World CommentaryJapan decline a real-life lesson

Japan decline a real-life lesson

Japan is an excellent place to test the proposition that countries do better with low levels of immigration.

World CommentaryParanoid time for Trump backers

Paranoid time for Trump backers

Paranoia is back in style, but is it affectation or a deeply held belief?

World CommentaryHow West was brought undone

How West was brought undone

The West — as a geopolitical bloc, a cultural expression, a moral ideal — is in deep trouble.

Only Palestinians can solve conflict

Only Palestinians can solve conflict

Four rules for Jared Kushner as the Trump administration’s point man on Israeli-Arab issues.

commentLured into dystopian world view

Lured into dystopian world view

US conservatives should beware Donald Trump’s invitation to a political film noir in which the outcome is bleak.

CommentaryThe Donald runs a royal court

The Donald runs a royal court

What character from fiction or figure from history does Donald Trump most resemble?

World CommentaryPieties risk consuming the host

Pieties risk consuming the host

Few things are as dangerous to democracy as a demagogue with a half-valid argument.

World CommentaryPalestinian state won’t bring peace

Palestinian state won’t bring peace

No deal between Jerusalem and Ramallah is going to lift the sights of those fighting in Syria, Iraq or Yemen.

Trump reveal would clear doubts

Trump reveal would clear doubts

The president-elect’s ties to Russia, if any, have many in the US very concerned.

world commentaryHow I learned to love Putin

How I learned to love Putin

Vladimir Putin used to worry me. A lot. But I’m over it.

World CommentaryIt’s about justice, not economics

It’s about justice, not economics

The “system”, with its high-toned rationale, has struck millions of people as unaccountable and unjust.

‘Beasts’ of nationalism emerge

‘Beasts’ of nationalism emerge

Economic nationalism means economic ruin.

No apology for heaping disdain

No apology for heaping disdain

Nothing prepared me for the torrent of opprobrium stemming from my disdain for Donald Trump.

Self-serving FBI chief must go

Self-serving FBI chief must go

The FBI director is always on the right side of Beltway wisdom and consistently on the wrong side of justice.

OPINIONMy former Republican Party

My former Republican Party

The Democrats left my parents. Trump’s GOP has left me.

The apology of Donald Trump

The apology of Donald Trump

To those who don’t get why Hillary Clinton isn’t ahead by 50 points — here’s the answer.

world commentaryTerror can’t beat democracy

Terror can’t beat democracy

As attacks become more frequent and closer to everyday life, public tolerance for liberal pieties will wane.

world commentaryTrump is immoral and dangerous

Trump is immoral and dangerous

The Republican contender has more in common with Kanye West than with Steve Wynn.

world commentaryAll ask: Who did this to us?

All ask: Who did this to us?

The question leads to self-pity by disavowing personal responsibility and moral agency.

World CommentaryGOP in ruins after revolution

GOP in ruins after revolution

It was probably inevitable that Trump and his media munchkins would blame a stab in the back for his likely defeat.

world commentaryDonald’s problem is his character

Donald’s problem is his character

What makes Trump’s remarks on Ghazala Khan so foul is their undisguised sadism.

GOP can’t hope to better the US

GOP can’t hope to better the US

The impulses that have dominated Donald Trump’s candidacy are the insult, the put-down, the slander, the threat.

world commentaryIs Iran dodging nuclear deal?

Is Iran dodging nuclear deal?

Germany’s domestic spy agency reports increased clandestine nuclear procurement by the Iran regime.

Trump, Brexit offer delusions

Trump, Brexit offer delusions

Both the Trumpkins and the Brexiteers aimed their fire at a toothless opponent — and the wrong one to boot.

world commentaryVenezuela exposes the Bern

Venezuela exposes the Bern

The Democratic socialism of Chavez and Sanders is legalised theft in the name of the people against the vilified few.

world commentaryMerkel’s road to moral surrender

Merkel’s road to moral surrender

Germany’s recklessly humanitarian leader betrays her country’s liberal values.

world commentaryLeft’s orthodoxy is jihadist drug

Left’s orthodoxy is jihadist drug

It strikes as radical when it comes from the terrorists’ pen.

World CommentaryTrump, Obama: epic narcissists

Trump, Obama: epic narcissists

The President and The Donald are two epic narcissists who see themselves as singularly suited to redeem America.

World CommentaryHow Putin taught West a lesson

How Putin taught West a lesson

Could the next US president learn something from this case study in the use of power?

Obama has clocked off

Obama has clocked off

A look-alike is giving interviews, pretending to be the President and rapping on foreign policy.