
Showing posts with the label Chiefs

Blog Fortune Tellers, Government Housing, the DPP, Chaudhry & Takiveikata, FSC Reforms

N0051. THE ANTI-BLOGS ARE AT IT AGAIN. Don't get your fortune read at the CoupFourPointFive blog — or the FijiDemocracyNow blog that regugitates and adds to their predictions. Almost all their previous predictions have proven wrong.  Now they foresee that the days of the President are numbered.

Why?  Because  "speculation resurfaces" and, I quote,  they "have heard reports that the so-called attorney-general, Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum has written to the Naulukau [sic!] to advise him that his term as president ends at the end of February."  And because "it would make sense."

And the "sense"?  FDN says that because  the A-G "has the legal power to sack Bainimarama, then it would make sense for Sayed-Khaiyum to act sooner rather than later."

Why? Because "Sayed-Khaiyum knows only too well that his position in the regime is completely dependent on Bainimarama’s support. Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum also knows he would be totally vulnerable to a mo…

Spearhead Reconciliation, US Ambassador, Tui Cakau, Methodist Conferences Again - Just, Qarase's Sermon, NZ Law Society May Help

PIGS WITH TUSKS. Newly elected Vanuatu PM, Sato Kilman,  left for Honiara earlier today for the meeting of the Melanesian Spearhead Group. He was  accompanied by Foreign Minister, Georges Wells, the chairman of national Council of Chiefs, Gratien Alget, and six paramount chiefs representing six provincial governments. Chief Alget and the six custom chiefs will perform a custom ceremony tomorrow to reconcile Vanuatu with Fiji, donating pigs with tusks, mats, kava and food. The  meeting should see Vanuatu hand over the MSG chairmanship to Solomon Islands for it to pass it to Fiji. Photo: a custom chief.

MCGANN AGAIN. There seems to be some confusion about the US Ambassador's recent location and his present status in Fiji.  The Fiji media reported that he had be called in to see Foreign Minister Ratu Inoke Kubuabola but a reader said he was already in Washington.  Then we had a statement from the Ambassador (presumable from Washington) saying that he was updating people th…

Natapei Out, Election Date, 2011 Budget, PACER, Tui Cakau a Villager, EU Fish, China Cement, Pine Dividend, Qarase in Court

 WEEKEND READING (published 8:40 — 9:00 am Saturday
♦  Allen Lockington column
♦  Fr Barr on Productivity and Stability
♦  Peter Gleick on Fiji Water
♦  Fire at Fiji Museum by Roderick Ewins
NATAPEI OUT. Vanuatu PM Edward Natapei  has been ousted from office in a 30:15 no confidence motion. Former Deputy Prime Minister, Sato Kilman has been sworn in as Prime Minister.

The move happened while Mr Natapei was out of the country, on his way to Cancun for the UN Climate Change Conference, and was driven by unhappiness over his push to have five opposition MP's suspended from the house, and also over his refusal to hand over the rotating chairmanship of the Melanesian Spearhead Group to Fiji, many said because of Australian pressure.

Mr Natapei was to officially apologize to Fiji for this action in a reconciliation ceremony in Honiara next week.  Mr Kilman will now presumably perform this task for him

ELECTION DATE REAFFIRMED. The Strategic Framework for Coordinating Change spokesman Ed…

Ganilau Resigns, Savu and Kaitani, Transparency International says Corruption Less, How Big the Civil Service

GANILAU RESIGNS. Ratu Epeli Ganilau has resigned as Acting PM and Minister for Defence, National Security and Immigration. His portfolio and the Acting PM position has been taken over by Minister for Primary Industries Joketani Cokanasiga. An explanation may be expected when the PM returns from China next week.

TUI SAVU HAS TWO FACES. Looking one way he is a former Fiji lawyer now resident in Townsville, Queensland, where he is a government employed solicitor dealing mainly with indigenous cases. Looking the other way, he is an active member of the so-called Fiji Freedom and Democracy Movement who is  canvassing a regime change by armed force.

As one reader said: "That he discusses violent overthrow in Fiji while living off the Australian taxpayer is something I'm sure his employers aren't aware of and neither would many readers of your site."  This is what he wrote on a recent Matavuvale Fiji's Family (sic!) Network Forum. Of course, he's not actually a…

Fiji Not a Lousy Place to Live, EU Mission Report, Economic Update, IMF Wants VAT Increase, Two Chiefly Forked Paths

. With the deluge of recently reported world indices, each of which has shown Fiji to be a lousy place to live, it is pleasing to see the recently released 2010 UNDP Human Development Index report shows Fiji has improved its ranking from 108th out of 169 countries to 86th. The composite index is widely regarded as the most meaningful measure of the quality of life because it takes into account factors such as life expectancy, education, gender equality, income and income equality.  The HDI has been used since 1990 as an alternative or supplementary measure of national development, until then measured solely by economic criteria such as Gross National Product (GNP), Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and rates of economic growth.

Norway ranks number one in the world as the best country to live followed by Australia and New Zealand. Countries more co…