Mark Ritson is an adjunct professor at Melbourne Business School. He has a PhD in Marketing and works as an international brand consultant. He has been voted Professional Publishers Association Business Columnist of the Year in the UK three times.

Brands with iffy purposes

When the Fearless Girl campaign launched in March it was lauded as one of the best promotional efforts of recent years.

COMMENTAgencies in a bind on deals

Why did MediaCom choose to walk away from one of Australia’s biggest clients?

Online fraud puts buyers on edge

Programmatic buying is a risk as thousands of fake sites are now operating.

Uber ‘taken for a ride’

New columnist for The Australian, Mark Ritson

There has always been a standard set of advantages and disadvantages for each of the major advertising media channels.

Dazzling digital blinds marketers

Be suspicious. That was my advice last week to a team of up-and-coming marketers.

Red balloons make killer campaign

How do you promote a marketing campaign for Stephen King’s It without using images of the killer clown?

TV takes on the digital duopoly

The battle brewing in advertising media next year will be between TV advertising and the digital duopoly.

Google ad numbers don’t add up

Don’t be fooled by Google and Facebook’s protestations at last week’s Senate select committee.

‘Say no to no’ stifles debate

New columnist for The Australian, Mark Ritson

Most marketers have always swayed hard left, and their colleagues in advertising land even further.

The death of programmatic ads

New columnist for The Australian, Mark Ritson

A dark corner of the digital ad business needs cleaning up — billions are being siphoned off by rampant fraud.

Game, set and match online

Next year, British tennis fans are in for a shock. They may need to buy a subscription to Amazon Prime Video soon.

Two sides of the digital coin

The emergence of digital media continues to entice and concern marketers in equal amounts.

Foxtel hopes for milder winter

Winter might be coming to the , but for many Foxtel subscribers it did not exactly turn up on time.

Advertisements not so memorable

One of the great challenges of modern media is working out who is doing a good job of promoting their brand.

Co-branding seems cold but it works

Co-branding makes sound marketing sense as attested to by the successful current Louis Vuitton-Supreme tie-up.

Peek at Facebook for true believers

Viewability of Facebook ads may be significantly lower than many have anticipated.

Authenticity is a Cannes bypass

It became clearer then ever at Cannes last week that big changes are finally on the way in ad land.

Strategy begins at home

The appeal to advertising strategists of working for the Big Four is obvious, but many are in for a culture shock.

Personal bias at a minimum

New columnist for The Australian, Mark Ritson

Agencies are not letting their personal bias to digital media cloud their professional judgment of alternatives.

Dark forces try to sway UK voters

Dark forces try to sway UK voters

Britain is going to the polls and it appears to be politics as usual but electioneering has gone ‘dark’ on Facebook.

Here’s the news: nothing is free

Here’s the news: nothing is free

Of all the silly things done to imperil newspapers, none has proved worse than offering free news online.

ACCC ignores real threats

ACCC ignores real threats

The ACCC risks scuppering economic growth if it ignores the real threat to competition in the media sector.

It pays to be a content thief

It pays to be a content thief

Every week Google generates more ad revenue than the Seven, Nine and Ten networks combined across the entire year.

Taking care in the name game

Taking care in the name game

What might seem a clever new name for a company could later prove to be a terrible embarrassment.

Dawn of new era in retail

Dawn of new era in retail

The implications of Amazon’s entry into this country have only been half glimpsed so far.

Snap decision just a bit rich

Snap decision just a bit rich

Investors see a gathering cloud on the horizon for a platform that claims 158 million daily users.

Coles invests in its people

Coles invests in its people

Forget “Down, Down”. Supermarket Coles has a new catchphrase, and “I’m Free” is already a winner.

CommentA brand reaching too far

A brand reaching too far

Pepsi tried to ‘project a global message of unity, peace and understanding’ but instead showed it had lost the plot.

High risks of programmatic ads

High risks of programmatic ads

Buying digital display media without a programmatic approach is all but impossible.

Brand safety doubts grow

Brand safety doubts grow

Poor leadership from agencies, client naivety and Google’s failure to act have worsened a brand safety crisis.