The Rudd I respect

TWAM 21 MAY 2016

No one who saw that press conference, his family frozen in grief, can forget it. After decades in the ALP I resigned and won’t go back.

Weep salt tears for our water

TWAM 21 MAY 2016

In a rare act of bipartisanship, politicians plan to give unimaginable amounts of it to Adani and to hell with the consequences.

Let us bow our heads

TWAM 21 MAY 2016

The Gregorians have their chants, Islam has its memorised passages from the Koran. We have our phones.

Moving in the age of mega-junk

TWAM 21 MAY 2016

Blame our disposable, nomadic lifestyles, but what we dump on the footpath is not just astonishing, it’s shocking.

A parable for the age of Trump

TWAM 21 MAY 2016

Richard Flanagan’s new book is a triumph of talent and timing. Spoiler alert: you may need therapy after reading it.

Rock hanging in the balance

TWAM 21 MAY 2016

The history wars are swirling around one of Australia’s most famous geological sculptures, effectively Victoria’s Uluru.

Mad? We elect them

TWAM 21 MAY 2016

Is madness a prerequisite for power?

Layers of loyalties

TWAM 21 MAY 2016

We are all jigsaws, mosaics, citizens of our families, suburbs, clubs and associations.

Kerry, Ita & a work of friction

TWAM 21 MAY 2016

Some stories are best left neither confirmed nor denied.

Memo to Ms Hanson

TWAM 21 MAY 2016

It’s hard to be a lonely right-wing voice drowned out by a chorus of unpatriotic leftists.

Some call it progress

TWAM 21 MAY 2016

On August 2, 1917, 100,000 Australians went on strike in the most significant industrial action in our history.

A billabong half empty

TWAM 21 MAY 2016

Our unofficial anthem is a celebration of failure. No wonder it still resonates.

We have hisstory

TWAM 21 MAY 2016

We’ve had snakes in the laundry, on the back stairs, in the swimming pool, under a bed, in the four-wheel-drive.

A lesson for life

TWAM 21 MAY 2016

I learnt one thing at Eltham High: a great truth about bigotry.

Yours faithfully

TWAM 21 MAY 2016

After years of cordial relations, Australia Post is now driving us bonkers.

Little terrors

TWAM 21 MAY 2016

Some of the spookiest film characters have been children.

The spark of life

TWAM 21 MAY 2016

Some of the most beautiful faces are old, archaeological in their ancientness but expressive of long lives.

The feeling’s mutual

TWAM 21 MAY 2016

Loving your enemy is easier said than done, especially when they include Pauline Hanson and Mark Latham.

Great dictator? Don’t laugh

For a time in the 1930s, both world entertainment and politics were dominated by lookalikes with the same moustache.

Great dictator? Don’t laugh

TWAM 21 MAY 2016

For a time in the 1930s, both world entertainment and politics were dominated by lookalikes with the same silly moustache.

Time to dust off the old scythe

TWAM 21 MAY 2016

Simon Reynolds changed his name to Siimon on numerological advice – a superstition wholly appropriate.

Time to dust off the old scythe

TWAM 21 MAY 2016

Diick believes Australia is doomed without rigid limits on immigration.

In living memory

TWAM 21 MAY 2016

If you live life to the full, who needs a pyramid?

In living memory

If you live life to the full, who needs a pyramid?

It’s a mad mix

Memo to My Kitchen Rules. Recruit your next contestants from local covens.

It’s a mad mix

It’s a mad mix

More than 60 years of immersion in politics has led me to the sad view that most politicians are nuts.

Scraping the barrel

In the beginning, storytellers gossiped about the gods.

Scraping the barrel

Scraping the barrel

Move over reality TV. Now everybody is that star of their own show.

The name game

The name game

What’s in a name? In the case of our city streets, a fascinating back story.

The name game

What’s in a name? In the case of our city streets, a fascinating back story.