Contributing Economics Editor
Judith Sloan is an economist and company director. She holds degrees from the University of Melbourne and the London School of Economics. She has held a number of government appointments, including Commissioner of the Productivity Commission; Commissioner of the Australian Fair Pay Commission; and Deputy Chairman of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

Cheap power? There’s an answer

There’s a simple way to bring down energy prices, but the Coalition’s policy isn’t it.

CommentA NEG is as good as it gets

Thank god the Clean Energy Target is gone; it was just another vehicle subsidising the intermittent renewable sector.

commentACCC blinded by market focus

If you want to know the real causes of high electricity prices, don’t rely on the ACCC.

Reform super, we’re being robbed

Superannuation is a dud product for pretty much every present and past member, and the government knows this.

opinionGet real about energy, PM

Silly ideas cannot generate the electricity needed by Australian homes and businesses.

The road to cheaper energy

It is time renewable energy generators felt the wrath of the level playing field.

exclusivePremier off with the pixies

Who does Daniel Andrews think he’s kidding by declaring there’s no has shortage in eastern Australia?

Politics stymies tax change

There must be losers as well as winners if any meaningful change is to be made to the unfair GST system.

We must stop this nonsense

Without a doubt, the biggest scam perpetrated against taxpayers and consumers is ­renewable energy. It has gone on long enough.

Wonky policies behind gas crisis

An export ­industry and a well-supplied domestic market are not incompatible.

COMMENTWhere’s Costello when needed?

So the budget is going to be in a slightly lower deficit, by a tad over $4 billion, this financial year. Whoopee, I say.

commentPunish states that sit on reserves

For a country with plentiful supplies of gas, coal and uranium, it beggars belief that we have high electricity prices.

AGL and the gentailer problem

Neither the company’s commercial sweet spot nor its greenie pose will bring any benefit to consumers.

Enterprise agreements given boot

With unions refusing productivity offsets, many companies are returning to awards.

Not For Implementation

The Turnbull government would be completely bonkers to commit to a clean energy target.

CommentAGL having its cake and eating it

The government must act and this does not involve doling out even more favours to the unreliable renewables sector.

From cheap to expensive power

Renewables panhandlers make a motza while reliable energy keeps seeping out.

COMMENTPrices not due to privatisation

Here’s a tip: the escalation of electricity prices doesn’t have anything to do with privatisation.

COMMENTAsset sales inevitable as debt balloons

What was Treasurer Ben Wyatt thinking of when he said no taxes would be raised and no assets would be sold?

COMMENT’Experts’ push their own barrows

The AEMO is just part of the dazzling array of regulators interfering with the national electricity market.

We need a lightbulb moment

Bullying retailers and spruiking Snowy 2.0 isn’t a very bright idea, Malcolm and Josh.

COMMENTPower sequel fails to boil over

We are sick of hearing about Snowy 2.0. It will cost billions, is years away and probably will proceed no matter what.

This dog’s breakfast won’t work

The black economy ties us up using red tape issued by the government.

Coalition pushes taxes, regulation

If the Liberal Party turns its back on its principles, voters will turn to Labor.

Minister should be red-faced

Little has changed — panic and chaos are the mark of the latest energy policies.

Inequality manifesto is unsound

Dick Smith’s plan to slash immigration and boost taxes would be an economic fiasco.

COMMENTBill favours donor union mates

The amalgamation of the MUA and CFMEU has the potential to cause mass mayhem.

commentEnergy a joke, no one laughing

What started off as a good idea, the National Electricity Market has descended into a joke.

High price for Abbott’s promise

Abbott should have ditched the RET and taken a stand against Paris emissions reductions.

COMMENTMigrants squeeze life from city

Packed trains, congested roads, schools bursting at the seams .... are too many immigrants making our cities unliveable?