Showing posts with label COMEDY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COMEDY. Show all posts

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Words Of No Wisdom - Astral Weak

"We just started thinking in the universe of players that are out there, we want to make a decision on what signifies a Galaxy-designated player."  

– LA Galaxy president Chris Klein (sadly not the one who was Chris 'Oz' Ostreicher) gets a tad lost in space in this gobbledygook statement about the formal news that Scouse pensioner Steven Gerrard will be joining his club in the summer.

Words Of No Wisdom - The Fine Art of Improvement

"They need to improve if they’re going to get better.”  

– Scouse genius and footy pundit Steve McManaman offers a bijou piece of invaluable philosophical insight during the Everton v West Ham footy match last night. 

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Friday, 22 November 2013

Moments In Time - A Bulldozer in Mating Season: Elvis Hits Toronto (1957)

Elvis - who's seemingly rocking some sort of gold lamé pyjamas here! - shaking his hips on-stage during his 6 p.m. show at Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto on April 2, 1957.

Presley's two concerts at Maple Leaf Gardens were among only five he ever performed outside of the U.S.

A frenzied audience (reportedly composed predominantly of women, ranging in age from four to 64!) screamed and cheered in approval as Elvis glided across the stage, seductively cradling the microphone and stopping to rock his hips in rhythm to the music.

Not everybody there was impressed though!
Yap, Toronto Star music critic Hugh Thomson wrote, in a scathing review of Presley’s performance ...
“It goes without saying, he has all the appeal of one-part dynamite and one-part chain-lightning to the adolescent girls, but to one like myself who is neither a girl nor adolescent, I could only feel he was strikingly devoid of talent.”
Thomson continued to seethe ...
“One rock ‘n’ roll ballad sounded just like the other, and the basic theme and appeal were sex, which Elvis lays on with the subtlety of a bulldozer in mating season, you might say. He is Mr. Overstatement himself. He has to knock himself and his audience out at every beat.”

(photo from the York University Libraries, Clara Thomas Archives & Special Collections, Toronto Telegram fonds, F0433)

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