
Bill Muehlenberg's commentary on issues of the day...

Christians, Sin and Repentance

Oct 26, 2017

It must always be the case that core Christian truths and basic biblical beliefs must be restated and reaffirmed on a regular basis. Even though they may be basic or elementary biblical truths, that does not mean we can just

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On Theological Education

Oct 24, 2017

As with so many areas in the Christian life, certain issues can result in rather polarising views. Believers can be of two minds when it comes to theological education. Some think going to a Bible college or seminary can be

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Ministry Tips from John the Baptist

Oct 21, 2017

I take it that all genuine Christians will want to effectively serve their Lord and fully do his will. There would be many ways that we can help ourselves along the way in doing this, but one would be to

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It’s the Culture, Stupid

Oct 19, 2017

In Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign he used the phrase, “It’s the economy, stupid.” That economics is important is true, but it is far from the whole picture. In the ideological and political realm, economics is just one part of

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Trans Sports Insanity

Oct 18, 2017

Seriously, has everyone lost their mind? Just a few short years ago nobody – except for a handful of radical sexual anarchists and androgynists – would ever have imagined that a guy could decide he no longer wants to be

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The Paris Statement

Oct 17, 2017

Europe is in a real bad way. Secularism, immorality, porous borders, an inability to understand Islam for what it is, the rapid decline of Christianity, a loss of purpose and identity – these and other factors have resulted in a

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The Ever-Present, All-Powerful Ad Hominem

Oct 16, 2017

If you have done even the smallest amount of culture wars activities, you will know something with absolute assurance: you will be attacked, abused and vilified for making a public stand. It simply goes with the territory, and sadly we

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Do You Go To Judas Church?

Oct 13, 2017

You might be asking, “Do I go where?” OK, let me explain. We all know about Judas, right? He of course is the guy that betrayed Jesus. He turned on him, betrayed him, and sold him down the river. His

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Mother Punished For Loving Babies

Oct 11, 2017

A wonderful woman, a single mother with 13 children, has just found out that her deep care for unborn children will cost her dearly. For daring to show love to mothers who are heading off to the abortion mills, she

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Marriage and History

Oct 7, 2017

The current marriage wars are so very odd for so many reasons. Until just recently the ideological left was vigorously insisting that marriage is just a piece of paper; that marriage is an oppressive and outdated institution; and that marriage

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