Family Drug Support Australia
Support Line: 1300 368 186
(available 24 hours 7 days a week)

    If you need help...

    FDS can help

    Family Drug Support

    Supporting families affected by alcohol and other drugs in Australia.
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SA Project Officer - position available

FDS is seeking a Project Officer/Family support worker, working 5 days (35 hours) per week. Location of position: situated in Adelaide, covering the state of South Australia. Key activities include: Create partnerships with AOD services/agencies, Liaise with drug treatment services and assist them to identify skills and capacities in working with families and carers of those in treatment that need enhancement.

Applications close: 30th October, 2017 at 5pm.


NSW Project Officer - position available

FDS is seeking a Project Officer/Family support worker, working 5 days (35 hours) per week. Location of position: situated in Sydney, covering the state of New South Walse. Key activities include: Create partnerships with AOD services/agencies, Liaise with drug treatment services and assist them to identify skills and capacities in working with families and carers of those in treatment that need enhancement.

Applications close: 6th November, 2017 at 5pm.


Family Drug Support celebrates 20 years of supporting families

FDS logo

Over 80 people gathered in the member’s dining room of NSW Parliament house on Friday September 15 to celebrate 20 years since FDS was founded. Master of ceremonies Gino Vumbaca kept the evening rolling along with entertaining and interesting interviews. Various people who have been important to the development of FDS were acknowledged including former chairs Ann Symonds, Professor Peter Baume and John Della Bosca.


Family Drug Support Now Online for Families

FDS Support Online3 April 2017

Tony Trimingham, the Founder and CEO of Family Drug Support (FDS), has described how proud he is with the development of the first Australian interactive online resource designed specifically to support families struggling to deal with drug and alcohol problems.

The New resource is available here:

This project was funded by the Commonwealth Department of Health through the National Ice Action Strategy. It has been produced by Readymade Productions in collaboration with FDS staff and volunteers.

The resource centres on the documentary film of a family support group, and will be of particular benefit to families in regional and rural communities who don’t have ready access to support group meetings. The new resource, together with FDS’ 24/7 telephone support line, will help ensure every family can access support when they need it.

FDS Search


Items of Interest

Walking a Tightrope

Alcohol and other drug use and violence: A guide for families
Alcohol and other drug use and family violence often occur together. Families already coping with a family member who uses alcohol and drugs can also be exposed to violent behaviours. Living with a family member who uses alcohol or other drugs and who is violent can be frightening. It can feel like walking a tightrope. Specialist support and medical attention may be helpful.