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Houguenade Oct 31
Derivative reporting requirements: FINMA extends transition period for specific non-financial companies
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Bayer, Novartis at Odds w/ UK Docs Over Avastin Use; OPDP Letters at Record Low, more in Recon:
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Charpentier_Consult Oct 22
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Robert Kingsley Oct 31
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CellTherapy Catapult Oct 31
Find out more about our team and how they can support you on our website -
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in1touch 1h
Sell Products online with in1touch's secure shopping cart features -
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can bridge the gap between requirements & enterprise-grade solutions. Here's how NICE does it.
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SERatio Oct 31
& Expertise w/ Global Lawyers, EU Reg Consultants & Code Auditors | LAST DAY
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SRA Oct 31
delegates are hearing about using our & better information on law firms to create more for the public
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Atlas Workbase 6h
KPMGVoice:Financial Services Firms Zoom In On Regulatory Technology
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FlexRule Oct 30
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Esher Advisory Oct 23
- Please join us in welcoming Alistair Bennett to the Management Team at EA
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Paula Allen 22h
mkt easier due 2 guides & harder as competition +need 2 grow
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Harmony Alliance Oct 23
Michael Steffens from BfARM, gives us the agency’s perspective on
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Jen Massing Harris 7h
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Joanna Wayburn Oct 31
How best-in-class Italian companies are turning burdens into
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Paul Felten Oct 31
Ever get tired of browsing FDA regulations via browser on-the-go? Better way coming soon...
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Ravi Oct 30
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Hempsons Oct 31
Great to see delegates and hear workshop today
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Cheryl Bolen Oct 30
Head's up (in case you need a distraction from today's other news) I'm going to have a big story out this afternoon!
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