DNS products trusted by the world’s most admired digital brands

DNS Overview

DNS designed for today’s internet.

It’s time to rethink DNS. Not only is DNS the first step in site and web application performance, it’s quickly becoming a strategic tool for network resiliency, optimizing global web application performance, and managing traffic across hybrid cloud environments. No other component of an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) strategy delivers so much value relative to its investment.

Dyn provides managed DNS for the world’s largest and most admired web properties and digital brands. Behind this service is one of the largest, fastest, and most resilient DNS networks in the world. Over 3,500 enterprises, including preeminent digital brands like Netflix, Twitter, Linkedin and CNBC are powered by Dyn’s DNS solutions.

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Why Dyn’s DNS?

Consistent, industry-leading performance

DNS performance matters. For modern sites and applications, DNS resolution can account for up to 30% of site load time. Dyn is consistently at the top of the league table for DNS performance. We respond to DNS queries in less than 30 milliseconds worldwide, and propagate DNS records across the globe in under a minute. But low latency and fast propagation alone aren’t enough, Dyn’s network is consistently fast and responsive, delivering dependable performance for web sites and applications. Analysis shows that Dyn’s DNS network performance is up to 10 times more consistent than competing networks. If your company runs on the web, faster DNS performance translates directly to better user experiences, improved customer loyalty and increased revenues.

World’s most comprehensive internet performance data set

We intelligently route user traffic using internet performance data from over 600 collection points across the globe. Every day we gather and analyze over 240 billion source collected data points, and make 40 billion traffic optimization decisions to help our customers improve user experiences and contain costs. This data set gives Dyn the ability to deliver intelligent responses to DNS queries based on policies, geo-location and network latency.

Battle-tested reliability and security

Our global anycast network of multiple data centers are strategically located across multiple continents and leverages a mix of redundant internet transit providers for ultimate resiliency. The network is split into two separate constellations and supports active/active failover to ensure service continuity in the event of catastrophes. Specifically architected to absorb and mitigate DNS DDoS attacks, our world-class network is monitored around the clock. We detect and remediate 50 significant DDoS attacks every month--usually before they are noticed by our customers. All of this network resilience is built and managed by one of the largest and most experienced teams of DNS experts.

The Dyn Difference

  • Industry-leading DNS response times worldwide (<30ms)
  • Industry-leading DNS propagation times (<30s)
  • Hundreds of sensors collecting 240 billion data elements daily
  • Highly resilient network with four tier-1 transit providers per PoP
  • Battle-proven DDoS mitigated expertise built in at no extra cost
  • Continuously improving geolocation accuracy
  • Deep industry involvement and strong relationships throughout the DNS community

The unique value of DNS from Dyn

Consistent, high resiliency and performance

Our diversified network allows us to offer world-renowned service—consistently and reliably.

Advanced DDoS attack process

Our DDoS mitigation is battle-proven, and is built in at no extra cost.

Optimized transit connections at each POP

Multiple tier 1 & 2 transit providers at each POP for redundancy and performance optimization.

DNS propagation time <1 minute

With DNS propagation times of less than a minute, we’ve delivered industry-leading web speed and uptime for over 10 years.

Superior geolocation accuracy

We analyze over 3 billion data points daily, creating up-to-date representations of constantly evolving internet infrastructure.

Extreme industry expertise

Our team has unparalleled domain expertise and is made up of some of the most influential names in the industry.

The Bottom Line

Our DNS solutions include our flagship Managed DNS service for ensuring superior DNS performance and availability across the globe, Traffic Steering solutions for optimizing the responsiveness and reliability of web-based applications and services, and our Secondary DNS solution for extending the resiliency of your existing DNS infrastructure. All backed by full-time DNS experts and 24x7x365 technical support to keep your operations running smoothly.

DNS Product Suite Feature Set

Feature Managed DNS Managed DNS + Traffic Steering Secondary DNS
18 Global Points of Presence
Global Anycast Network
Multiple Tier 1 Providers
Fast global DNS response time (<30m/s)
Fast global propagation times (<30s)
Intuitive User Interface
Usage Reporting per domain and record
Granular User Permissions
Advanced API
DNS DDOS protection
Geo-load balancing
Active Failover
Dynamic Steering
Managed DNS
18 Global Points of Presence
Global Anycast Network
Multiple Tier 1 Providers
Fast global DNS response time (<30m/s)
Fast global propagation times (<30s)
Intuitive User Interface
Usage Reporting per domain and record
Granular User Permissions
Advanced API
DNS DDOS protection
Geo-load balancing
Active Failover
Dynamic Steering

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Featured DNS case studies

Explore our DNS Products

Managed DNS

Connect visitors to your websites and applications with the fastest, most secure and trusted DNS service.

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Traffic Steering

Deliver exceptional online experiences with Traffic Steering products paired with our industry leading DNS services.

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Secondary DNS

Our global anycast network delivers industry-leading response times with 24/7 protection against DDoS attacks at the DNS layer.

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Want to see our DNS in action?

Find out how Dyn’s DNS solutions can help improve your internet infrastructure.

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