Paul Kelly is Editor-at-Large on The Australian. He was previously Editor-in-Chief of the paper and he writes on Australian politics, public policy and international affairs. Paul has covered Australian governments from Gough Whitlam to Tony Abbott. He is a regular television commentator on Sky News program, Australian Agenda. He is the author of eight books including the End of Certainty on the politics and economics of the 1980’s. His most recent book Triumph and Demise covered the Rudd-Gillard era and his earlier book, The March of Patriots offered a re-interpretation of Paul Keating and John Howard in office.

Liberals must hold their nerve

Despite the citizenship chaos engulfing Turnbull, it would be utter folly for the Coalition to change leaders.

CommentLibs should hold their nerve

The negatives far outweigh the advantages in any decision to replace Malcolm Turnbull as PM.

commentTurnbull bows to the inevitable

The Prime Minister is entering the next potentially deadly stage of the dual-citizenship crisis.

commentSaving Pacific trade a priority

Malcolm Turnbull has sent the strongest message that he intends to help bring into operation a trans-Pacific trade deal.

A presidency on the brink

Donald Trump’s leadership has been a saga of dishonourable incoherence. But a breakthrough may be at hand.

COMMENTShorten aims for maximum trouble

Malcolm Turnbull is right that an audit of all MPs is a bad idea. But he has been upstaged by Bill Shorten.

Sloppy politicians cause of saga

The idea of a referendum to make our parliament truly multicultural by allowing MPs to be dual citizens is ludicrous.

CommentPM has lost control

Doubts are emerging over whether Malcolm Turnbull can achieve his tactical objective of a full-term parliament.

Chaos as PM’s fate uncertain

The High Court has delivered a damaging blow to the Turnbull Government — its survival as a majority government at risk.

commentTurnbull had no choice

The referendum to enshrine an indigenous voice in the Constitution is dead.

Bold growth strategy for Libs

Scott Morrison and the Productivity Commission have a plan to jolt economy into life.

Truce to end catastrophic legacy

Ai Group Energy Breakfast

The Labor states are grieving and angry at Malcolm Turnbull, but he offers a path to ressurection.

COMMENTWorrying moment for our country

A state is close to crossing a threshold that constitutes a fundamental departure in our attitudes towards human life.

Turnbull’s fight continues

New energy policy defies all predictions and gives the government a real chance.

Social experiment can be avoided

Critics of Victoria’s assisted dying bill say it fails to protect the vulnerable.

It’s time to fix GST model

Scott Morrison should be supported in his efforts to fix defects in the federal system.

Elite’s failures risk socialism

Existential angst is tearing at the Anglosphere’s fabric.

PM’s team staking welfare claim

Despite opposition, trials based on cashless cards, drug testing and ‘no jab, no pay’ are producing results.

States in Turnbull’s firing line

Energised by an important victory, the PM is ready for his next battle.

COMMENTProduce bill for religious freedom

The Yes case is peopled by arrogant, intolerant and irrational campaigners.

PM bid to save government

Turnbull’s ‘trilemma’ is that his key goals in the energy sector are incompatible.

COMMENTA quick reality check for Abbott

Green energy schemes contribute only a small fraction to high power prices. That’s the hard reality for Tony Abbott.

Battle lines drawn over super

The Turnbull government seems determined to break the unions’ stranglehold over industry funds.

Murphy’s law still splits nation

History and the Australian people have yet to decide how best to recall the life of the former minister and judge.

COMMENTGreat fraud of postal survey

John Howard has called out the great fraud of the same-sex marriage vote.

COMMENTWhy Yes case is shoddy

Coalition and Labor politicians are turning a blind eye to a case they cannot answer.

The nation’s lightbulb moment

This week the Turnbull government found a new argument for coal — in the name of power stability.

COMMENTDecision lets PM dodge a bullet

In letting the people decide, the High Court has shown the wisdom so lacking in parliament.

COMMENTNovice Trump out of his depth

Every sign is that Donald Trump is being outmuscled and outfoxed by North Korea’s murderous dictator Kim Jong-un.

Turnbull hostage to High Court

Dual citizenship and postal plebiscite decisions will determine the PM’s fate.