2008 posts guide

Here you will find all the posts for 2008 in order


Ninglun’s Specials began as a short-lived “Wordless Ninglun” blog, the ancestor of my current photoblog except I didn’t then have a digital camera, but all the entries were absorbed into the current Ninglun’s Specials, which in turn passed most of its earlier entries to Floating Life. You get all that? That title link takes you to the March archive.

It began on 12 March with Just watched: "Bloody Sunday" (2002) dir Paul Greengrass. On 13 March: Closely watched trains 1, followed by Closely watched trains 2 (14 March); Unintended consequences on “Paradise Lost” (15 March); Sunday lunch with Sirdan (16 March); Tom Roberts (17 March);Shirtless and muscular for Empire and Imperial Views, Colonial Subjects: Victorian Periodicals and the Empire (18 March); More nostalgia, on Prince Valiant, and Dizzy yet? on an Iranian artist (19 March); Train set for Morris Iemma? – seems we may not get it—on 20 March was accompanied by Holy Thursday: Tintoretto "Last Supper" and About that Tom Roberts painting. I posted Good Friday art the next day.

Gustave Dore’s "Ancient Mariner" illustrations was the first of three on 22 March, the others being For Jim Belshaw: Tibet train pastiche and Surry Hills 1 — Surry Hills is like….

On 23 March I asked How big is Tibet? and posted Surry Hills 2 — Wildlife in Surry Hills. Yet more nostalgia followed the next day. Pics that attract the punters on 25 March gathers images that have been much sought out since appearing elsewhere on my sites. I began a new series on 27 March withTowns I’ve stayed in 1 — My father’s birthplace: Shellharbour NSW.  On 28 March there were two: Closely watched trains 3 and WordPress appreciation. I finished for the month on 30 March with The end of all our exploring…. I still think that is one of the most beautiful posts I did.


2 April: Kafka on the Shore. 3 April: Chinese Art 1: Tang. 5 April: Closely watched trains 4. 6 April: Old Sydney 1. 8 April: Surry Hills 3. 9 April: Surry Hills 4. 11 April: Chinese Art 2 — 21st century. 13 April: Closely watched trains 5. 14 April: Australia: proposed divisions 1838 and as it was in 1900. 15 April: Surry Hills 5. 18 April: Reading Primo Levi. 20 April: More nostalgia. In my boyish imagination…. 21 April: Closely watched planes 1. 22 April:Closely watched planes 2. 27 April: Towns I’ve stayed in 2 — Dorrigo. 28 April: Redfern visions 2.


Quite a few posts this month. 2 May: Closely watched planes 3. 3 May: Towns I’ve stayed in 3 — Hill End NSW. 4 May: Closely watched planes 4 — "Faithful Annie". 6 May: Surry Hills 6 — found images. 8 May: Closely watched planes 5 — Tiger Moth. 9 May: Shire childhood, adolescence and early adulthood 1. 11 May: Shire childhood, adolescence and early adulthood 2: 1958. 12 May: Shire childhood, adolescence and early adulthood 3: 1959 – 1961. 13 May: Towns I’ve stayed in 4 — Trundle NSW. 14 May: Shire childhood, adolescence and early adulthood 4: Cronulla 1961-1962, 1964-1969. 15 May: Things noted, even in Cronulla, in 1969. 16 May:Miscellaneously good, bad, or ugly. 18 May: Redfern visions 3: plus part of Surry Hills. 19 May: Chinese art 3 — modern traditional landscapes. 22 May:Homage to John Flynn. 23 May: But is it art?NOW A PAGE. 26 May:Sirdan’s pics from the Wollongong trip. 30 May: Towns I’ve stayed in 6 — Wellington NSW.


Just four entries. 2 June: Redfern visions 4. 10 June: Revolutionary new experiences in The Shire 1967 to 1968 – such as Earl Grey Tea! 20 June: Islam medley – art and architecture. 24 June: Smart art — Australian artist Jeffrey Smart.


Quiet! 5 July: Colours 1: green. 7 July: Sydney: World Youth Day 2008 fashion. 12 July: Our rude ancestors: Old Sydney 2. 16 July: About the Whitfields: from convict days « Ninglun’s Specials announced a big revision there. 30 July: Top poems 1: The amazing web site of Shakespeare’s Sonnets.


2 August: Michael Riley: sights unseen. 8 August: DSL collection – Chinese Contemporary Art. 9 August: Personal Reflections: Saturday Morning Musings – the art of Jiawei Shen. 17 August: Top poems 2: John Donne (1572-1631): Satire III — "Of Religion".


This month saw my Casio enter my life, and the blogs, giving original pics most of the time. Ninglun’s Specials was revolutionised as a result, but the effect was also seen here. It was also the month of The Great Blog Attack. WordPress staff were excellent through all that.

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2 September: Colours 2: Red. 14 September: Thanks to Sirdan…. 16 September: First fruits from the Casio: Surry Hills 7. 17 September:Chinatown 1; Surry Hills 8: Belvoir and Buckingham Streets. 18 September: Chinatown 2. 19 September: Chinatown 3: Campbell Street to George Street; Chinatown 4: George Street. 20 September: Surry Hills 9: The Northcott; Surry Hills 10: Little Lebanon.

21 September: Redfern visions 5: South Sydney Uniting Church and Waterloo. 22 September: Redfern Visions 6: Redfern Park; Surry Hills 11: hidden streets. 23 September: Surry Hills 12: personal space. 24 September: Surry Hills 13: a dunny lane in Spring; Surry Hills 14: Goodlet Street 1. 25 September: Surry Hills 15: Goodlet Street 2; Chinatown 5: back to Belmore Park and Central Station. 26 September: Surry Hills 16: Holt Street to Devonshire Street; Surry Hills 17: Clisdell Street to Belvoir Street. 27 September: Surry Hills 18: Crown Street by night; Redfern Visions 7: Cleveland Street; Redfern Visions 8: Prince Alfred Park to Pitt Street.

28 September: Redfern Visions 9: Pitt Street to Redfern Street; Redfern Visions 10: Pitt Street and the Redfern Estate to George Street; Surry Hills 19: Sunday lunch and back — weather changing; Redfern Visions 11: George Street. 29 September: Redfern Visions 12: public housing; Surry Hills 20: Coffee 1: Elizabeth Street; Surry Hills 21: Coffee 2: Devonshire Street. 30 September: Surry Hills 22 and Redfern Visions 13: it’s about change; Surry Hills 23: just a walk around the block 1.


There were 109 posts!

Week 1: Surry Hills 24: just a walk around the block 2; Surry Hills 25: just a walk around the block 3; Surry Hills 26: interlude; Surry Hills 27: just a walk around the block 4; Surry Hills 28: just a walk around the block 5; Surry Hills 29: Elizabeth Street 1; Surry Hills 30: Elizabeth Street 2; Surry Hills 31: Elizabeth Street 3; Surry Hills 32: balance: less romantic or just plain curious images; Surry Hills 33: Elizabeth Street 4: the fig tree; Surry Hills 34: Elizabeth Street 5; Surry Hills 35: Cleveland Street to Moore Park 1;Surry Hills 36: Cleveland Street to Moore Park 2; Surry Hills 37: Sydney Boys High Moore Park, aka "The Mine"; Surry Hills 38: wet Elizabeth Street morning – a video; Surry Hills 39: Parkham Street 1; Surry Hills 40: Parkham Street 2.

Week 2: Surry Hills 41: Bourke Street 1; Surry Hills 42: Bourke Street 2;Surry Hills 43: Bourke Street 3 — the Greeks in Surry Hills; Surry Hills 44: Bourke Street 4; Surry Hills 45: transformed indeed!; Chinatown 11: Chinese Gardens Darling Harbour 6; Chinatown 12: Chinese Gardens Darling Harbour 7 of 11!; Chinatown 13: Chinese Gardens Darling Harbour 8;Chinatown 14: Chinese Gardens Darling Harbour 9; Chinatown 15: Chinese Gardens Darling Harbour 10; Chinatown 16: Chinese Gardens Darling Harbour 11; Chinatown 17: on the way to the Gardens; Chinatown 18: Darling Harbour 1; Chinatown 19: Darling Harbour 2; Chinatown 20: Darling Harbour 3; Chinatown 21: northern edge; Surry Hills 46: Marlborough Street 1; Surry Hills 47: Marlborough Street 2; Surry Hills 48: Marlborough Street 3; Surry Hills 49: Spring; An old picture… of my sister; Chinatown 22: Darling Harbour 4 — the video; Surry Hills 50: Spring 2; Surry Hills 51: Spring 3; Surry Hills 52: the Northcott mosaics; Surry Hills 53: Crown Street passers-by – a video; Surry Hills 54: morning light; Surry Hills 55: Riley Street 1; Surry Hills 56: Riley Street 2; An old picture… 2 of my family; Surry Hills 57: Riley Street 3; Surry Hills 58: Riley Street 4; Surry Hills 59: Riley Street 5.

Week 3: Surry Hills 60: the view in 1930; Redfern Visions 14: Guerilla Gardeners in South Dowling Street; Moore Park South 1: Views from Mount Steele — Redfern Visions 15; Moore Park South 2 — Redfern Visions 16;Moore Park South 3 — Redfern Visions 17; Surry Hills 61: Spring 4; Chinese art; Moore Park South 4 — Redfern Visions 18; Chinese art; Aussie bottle; dirty Surry Hills window…; Surry Hills 62: Devonshire Street to Railway Square; Chinatown 23: Hay Street pedestrians and caffeine addicts;Chinatown 24: Central Station to Chinatown 1; Chinatown 25: Central Station to Chinatown 2; Chinatown 26: Central Station to Chinatown 3;Chinatown 27: Central Station to Chinatown 4; Chinatown 28: Central Station to Chinatown 5; Redfern Visions 19: Prince Alfred Park — Spring;Redfern Visions 20: Elizabeth Street; Redfern Visions 21: Redfern Street;Redfern Visions 22: Redfern Street again; Surry Hills 63: Spring 5.

Week 4: Chinese art: Ren Xiong (1820-1857); Surry Hills 64: Spring 6;Surry Hills 65: Chinese Whisper on Crown Street; Four experiments, or Ninglun goes arty…; Four more experiments; And another four…; Yet another four…; Surry Hills 66: Buckingham Street, Devonshire Street, Central Station 1; Surry Hills 67: Buckingham Street, Devonshire Street, Central Station 2; Chinatown 29: George and Campbell Streets; Still playing with Paint.NET; Surry Hills 68: just a day at the office; Surry Hills 69: the lowlands – Elizabeth, Albion, Mary, Reservoir, Campbell Streets; Surry Hills 70: the lowlands again; Surry Hills 71: back to The Mine; Surry Hills 72: Spring 7; Surry Hills 73: Spring 8; Surry Hills 74: Spring 9; Surry Hills 75: phantom streets; Surry Hills 76: Spring 10; Surry Hills 77: Spring 11 – Ward Park.

Week 5: Surry Hills 78: Spring 12; Surry Hills 79: Sunday people on Crown St 1; Surry Hills 80: Sunday people on Crown St 2; Redfern Visions 23: East Redfern 1 – nature 1; Chinatown 30: Central to Belmore Park; Surry Hills 81: Crown Street again; Redfern Visions 24: East Redfern 2 – nature 2;Surry Hills 82: east of Crown St 1; Redfern Visions 25: East Redfern 3;Surry Hills 83: east of Crown St 2; Redfern Visions 26: East Redfern 4;Surry Hills 84: west of Crown St 1.

Yes, I’m rather amazed too! )


Very busy in November.

1 November: Redfern Visions 27: East Redfern 5; Surry Hills 85: west of Crown St 2. 2 November: Surry Hills 86: west of Crown St 3; Redfern visions 28: East Redfern 6. 3 November: Redfern Visions 29: East Redfern 7; Redfern Visions 30: back to Redfern Street. 4 November: Surry Hills 87: seen on Sunday. 5 November: Redfern Visions 31: Buckingham Street 1. 6 November: Redfern Visions 32: Buckingham Street 2; Surry Hills 88: overgrown. 7 November: Redfern Visions 33: Little Eveleigh Street 1. 8 November: Redfern visions 34: Little Eveleigh Street 2; Redfern Visions 35.

9 November: Surry Hills 89: west of Riley Street; Surry Hills 90: Bourke Street and The Beresford; Surry Hills 91: Oxford Street, back down Bourke, and home…. 10 November: Intrepid reporter back from the mean streets…. 11 November: Sydney: Town Hall Square 1; Sydney: Town Hall Square 2. 12 November: Chinatown 30: not all Chinese. 13 November: Surry Hills 92: west of Riley Street again; Redfern Visions 36: Redfern Oval and Park. 14 November: Surry Hills 93: Crown Street to Darlinghurst; Kings Cross: looking for the chapel. 15 November: Redfern Visions 37: around Waterloo — Philip Street to Raglan Street.

16 November: Sunday 16 November 2008: Telopea Street East Redfern. 17 November: Monday 17 November 2008: Sunday morning Surry Hills. 18 November: Tuesday 18 November 2008: a friend’s fence. 19 November:Wednesday 19 November 2008: retroreading; Thursday 20 November 2008: Telopea Street East Redfern 2 – yes, I know! 20 November: Surry Hills: Looking for Jacob 1, an introduction; Surry Hills: Looking for Jacob 2: Commonwealth Street. 21 November: Surry Hills: Looking for Jacob 3: Commonwealth Street. 22 November: Surry Hills: Looking for Jacob 4: Commonwealth Street; Surry Hills: Looking for Jacob 5: Commonwealth Street.

23 November: Surry Hills: Looking for Jacob 6: Campbell Street; Surry Hills: Looking for Jacob 7: Hunt Street. 24 November: Surry Hills: Looking for Jacob 8: Market Lane 1; Surry Hills: Looking for Jacob 9: Market Lane 2;Surry Hills: Looking for Jacob 10: Market Lane 3. 25 November: Sights of old Sydney 1. 26 November: Sights of old Sydney 2: Moore Park boundary post 1833. 27 November: Sydney Christmas banners 1. 28 November:Sydney Christmas banners 2. 30 November: My “best of 2008” choices.


1 December: Sights of old Sydney 3: Sydney in 1848. 2 December: Sights of old Sydney 4: Cleveland House, Surry Hills; Surry Hills: Looking for Jacob 11: Found! 4 December: My best original photo so far?; Surry Hills: Looking for Jacob 12: Zeroing in. 6 December: Looking back on “Looking for Jacob” – and Surry Hills 1900. 12 December: Top poems 3: Robert Southwell “The Burning Babe”. 14 December: Sunday lunch was at the Porter House. 15 December: If you have enjoyed the “Looking for Jacob” series…. 16 December: The things you see….  17 December: Top poems 4: John Donne “Nativity”.  18 December: That window again…. 19 December: Top poems 5: Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) — “The Oxen”.  20 December: Closely watched planes 6: flying boats.  21 December: A friend’s new apartment. 26 December: What’s been on Ninglun’s Specials in 2008; 30 December: Surry Hills afternoon: Japanese surfers and friend. And that’s it for 2008!