Fiji Water Factory, and Truly Breaking News

Who on earth is CoupFourPointFive relying on for its information on Fiji. They report:
"Breaking! Army heading to Fiji Water factory! The Fiji Water fallout has gathered momentum with reports the army is heading out to the Rakiraki factory.Coupfourpointfive understands the army will arrive at Fiji Water in a short while, one o'clock according to our source. We understand the army will be posted at the factory for two weeks. ... More to come as we get it. "

I checked the story out with the Information PS.  She replied:  "You can inform your readers the Military are NOT on their way up to Fiji Waters as reported on the other blog site. On the related matter of accurate reporting,   I am intending to take  up Michael Fields and the NZ media on their story that the PM was dead. Can the NZ media please declare their interest in Fiji? It is  appalling at the moment. They seem willing to publish anything without seeking verification. What is going on?