Business columnist
Robert Gottliebsen has spent more than 30 years writing and commentating about business and investment in Australia. He has won the Walkley award and Australian Journalist of the Year Award, two of journalism's highest honours. He is an economic writer at The Australian, and he appears on television and various radio stations.

Property squeeze part 2What comes after the fall?

Strap yourself in for a bumpy ride with monumental job losses and a fall in economic activity in our major cities.

CommentSydney unit market has cracked

Prices are in free fall in significant parts of the Sydney apartment market. Expect this to have a nasty impact.

Power players plot next moves

The government has set new rules on energy but the power industry is hedging its bets in case it all falls apart.

Key contracts case looms

An ACCC unfair contracts case against serviced office firm Servcorp will set wider precedents for small business.

Big win for Trump on tax

Step by step, American markets are becoming more confident that Donald Trump will deliver his tax cuts.

COMMENTWhy is Sydney losing?

It used to draw in talent but is beginning to suffer a skilled worker brain-drain to Melbourne, Brisbane and regional NSW.

MPs shocked by energy threat

At last, government politicians understand why Australia faces a long term blackout power crisis.

Powering the investment boom

Add power stability and cheaper energy to the infrastructure boom and you turn Australia’s outlook on its head.

Energy repairs we need to make

As we debate what to do with power, there are four aspects of the crisis that will be buried in political correctness.

COMMENTUnions must take the blame

We all feel sorry for car factory workers ... but ‘industrial agreements from hell’ killed the industry.

Big spenders were on borrowed time

The carnage triggered a change of direction for the nation.

Why wage growth has stalled

Behind the failure of US inflation to rise is the fact that wages have stagnated. Many of the reasons also apply to Australia.

Lessons from an American loser

The reasons for the demise of GE go to the heart of what has gone wrong with many of Australia’s leading companies.

CommentPM kicks off new era in banking

History will show Malcolm Turnbull’s action over fair contracts has transformed vast areas of business for the better.

The clean energy target game

Setting clean energy targets without knowing the costs is crazy, and low-income voters and small business pay the price.

Unfair ATO threatens innovation

Unless Malcolm Turnbull moves to stop unfair action by the ATO, he deserves a slow hand clap whenever he talks innovation.

Rules mean banks risk huge fines

Global reporting rules threaten massive penalties for our banks and could have implications for Chinese property investors.

CommentTabcorp should’ve bought EML

Both Tabcorp and Tatts Group have lost market share because of failure to keep up with online betting technology.

Falling prices, rising stress

The bank lending squeeze is set to get tighter, threatening a more serious fall in home prices.

Plugging into the battery boom

The coming global battery boom will explode demand for lithium but will also be a big boost for copper and high-grade nickel.

Victoria’s amazing, unused gas

A remarkable gas reserve in Gippsland could transform Australia’s energy outlook. But politics stands in the way.

US to boom if Trump gets his way

If Donald Trump succeeds with sweeping new tax proposals America and the world will be transformed.

AnalysisDefence dud: we’ve done it again

The first review of its kind into Australian defence has discovered our submarine deal with the French is a shambles.

Time to get tough on energy crisis

The time for treating the rogue state governments of NSW and Victoria with kid gloves is over.

Banks have a lesson for Domain

Can Domain’s Antony Catalano succeed where a string of bank CEOs have failed?

Mining’s surprise jobs recovery

A sharp rise in resources and energy job ads is a pointer to where the share action is going to be in the coming year.

CommentPrivate sector in record disarray

In 50 years of reporting on Australia’s private sector I have never seen significant lumps of it in such disarray as now.

ATO toys with small business

It looks like the ATO has learned little in the past 10 months and still wants to play legal games with small business.

CommentBeware slogans of energy, SSM

More and more we are using slogans rather than carefully thought out plans to govern fundamental changes to the nation.

How Trump has changed

US partial reversal on climate change reveals how Donald Trump of September changed from the man who took office.