
Showing posts with the label EU

Fiji 'Playing Politics' at MSG? Pacific Islands Trade, Disabilities, Gays have Human Rights

WEEKEND READING ♦ Allen Lockington Column  ♦ People's Charter  Pillar 4 Public Service Efficiency: for Discussion   ♦ Father Arms Corrects Me on the Charter's Proposed Voting System 
♦ Kevin Rudd Takes His Eye off Pacific Islands

I had hoped to publish " Two Viewpoints on the Alleged Torture of Detainees"   but this will now be deferred for two weeks due to  the Amnesty International NZ CEO being temporarily unavailable.

Photo: A comment on last year's Engaging the Pacific meeting that was held when the MSG meeting was cancelled by then Vanuatu PM Edward Natapei, some say due to Australian pressure.

N0258. SNIPING FROM THE SIDELINES. The  Melanesian Spearhead Group is meeting in Suva this week and next. Last year's meeting was abandoned because the then MSG chairman, Vanuatu PM Edward Natapei, refused to hand over his chairmanship to Fiji whose turn it was to host the meeting. Natapei denies he was influenced by Australia and NZ in his decision. This year, no lo…

PM on Racism and Elections; Graham Southwick on the EU's 'Never-ending' Story

N247. THE PM ON RACE AND ELECTIONS. Fostering racism should be stamped out so that the country can move forward, the PM told Nakalawaca Villagers in Tailevu last week.

“Na veivakaduiduitaki vakamatatamata e vakadukadukalitaka na noda vanua (Racism corrupts our country).“E kune e loma ni politiki, ka kauta mai na veilecayaki e na noda vanua. E teteva na veimata tamata kei na lotu. E dodonu me vakawabokotaki. E vakataotaka na toso. (It is rife in politics and creates uncertainty among people. Racism is found in religious societies also. It should be stamped out. It affects growth and progress).

He said the People’s Charter was built on removing racial differences.

“This Government wants to remove racial discrimination so that we can live together peacefully. This is the charter — one country and one people. We should learn to love each other and appreciate each other’s race. This is your country and this is your land. No one can take them away from you but what this Government wants is …

It's Only a (FRU) Game & Ugly Racism, Housing Authority Helps Poor, EU Extends Agreements

Reader's opinions on the new posting days and times would be most welcome.
N0065. A NEW BALL GAME. In a new development the FRU Board, on the advice of the International Rugby Board,  has  reversed its decision and will not resign over the lottery saga.

The IRB apparently think changes to management could be a contravention of the FRU constitution which "could result in the IRB having to take a determination on the continued membership of the IRB of the FRU." They have further advised that a decision on the lottery is a matter between the FRU and the Fiji Commerce Commission. 

The IRB made no mention of the inspection of the FRU accounts that suggested mismanagement and misspending (at least $150,000 is missing), and they had nothing to say on charging two different prices for the same ticket, which, surely, is at the crux of the issue. Fiji does not need anyone, at home or overseas, to condone the mismanagement of public money. Mismanagement and misuse of office are bu…

UK, French, EU Trade, Minimum Wages, Workplace Discrimination, Development Multiplier Effect

N0019.  TRADE WITH EUROPE. Primary Industries Minister Joketani Cokanasiga met with British High Commissioner Mac McLachlan (right) and French Ambassador to Fiji Michael Montagnier yesterday to discuss bilateral trade opportunities.

The meeting provided an opportunity to discuss issues relating to bilateral trade opportunities between Fiji, United Kingdom, and France and with the European Union as a whole.

The issues discussed included capacity building and training opportunities within the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Fisheries and Forestry; technical expertise on  legislation' market excess, and government’s focus on export promotion, import substitution and poverty alleviation.”

Help was also sought on the EU ban on kava exports and the wish to extend the FairTrade Act to non-sugar agricultural commodities. -- Based on 2011, No:0039/MPI.

N0020. MINIMUM WAGES— AGAIN. Government backed down from implementing minimum wages last year due to employer pressure. The …

EU to Engage, Kisan Sangh Supports Sugar Reforms, More Fiji Water, Rural Development, Soqosoqo Vakamarama Welcomes Funding

EU WILLING TO ENGAGE ON ROADMAP. The European Union has indicated its willingness to engage more with Fiji on its Roadmap for the Return to Democracy in 2014,  according to  Fiji’s ambassador to Brussels Peceli Vocea, who said a letter outlining the EU’s position has been signed by Catherine Ashton, the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and the Commissioner Development Andris Piebalgs.

“That’s a very interesting development." he said. "I think a letter was just sent to Fiji signed by the Commissioner Development, and Catherine Ashton, that they are looking forward to working with Fiji on the roadmap – with regards processes Fiji may need to put in place for 2014.” He described the letter as a very important gesture, and a very important development for Fiji with the EU.

FIJI'S OLDEST UNION SUPPORTS GOVT REFORMS. The Fiji Kisan Sangh (Farmers'Union) has called on cane growers to get together and support government’s plan to reform the suga…

Call for UN Involvement, US Blocks Fiji's Open Access to UN; ACP- EU Fact Finding Mission

CALL FOR UN TO GET INVOLVED. Great, I thought.  RadioNZI has at last published something other than its usual  condemnation of Fiji. The email alert read: "Call for United Nations to get involved in liaising with Pacific neighbours. A New Zealand businessman with extensive interests in Fiji is calling for the United Nations to be brought in to help resolve the strained relations between ..."

So I clicked their website to read the rest of the story and this is what I got: "Error!Invalid Story ID<\p>. News Content © Radio New Zealand International ." We are left wondering why. 

SAD, VERY SAD.  Hillary Clinton's recent visit to Australia and New Zealand, — and her comments on a fresh engagement with Fiji — led optimists to think the US would take a lead in finding more appropriate policies on Fiji  than the failed policies of Australia and New Zealand that in four years have produced no positive results.  But now, with the US failure to issue three visas to F…

Natapei Out, Election Date, 2011 Budget, PACER, Tui Cakau a Villager, EU Fish, China Cement, Pine Dividend, Qarase in Court

 WEEKEND READING (published 8:40 — 9:00 am Saturday
♦  Allen Lockington column
♦  Fr Barr on Productivity and Stability
♦  Peter Gleick on Fiji Water
♦  Fire at Fiji Museum by Roderick Ewins
NATAPEI OUT. Vanuatu PM Edward Natapei  has been ousted from office in a 30:15 no confidence motion. Former Deputy Prime Minister, Sato Kilman has been sworn in as Prime Minister.

The move happened while Mr Natapei was out of the country, on his way to Cancun for the UN Climate Change Conference, and was driven by unhappiness over his push to have five opposition MP's suspended from the house, and also over his refusal to hand over the rotating chairmanship of the Melanesian Spearhead Group to Fiji, many said because of Australian pressure.

Mr Natapei was to officially apologize to Fiji for this action in a reconciliation ceremony in Honiara next week.  Mr Kilman will now presumably perform this task for him

ELECTION DATE REAFFIRMED. The Strategic Framework for Coordinating Change spokesman Ed…

Fiji Not a Lousy Place to Live, EU Mission Report, Economic Update, IMF Wants VAT Increase, Two Chiefly Forked Paths

. With the deluge of recently reported world indices, each of which has shown Fiji to be a lousy place to live, it is pleasing to see the recently released 2010 UNDP Human Development Index report shows Fiji has improved its ranking from 108th out of 169 countries to 86th. The composite index is widely regarded as the most meaningful measure of the quality of life because it takes into account factors such as life expectancy, education, gender equality, income and income equality.  The HDI has been used since 1990 as an alternative or supplementary measure of national development, until then measured solely by economic criteria such as Gross National Product (GNP), Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and rates of economic growth.

Norway ranks number one in the world as the best country to live followed by Australia and New Zealand. Countries more co…

Rumour-Mongers Got One Right, Tonga Okay, MSG Special Meeting, Sect Children Start School, Sugar Production Update, IMF Report, Price Anomalies

See new QUOTE FOR THE WEEK in the right sidebar, and scroll down to the Weekend Readings you may have missed.  Notice also the new blog description above and the new countdown to election facility in the lift sidebar. 

Big fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em,  And little fleas have lesser fleas, and so ad infinitum.
COMING BACK TO BITE THEM. Remember the Michael Field story a few weeks back? Unrest brewing in Fiji. Esala Teleni and Pita Driti "dumped" and "sent on indefinite leave." Tevita Mara "removed" as commander of the 3rd Fiji Infantry Regiment "amid wild rumours of further action." Well, Driti and Mara are back from leave and Teleni has been appointed Fiji's next amabassador to China. The latest is from Victor Lal on CoupFourPointFive. Reserve Bank Governor Sada Reddy has been stood down.

"According to highly reliable sources inside the Reserve Bank of Fiji, Reddy had allegedly transferred thousands of dollars …

Rakiraki, Land Leases, Fiji's Prisons, US Presence, Samoa Spat, EU and Sugar, Bruce Hill's "Viliame", Pacific Eye Clinic

WEEKEND READING. ♦ The Allen Lockington column ♦ Islands Business October Cover Story: Sugar ♦ Mosmi Bhim on Grassroots Citizenry, the Media and Democracy ♦ Engaging with Fiji by Sanjay Ramesh.

ALL PART OF THE ROADMAP: RAKIRAKI A NEW TOURIST DESTINATION? Recently gazetted a town, Rakiraki in Viti Levu's Northeast, aims at becoming a tourist destination, according to Town Council interim administrator, Ms Seini Vunivutu-Raiko. And it could well be when improvements to Kings Road are completed.  Rakiraki is about half way between Nadi and Suva on Kings Road, and a convenient stopover spot for a round-the-island tour or for visits to the nearby island of Nananu-i-Ra and other homely tourist resorts. The  town is the site of Fiji's smallest sugar mill, Penang.

Ms Vunivutu-Raiko says roads in the town will be improved next year at a cost of $100,000 and a special zone for tourism is being created on the town fringes. Consultations between the town, the Penang Mill and the Ra Chambe…

Good News from Cakaudrove, SFO Threatens NZ Journalists, EU's €, Bruce Hill, Usaia's FDFM and Me

GOOD NEWS FROM CAKAUDROVE. Reports from the Cakadrove Provincial Council meeting in Somosomo, Taveuni,  are that the paramount chief of Cakaudrove, the Tui Cakau Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu, who is also the head of the powerful Tovata Confederacy, comprising, Cakaudrove, Bua, Macuata and Lau, says he now agrees with changes imposed by the Government for the betterment of the country, and that it is time to forget the past and for everyone to work together to make Fiji a better place to live in.
Map from Walsh: Fiji: An Encyclopaedic Atlas, 2006, USP.

This, in my view, constitutes a major change in the Fiji political scene and offers hope of early reconciliations and faster progress with the reforms leading to the 2014 elections. Its significance is confirmed by the response of Sai Lealea,  a popular anti-goverment blogger, on his blog Fiji Coup 2006. He writes from Wellington:

"Coming from my paramount chief, this is indeed a monumental decision. It is one I will have to consider in t…

China Rolls On, EU Rolls Back, Chaudhry, Tiger Woods, Some Hard Questions on the Media

WELCOME TO OCTOBER AND A NEW WEEK.There are several new features in the right sidebar this week: a new Quote for the Week (that the PM should recognize) and three videos-- two patriotic songs and an an old interview with 'the Man.' The Countdown clock shows there are still about 1,440 days to the elections.  You should also check out the Weekend Reading if you missed it. Your comments, of course, are welcome as usual but no more anonymous comments, please, if you wish to have them published.

PERSONAL ATTACKS AND RACISM. In making your comments, remember that while criticizing a person's statements or known position is a perfectly acceptable means of debate, attacking the person and not their statement, is not. Similarly criticizing someone who happens to be of a different race or culture is not racism, but attacking the person because he or she is of that race or culture, and writing stereotypal derogatory remarks about the person's race or culture,  most definitely is.…

Beyond the Gibberish, Possible Crusher Sabotage

Commonwealth Gibberish
Crosbie Walsh

I don't really know why the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group¹ needed to meet in New York to discuss Fiji over the weekend. It said little and achieved nothing. The CMAG expressed its concern about the "lack of progress made toward the restoration of civilian constitutional democracy in Fiji[and hoped Fiji would take]the necessary steps to enable the restoration of its full participation in the Commonwealth as soon as possible."

Photo: See footnote 3, below.

But Fiji has made it abundantly clear -- for over a year now -- that elections would not be held until 2014, and it has given its reasons. The most that can be hoped for is the lifting of the Public Emergency Regulations, increased civilian involvement in government and more dialogue, with political dialogue starting before 2012. Why didn't CMAG push for this approach?

The CMAG "reaffirmed their solidarity with the people of Fiji." They said they were ready …

Forum Out, EU Questions its Relevance; ACP Out: Who Did It? Thinking ... Not Sleeping: From Total Silence to Mature Debate?

WEEKEND READING.  Allen Lockington's column; an Indo-Fijian's impressions on his home visit; Book Review. Michael Field's Swimming with Sharks, and in "Fiji and its Dictator" Chris Griffin, an Australian social anthropologist now living in Fiji, challenges ABC Rowan Callick's views published in last week's Weekend Australian. A veritable feast of comment and observation. Enjoy.
. The announcement causes no surprise and no further comment is necessary. Silence is the most perfect expression of scorn. -- George Bernard Shaw.

FORUM: EU SAYS FIJI MISSED. Fiji's absence from the Forum has prompted questions about its relevance and ability to help lift Pacific islanders out of poverty. The latest question comes from Christian Leffler, head of the EU Forum delegation.

"When Fiji is not participating fully in regional cooperation," he said, "as witnessed by their absence from this Pacific Islands Forum meeting, that also w…

Tonga Talks Sense, Downer Talks. Bainimarama on Forum; Rarawai Mill


VOICE OF REASON: TONGA WANTS DIALOGUE. In an interview with ABC's Bruce Hill acting as devil's advocate, Tongan PM Dr Feleti Sevele made these important comments:

Engaging in dialogue was the best way of genuine progress to democracy in Fiji; The Forum wants dialogue; Dialogue does not legitimise the Fiji regime; " The future of Fiji in terms of its government, in terms of its development, of its democracy, is something for the people of Fiji to resolve, not for us from outside of Fiji to determine how we would assist; We would certainly like Fiji to come back and be part of the international community or the Forum according to the governor's rules and policies of the forum."The forum wants to keep the lines of dialogue open and this is also said by Australia and New Zealand. We all believe that. If they need assistance, we should be willing to consider that. The altern…