Jordan Furlong - Law21

Jordan Furlong

Jordan Furlong

Analyzing and forecasting change in the legal services market for law firms and legal organizations

About Me


I deliver keynote addresses to law firm retreats and legal organization conferences. My presentations help law firm leaders alert their lawyers to radical changes in the market for legal services and to begin the process of re-engineering their law practices to become more innovative and responsive to rapidly evolving client demands.

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I've authored or co-authored books that help lawyers navigate the emerging legal services market, including Evolutionary Road: A Strategic Guide To Your Law Firm’s Future, Content Marketing and Publishing Strategies for Law Firms, and Law Is A Buyer’s Market: Building A Client-First Law Firm For the 21st Century.

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White Papers

I write reports and white papers for law firms and legal organizations that help explain the causes of legal market upheaval, identify trends and techniques advancing market change, and provide practical advice and guidance on how lawyers and law firms can adapt to, and become more competitive in, this new environment.

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Read a partial list of the dozens of audiences in the United States, Canada, Europe and Australia I’ve addressed over the past several years.

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Read comments on and assessments of my work from law firms, law departments, state bars, and law societies over the past several years.

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Contact Jordan

Phone: 613.729.7171
Cell: 613.869.2021