
Respect: What it means to me


Love alone is not the basis of a complete relationship; it is as important that each partner truly esteems the other.

Home TruthsSickening sounds, odd sensations

Noise levels are increasing everywhere, especially in our booming cities, and it could have an impact on our health.

Apps for a state of anxiety

War, terror, hurricanes; the world is an anxious place. There’s a growing crop of helpful apps to ease our worries.

Seasonal tally of 2017’s remains

I decided to take a look at my new year’s resolutions and assess how much I had achieved in 2017.

Ghoul Fest

Pennywise the Clown (Bill Skarsgard) in a scene from Stephen King's It. Roadshow Films.

The appetite for horror is increasing rapidly in these uncertain days — for women almost as much as men.

Dress the part, live the dream

Cosplay and dress-ups is not just for nerdy Trekkies any more. There are sexy fetish events and countless conventions.

Seven-day trip to your inner self

A retreat with no phones, coffee or alcohol lets attendees break from their fears, trauma and negative mindsets.

You feel better having more sex

It’s a question we all have to face at one point or another in our lives: “Is bad or average sex better than no sex?”

The iceman cometh

Wim Hof sees a sharp, cold shock as preventive therapy — and a remedy — for various ailments, and he could be right.

Home TruthsImpoverished by what we own

Our picket fences have to come down. They provide no fortress, only walls that leave us sad and discontented.

Only the lonely

Feelings of isolation can strike even if the sufferer is in a relationship.

The new normal

Business loop

Bad public and private behaviour is being accepted as the new ‘normal’, but we can push back.

Age denial a bit of a stretch

Young Woman Doing Yoga Meditation and Stretching Exercises. Lotus position. Stock photo.

I was in a recent yoga class. To my surprise I was doing things I hadn’t believed I could still do.

Is sex with a robot cheating?

Artificial intelligence will transform our erotic lives in the near future.

The lost art of conversation

Deep and meaningful discussions, as opposed to awkward small talk, can improve our quality of life — and work.

Don’t despair, try compassion

Matthieu Ricard talks of compassion galvanising us to action because it lacks emotional baggage, writes Ruth Ostrow.

Sorry seems to be easiest word

Middle Aged man Holding a Sign Saying Sorry

Don’t apologise if you can’t find an alternative to the s-word.

Burning resentment

Say yes but do no? It takes courage, empathy and self-awareness to put a stop to the relationship dance of anger.

Home truthsDriving blind can open your mind

Therapists tells us the unconscious brain draws associations with things as a way to cope with the onslaught of data.

Happily employed

We can’t all look forward to going to work, but the more of us who do, the better it is for us and our employer.

Mind over matter

Mind over matter

The placebo effect is used in pain relief but can the power of belief also bend spoons and cure cancer?

Righting wrong in a relationship

Righting wrong in a relationship

The ability to be ‘wrong’ and to self-reflect is at the essence of successful relationships.

Forever young

Forever young

Immature personality disorder sufferers can be like children in a sandpit: playful, petulant and prone to bullying.

Apathy is an energising force

Apathy is an energising force

A new wave of activism is gathering momentum as people weary of not doing enough about what’s wrong with this world.

The art of complaining

The art of complaining

Why it is important to embrace the moment and ignore the critical and grumbling voice in our head.

Life’s full of magic in bird talking

Life’s full of magic in bird talking

Psychiatrists may think it ‘deluded’ or ‘magical thinking’ to believe we can have a special bond with nature.

Urge surfing

Urge surfing

When the impulse to check your smartphone or other gadget becomes uncontrollable, keep this technique in mind.

Unleash the beast occasionally

Unleash the beast occasionally

Loving kindness has its time and place, but so too does the unleashing of the inner beast within us all.

Are white lies dead?

Are white lies dead?

In the age of social media there is nowhere to hide when it comes to knowing everyone’s business.

Natural high from dance, cacao

Natural high from dance, cacao

It’s the latest, hottest trend: people gathering to drink raw cacao and dress up in tribal costumes at dance parties.