My “best of 2008” choices

To bring down all the pictures on this blog to just fifty “best of” was a bit of a challenge. I was of course limiting myself to pics I had taken, not those I have gratefully borrowed — usually with acknowledgement by name or link. I was looking for a bit of variety, but also looking at what I thought actually was interesting photographically.

You will find them displayed on the new modest photo blog, but here they are in miniature. Clicking on each set takes you to the corresponding live archive. There you may view individual pictures full size, if you want.




What do you think? Are any of your favourites missing?

Surry Hills 26: interlude

Yes, I will give you one picture before we resume the walk…

elizabeth 006

That’s just the front courtyard this afternoon, with Elizabeth Street traffic on the upper edge. Kind of an impossible shot, with the angle, the depth of field required, and the varying tone… Fortunately you can’t see the dead rat.

Yes, I have just done a series on Elizabeth Street, charmless as that might seem. More of that later.

What sets have been popular so far?

I asked myself that in the spirit of end of the month navel-gazing. Of course, length of  time on the site is a factor, but I decided to see what a 21 day count on WordPress might show. Here are the results. Surry Hills 9: The Northcott wins!

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