Growth a tool against poverty

The Business Council of Australia wants to help alleviate disadvantage.

Make our future work

Heavy mining industry workers

Wages growth can restart but not without gains in productivity.

Spotlight on Australia’s economy

While tax cuts for small businesses is welcome, big business tax relief would make new investments more attractive.

Canberra needs eyes wide open

Jennifer Westacott, CEO, Business Council of Australia

Canberra will need to overturn recent history and show it can deliver major projects as well as the private sector.

Booking the success dividend

Booking the success dividend

You wouldn’t micromanage your Google investment, so why micromanage indigenous business?

Fair policy nurtures confidence

Fair policy nurtures confidence

Australia is doing well but cannot rest on its laurels.

Education still the great leveller

Education still the great leveller

The future jobs market is a whole new ball game.

Pull the plug on culture war

Pull the plug on culture war

Neither side of politics can solve the energy crisis alone.

Stick to penalty rates change

Stick to penalty rates change

Let’s not betray young unemployed and small businesses that want to grow.

Act now on budget

Act now on budget

Governments, agencies and their staffers must find more efficient ways of getting work done.

Cut company tax to help agriculture

Cut company tax to help agriculture

Canberra’s plan is the bare minimum needed to maintain competitiveness.

Trade opens up economic wealth

Trade opens up economic wealth

Our company tax rate is dissuading investors from contributing to growth.

We all must knuckle down

We all must knuckle down

Passing Turnbull’s 10-year plan is the bare minimum to keep us in the game.

commentWe have to pay our way

We have to pay our way

The message from MYEFO was unequivocal: the nation simply cannot spend what it can’t afford.

Path to progress hinges on trade

Path to progress hinges on trade

Australia needs political leaders who will speak out against anti-business driven populist protectionism.

Passing bills makes economic sense

Passing bills makes economic sense

Today, the bills that were used as the trigger for our double dissolution election are due to come before the Senate.

Becoming a nation with purpose

Becoming a nation with purpose

A sense of drift is preventing us meeting the challenges of a changing world.

Building culture needs repair

Building culture needs repair

With election day looming, it’s timely to come back to the issue that triggered this double-­dissolution poll.

To be fair, let’s encourage growth

To be fair, let’s encourage growth

The issue of fairness is becoming a ­central theme against which ­policies will be measured.

Building fix as easy as ABCC

Building fix as easy as ABCC

A respectful workplace culture is essential for the improved productivity needed for our long-term prosperity.

Get the NDIS right from outset

Get the NDIS right from outset

There are three key risk areas that if left unchecked could undermine the disability support scheme.

Senate needs to pass ABCC bill

Senate needs to pass ABCC bill

Reinstating the Australian Building and Construction Commission should be the easiest decision the Senate can make.

Policymakers must act now to secure our future

Policymakers must act now to secure our future

Economic reforms are needed

Economic reforms are needed

A better tax system is central to stronger economic growth.

Choice at heart of review

Choice at heart of review

Empowering consumers is the key to improving services — whether they are delivered by government, NGOs or the private sector.

24/7 economy needs IR reform

24/7 economy needs IR reform

We need to design a workplace relations system fit for a modern economy and creates jobs for the future.

Overhaul to keep nation nimble

Overhaul to keep nation nimble

Our workplace relations system, designed decades ago in a very different world, looks absurdly out of date.

IR must focus on innovation, jobs

IR must focus on innovation, jobs

The key challenge of reform is how well we can create the workplaces and the businesses of the ­future that create jobs.

China FTA is in national interest

China FTA is in national interest

Don’t be fooled by the union scare campaign, the free trade agreement with China is in the national interest.

Ideas will push reform debate

Ideas will push reform debate

It’s difficult to find agreement on big change, but staying the course is vital.