ABC news editors falter

Michelle Guthrie’s reforms are worthless if she fails to address ABC newsroom sloppiness.

Their big stories are ours too

Television personality Kerri-Anne Kennerley plays a round of golf at Hope Island for the Tebonin Classic.

Comparisons are odious and I’m not going to rank these books, both thoroughly enjoyable stories of our lives.

CommentWill ABC stomach Guthrie’s test?

The proof of Michelle Guthrie’s new ABC pudding will be in the eating.

Trump, TV and the truth

Donald Trump

The Donald has made a skewing of the facts into an art form.

Not all sources deserve shielding

It’s an ethical minefield, but not all journalists’ sources deserve the same protection of their identities.

ExclusiveGuthrie to quit role

Creative Country

ABC managing director Michelle Guthrie will step down from a little-known and lucrative New Zealand board job.

ExclusiveGuthrie takes on the cabals

Creative Country

Eighteen months into her five-year term leading the $1 billion-a-year ABC, Michelle Guthrie is facing her biggest test.

ANALYSISPart of Hanson plan has potential

Pauline Hanson’s six-point media plan contains one element that has very real merit.

Breaker Morant ‘guilty as sin’

Actor Edward Woodward in 1980 film 'Breaker Morant'.

A witness relates on newly rediscovered film the extrajudicial killing of a captured Boer.

INQUIRERCan we have faith in ABC?

The eternal battle for the soul of the ABC has a new frontier — religion.

Out of space: calling it a Day

After 57 memorable years in journalism, it’s time to say goodbye with my last Media column.

‘Goobook’ should help old media

‘Goobook’ should help old media

Canberra must decide what is most important: Google and Facebook’s unfettered growth, or Australian democracy.

Guthrie defence is out of touch

Guthrie defence is out of touch

ABC managing director Michelle Guthrie’s recent comment shows she has no idea of life in the real world.

Reform process stalls yet again

Reform process stalls yet again

made on the job.

Our secret plan for invasion

Our secret plan for invasion

Guerilla militias, a scorched early policy; this is how, in 1942, the government prepared for a Japanese invasion.

exclusiveBrisbane Line no myth

Brisbane Line no myth

Documents detailin­g how Australia was to be subjected to a scorched-earth polic­y if Japan invaded have been found.

Bouquets to our senators

Bouquets to our senators

A big hooray to the Senate crossbenchers who have pushed for an inquiry into the future of journalism in Australia.

Lessons in fall of Fairfax dynasty

Lessons in fall of Fairfax dynasty

Sacking journalists is a short-term solution to the need of publishers to cut costs in the face of online competition.

Reflecting on days of yore

Reflecting on days of yore

Sir Lenox Hewitt served many political masters during a long career in Australian bureaucracy.

COMMENTBrutality rules at Hywood’s place

Brutality rules at Hywood’s place

It wasn’t surprise that enraged Fairfax Media journalists yesterday amid the latest redundancies, it was the brutality.

Unite against content thieves

Unite against content thieves

News publishers are reaching more people than ever before, but their slice of the advertising pie continues to shrink.

Simple reforms face tough passage

Simple reforms face tough passage

Betting is legal; it’s a free country and we should be free to choose how we live and the indulgences we enjoy.

Citizen journos take over

Citizen journos take over

Newspaper photographers fade into the history books as the age of the citizen journalist arrives.

Fairfax journos mired in ideology

Fairfax journos mired in ideology

Fairfax journalists have clung to their old charter of editorial independence for far too long.

Journalist’s plight a timely task

Journalist’s plight a timely task

Journalist Steve Barrett has been left swinging in the breeze for 17 years after he was named in 52 warrants.

Fox model prompts Sky debate

Fox model prompts Sky debate

The appointment of

Fake news tests laws of restraint

Fake news tests laws of restraint

The digital revolution has brought spectacular advances, but with them have come unintended problems.

No ‘Goobook’ safe harbour

No ‘Goobook’ safe harbour

It is no secret the global media monoliths Google and Facebook already captured the lion’s share of the world’s digital advertising.

Fakery is the wrong path

Fakery is the wrong path

Fake news is a cancer that eats away at the credibility of trained and professional journalists in an insidious fashion.

Trump declares war on media

Trump declares war on media

Donald Trump’s call for the sources of all stories to be named showers him in gobsmacking hypocrisy.