Last updated: November 1, 2017

Last Post, November 1

Lower house didn’t need Barnaby Joyce’s vote.

Liberal Party must rediscover roots

Liberal voters don’t want their party to be disguised.

Beersheba was set up by men on foot

Members of the Light Horsemen were wary of celebrating their victory.

Defeat would be an own goal

If the ALP loses in Queensland, it will be an own goal engineered by its cynical 2016 imposition of exhaustive preferential voting.

Last Post, October 31

The government has lost touch with Australians’ sense of fairness.

Responsibility goes missing

Eligible voters have been subjected to a postal survey on marriage equality, a matter of some consequence for 4 per cent of the population.

Anything we do is wrong

Anything we do is wrong, including doing nothing.

Last Post, October 30

What a pleasure to read Greg Sheridan’s defence of the rationality of faith.

Last Post, October 28

It’s time for the Governor-General to invite the Prime Minister for a chat at Yarralumla.

PM was right on recognition

Malcolm Turnbull was right to turn down the proposal for an indigenous referendum, but his response was politically inept.

False politics of identity

This trendy practice of trying to find victims of supposed entrenched discrimination polarises our modern civil outlook.

5G promoters don’t know physics

The idea that fixed fibre will be made obsolete by 5G mobile is ignorant of the laws of physics.

Last Post, October 27

If Mr Shorten has done nothing wrong he has nothing to fear from an investigation.

Stop making excuses

The Turnbull Government has, once again, allowed itself to become the issue.

Last Post, Oct 26

The idea of Bill Shorten ridding the Labor Party of the CFMEU is akin to the puppet being in command of the puppeteer.

ABC quality, not gender equity

The only criteria that are important to ABC listeners, viewers and taxpayers are broadcast quality and affordability.

Donations should be made public

If it is true that Bill Shorten seed-funded the activist group GetUp! then the public has a right to know.

Last Post, October 26

The idea of Bill Shorten ridding the Labor Party of the CFMEU is akin to the puppet being in command of the puppeteer.

NBN debacle and deja vu

There is time to ask if there’s anything we can do to convert the NBN into a moderately acceptable service.

Tram capacity lower than feared

Sydney has seen these problems before — they’re why the network closed.

Last Post, October 25

The Australian music pioneer should still be a household name.

Last Post, October 24

With apologies to Winston Churchill and Jacinda Ardern, capitalism is the worst socio-economic system, except for all the others.

No surprise VAD bill faces battle

But surely we no longer think that suffering to the end is noble or necessary.

Rugby’s Aboriginal recognition

The embrace of indigenous culture at the Wallabies-All Blacks game is to be applauded.

Passion shows equality counts

Passion on both sides proves marriage equality worth fighting for.

Lack of respect for our heroes

It is a disgrace that armchair critics denigrate heroes of the battlefield.

Last Post, October 23

Could Donald Friend’s paintings offer some funding to help disadvantaged young people in Bali?

Need for some deep reflection

Richo’s revelations underscore need for deep reflection

Last Post, October 21

Reports of the car industry’s demise are inaccurate.

Ditching good government in NZ

Winston Peters had an easy choice. No poverty, the environment saved, cheap housing, less free trade, no new foreign ownership ...

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