Dr. Bjorn Lomborg is president of the Copenhagen Consensus Center and visiting professor at Copenhagen Business School. He has been named one of TIME magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world. His numerous books include The Skeptical Environmentalist, Cool It, and How to Spend $75 Billion to Make the World a Better Place.

The climate truth we must admit

Australian Heatwave Maps

When it comes to the Paris Agreement, even the best-case scenarios promise tiny improvements at too high a cost.

Alarmism warps climate policy

Predicting the apocalypse does not help build a realistic, sensible strategy.

COMMENTParis was never the answer

What does it matter that Trump took the US out of the Paris climate agreement? Not a lot.

Look on the bright side of life

Look on the bright side of life

The world’s health, wealth and literacy remain on a sharply improving trajectory.

The great green con?

The great green con?

Unpick all the assumptions and organic food is just the world’s wealthy spending more to feel good.

Please mind the efficiency gap

Please mind the efficiency gap

Green energy needs new ideas to drive down prices, which means investing in serious R&D.;

world commentaryBangladesh does better on TB

Bangladesh does better on TB

What if policymakers compared bridges to school textbooks — to figure out where first to direct the money?

Dear World Bank, we want food

Dear World Bank, we want food

Implementing global warming policies is hardly the most pressing issue facing poor nations.

Paris treaty is ‘wishful thinking’

Paris treaty is ‘wishful thinking’

It is likely that the Paris treaty is the most expensive in the history of the world, and will not achieve its objectives.

Politicians pursue the impossible

Politicians pursue the impossible

If a 2C target is out of reach, what hope does a lower one have?

Symbolism Over Substance

Symbolism Over Substance

The Paris climate conference is about symbolism: spending a lot of money to feel good but do very little.

Climate change to blame for IS?

Climate change to blame for IS?

There is reason to believe that some changes to the climate could exacerbate instability in already volatile areas.

The immoral cost of Paris cuts

The immoral cost of Paris cuts

Negotiated carbon cuts will severely hit the global economy - money that could improve the lives of billions.

Do people really want action?

Do people really want action?

Climate change is a real problem, but there are many other global problems the world finds even more important.

Climate aid gone wrong

Climate aid gone wrong

A fixation on ‘climate aid’ isn’t what the world’s poor want or need. Here’s a real-life example of why.

Incompatible thoughts on climate

Incompatible thoughts on climate

Take your pick: either you need green energy production subsidies, or solar and wind is already competitive.

Paris price tag? Just don’t ask

Paris price tag? Just don’t ask

When it comes to global climate treaties, politicians are loath to admit their commitments carry a big cost.

Blowing chance to help the planet

Blowing chance to help the planet

‘Wind tree’ sums up the futility of the Paris climate talks.

What will Paris hot air achieve?

What will Paris hot air achieve?

Even if it’s successful, any deal negotiated in Paris is going to do very little to rein in temperature rises.

Paris climate blogBiggest protest, not top priority

Biggest protest, not top priority

Global warming is a challenge that the developed world cares about much more than those that are worst off.

The problem with Climate Aid

The problem with Climate Aid

Money is being diverted to climate-related matters at the expense of health, education and economic development.

How will Paris talks succeed?

How will Paris talks succeed?

It’s easy to become cynical about the climate talks so we should be asking; what would it take for Paris to succeed?


Deja vu in Paris

History tells us this ‘last chance’ UN gathering will come and go with no real impact on temperature rises.

Greenest energy yet to be invented

Greenest energy yet to be invented

We’ll beat global warming when we have a power source cheaper than coal.

Counting cost of wind and solar

Counting cost of wind and solar

There’s an eye-watering price to pay for a minuscule benefit to the environment.

Facts obstruct a good story

Facts obstruct a good story

Some journalists disregard reality when it comes to reporting on Consensus research.

world commentaryThe keys to fighting global poverty

The keys to fighting global poverty

Nineteen of the UN’s 169 targets to eliminate world poverty are good value.

Closed minds reject valuable study

Closed minds reject valuable study

Opponents of the Australian Consensus Centre turn their backs on viable development goals, including green energy.

Smarter ways to help save world

Smarter ways to help save world

Limited funds make global goals difficult, but good targets should improve millions of lives.

Escape route from poverty

Escape route from poverty

MASS mobile internet access would prove transformative for the developing world.