Contributing Editor

CommentA big tick for Turnbull’s tenure

The high response rate to the SSM postal survey will go a long way to quashing predictions the issue would sink the PM.

CommentNo say over our own data

Political parties can collect data about us without consent because they have exempted themselves from privacy laws.

Senate reform without the pain

Abbott is right but there are better ways to improve the system.

Sticking with Turnbull only option

Changing leaders is just not an option for the under-performing Coalition government.

COMMENTParadox of popularity poll

Question Time

The Coalition’s problem is to work out how to use Turnbull’s preferred PM standing over Shorten to help lift the party vote.

?No’ gives a debating masterclass

Arguments against same-sex marriage are misleading.

CommentFacts distorted in energy wars

The debate over renewables and coal is distorted by government intervention and contradictory use of “facts” on both sides.

We need to talk about immigration

I’m not wedded to Dick Smith’s campaign but the issue is too important to ignore.

Opinionistas same as politicians

The commentariat too tends to peddle prejudices as irrefutable fact.

CommentSad fantasy of Abbott loyalists

Loyalists of Tony Abbott need to accept the war is over.

Tony Abbott’s backers, like Hiroo Onoda who fought for decades after World War II ended, should accept the battle is over.

COMMENTTick-tock: 11 Newspolls to go

The simple fact is if Malcolm Turnbull hits the magic 30, he won’t be able to brush off questions as to why he shouldn’t consider his position.

Mind your own business

Liberals need to rein in their own socialist leanings.

CommentSSM slippery slope a lazy debate

First wave of advertisements against SSM laws have relied on the slippery slope argument, a tired and lazy debating point.

Rocky road to electoral defeat

The Coalition’s woes at every level add up to an intractable mess.

COMMENTPM’s uptick a dead cat bounce

The disdain the public feels towards the political class was on display in yesterday’s Newspoll figures.

Audit will end citizenship mess

The Greens’ proposal for an independent audit of parliamentarians’ citizenship status should be adopted.

Coalition MPs hoist own petard

By pushing for a plebiscite on same-sex marriage, conservatives may have signed their own political death warrant.

Hard to damage Bill’s four pillars

The Opposition Leader is proving an elusive target.

commentBest bad news for PM in ages

The challenge for Malcolm Turnbull is to morph his personal Newspoll numbers into support for his government.

CommentMore a scrimmage than war

Opponents of Malcolm Turnbull won’t get what they want from today’s emergency partyroom meeting: all-out war.

PM may have to go postal

The government has managed to paint itself into a corner on same-sex marriage.

CommentRise of the new ?bed wetters’

Irony doesn’t get much better: the conservatives who attacked the move to knife Tony Abbott now claim Turnbull must go.

The cons of four-year terms

There is nothing to recommend this foolish notion of lengthening the tenure of our politicians.

ANALYSISTurnbull has one arm tied

The Labor movement is better funded than the Liberals, right at a time when corporate donations are drying up.

COMMENTEnvironmental soul will live on

While a polling slump is to be expected, it’s unlikely this week’s events will bring the Greens to their knees.

Crash or crash through is best

Turnbull should ignore his critics on the right.

COMMENTShorten borrows Hawke script

Bill Shorten’s promise to fix inequality is little more than a clever reframing of Bob Hawke’s plan to ensure no child would be living in poverty.

SSM vote will hurt right

Taking the issue of same-sex marriage direct to the people may come back to haunt many on the right of politics.

COMMENTDo the reactionaries rule?

They are destroying the party Menzies founded as a centrist organisation.

PM faces premature pressure

Is Malcolm Turnbull the glass half-full or glass half-empty sort?