Last updated: November 2, 2017

Citizenship roulette: next up?

Who's number will come up next in Citizenship Roulette?
‘This isn’t a government, it’s a soap opera.’

Citizen bane

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Stephen Parry has — figuratively speaking — asked the nation to hold his beer.

Barnaby finds a foe

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Rob Taber wants to pop the Canberra bubble but the independent wants to stay clean in the process.

Oarsome chat

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It’s never a dull moment with the Turnbull government, unless the PM is out for a paddle.

Cash 22

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The government at week’s end leaves us pondering Wile E. Coyote, with the charred remains of an ACME box in his hands.

Strike a light

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Bill Shorten’s ‘short-fuse matches’ are the latest political souvenirs.

Fleece circus

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Australian Wool Innovation chairman Wal Merriman has an interesting relationship with the fourth estate.

Paper tale

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Senate estimates gave us the case of the missing 1000-page security manual.

Sign of the times

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Was October 22, 2007, the day the government realised the media had cottoned on to this doodad known as email?

Lost ditch effort

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A new iron curtain has descended across the Tasman now that Jacinda Ardern is NZ PM-elect.

Just a journo

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The Treasurer may have other views, but our economics editor knows a thing or two.

In so many birds

In so many birds
‘Fantastic senator’ Malcolm Roberts sends reporters scurrying to their dictionaries.

Abetz v sex

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The Tasmanian senator gets hot and heavy over the ABC’s Snapchat guide to better sex.

Bill’s over the ’ill

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Kevin Foley once said he looked forward to Labor conferences “like one would look forward to root-canal therapy”.

Top of the pups

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What do you give a president who has everything?

Smile high club

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Gerard Henderson is tickled by a reference to the Prime Minister.

Stop the goats

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Tony Abbott welcomes climate change and offers a frank assessment of his own government.

Paws for thought

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A radio chat with Malcolm Turnbull yields one of the better uses of “on reflection” we’ve heard in a little while.

Baad to the bone

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Nick Xenophon has so far co-starred with giraffes, goats, mules and cows during his political career.

Latham, Jones out to launch

this is a dinkus for the ocv
Alan Jones does a damned fine book launch, and did so again yesterday for Mark Latham’s latest tome, Outsiders.

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