Showing posts with label Kerli. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kerli. Show all posts

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Art of the Cover - Kerli's "Love Is Dead" (2009)

Creepy!! Especially considering the young audience this stuff is aimed at.

Could they not make the insidious MK Ultra imagery more obvious?!!

Yap, it's Estonian poster Kerli with the timeless classic "Love Is Dead" released a few moons back on, erm ... Def Jam (look what that once worthy fucking label has become!)

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

The Video - Kerli's "Walking on Air"

Yap, it's Estonian popster Kerli with the timeless classic "Walking on Air" - a single from something called "Love Is Dead" released a few moons back on, erm ... Def Jam (jus look what that once worthy fucking label has become!)

Dumb ditty .. and creepy vid. Lots of 'Eye of Horus' bullshit. And the usual MK Ultra imagery found in many such nefarious vids. 

But the chick does looks pretty fine, though.

Here's some bumph on the video nasty  ...
In this whimsical visual effects piece, Aggressive places Kerli in a fantastic house of opposites, where nothing works quite as you’d expect. The video was defining for Kerli, and Aggressive's imagery were subsequently translated to vivid reality in her live stage show. Shot in one day, all the VFX were crafted in a whirlwind three week schedule.

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