Anthony Klan is an investigative journalist with The Australian newspaper, specialising in business malfeasance and government corruption. His work has sparked numerous inquiries and law reforms. He holds Australia’s top journalism award, a Walkley Award, for business journalism, and has been named a finalist for the Graham Perkin Australian journalist of the year. He has won News Corporation Australia’s top award and has been named News Corporation Australia business journalist of the year on three occasions. In 2016 he was named a finalist in both the investigative and business categories of the Society of Asia Publishing Awards and a finalist for the NSW Kennedy Award for Outstanding Financial Journalism. Have a tip off? Complete confidentiality assured:

ExclusiveWhistleblowers target of smear

Generic images of ballot box  /  voting booth  /  election  /  voter / NSW.

A group of whistleblower councillors have been targeted in an anonymous smear campaign.

exclusive‘Internet Australia broken’


The nation’s most vocal internet group is completely broken, according to millionaire tech entrepreneur Bevan Slattery.

Net group’s leaders to step down

Supplied Editorial Internet Australia CEO Laurie Patton. Source: Supplied.

Statements follow an expose by The Weekend Australian highlighting concerns about the direction and governance of the group.

exclusiveLobby group muddies NBN debate

Supplied Editorial Internet Australia CEO Laurie Patton. Source: Supplied.

Internet Australia’s Laurie Patton is a critic of the Coalition’s NBN. He is also an ALP member and kept quiet about it.

exclusiveALP expenses spur defection

Supplied Editorial Internet Australia CEO Laurie Patton. Source: Supplied.

A director has quit a lobby group ­after his CEO claimed expenses ­for attending an ALP conference.

Trading scandal link firm to close

The biotech linked to insider-trading allegations involving a US congressman with ties to Donald Trump is facing closure.

exclusiveMates launch internet service

NBN Bundaberg

Three mates have teamed up to launch their own internet service, offering speeds up to double those offered by the NBN.

Jetstar to put the squeeze on

Jetstar Airbus A320-232; VH-VGQ at SYD

Your next Jetstar flight may be a little more crowded, with the airline preparing to add six seats to some of its planes.

exclusiveOnline body’s NBN test warning

Pictured Teresa Corbin Chief Executive officer for Australian Communication Consumer Action Network, pictured in her office in Ultimo. Contact Teresa 0414748906.

The nation’s peak internet consumer body has warned NBN users to place limited stock in online net speed tests.

ALP lashed over NBN costings gap

Minister for Communications and the Arts Mitch Fifield during Question Time in the Senate chamber at Parliament House in Canberra, Thursday, August 10, 2017. (AAP Image/Mick Tsikas) NO ARCHIVING

Communications Minister Mitch Fifield lashes Bill Shorten over Labor’s costings gap on the NBN.

Starman lands in Oz

Chris Hadfield

Astronaut Chris Hadfield idolised Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong, but made a name for himself covering David Bowie.

Deceptive NBN ads targeted

Profile of ACCC head Rod Sims

The competition watchdog has launched tough new guidelines to tackle ‘extremely poor’ NBN advertising by telcos.

Telcos forced into NBN ad switch

ACCC chairman Rod Sims speaks during a media conference in Brisbane, Wednesday, July 26, 2017. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is taking action in the Federal Court against Ford Motor Company of Australia over its handling of customers who had problems with Ford Focus, Fiesta and EcoSport vehicles with a PowerShift transmission bought between 2011 and 2016. (AAP Image/Dan Peled) NO ARCHIVING

Watchdog sets tough guidelines to stop telcos selling the NBN engaging in “extremely poor” advertising.

exclusiveThousands to get NBN refunds

Telstra Set To Cut Hundreds Of Jobs To Account For Expected NBN Deficit

Thousands of subscribers to the NBN will be refunded after our biggest telco launched an investigation into overcharging.

NBN critics err on need for speed


More than 80 per cent of National Broadband Network users have opted for the two lowest speed packages.

ExclusiveNBN critic spouted ‘rubbish’

Supplied Editorial Internet Australia CEO Laurie Patton. Source: Supplied.

The head of a web user advocacy group has come under fire in an extraordinary attack from his own vice-chairman.

PROPERTYWant to live the Mehajer life?

Salim Mehajer's Lidcombe property is up for rent.

For $2950 a week, you can live like Salim Mehajer. The nation’s most famous former deputy mayor has put his Lidcombe home up for rent.

ExclusiveCritic’s ALP links not disclosed

Supplied Editorial Internet Australia CEO Laurie Patton. Source: Supplied.

The head of a web user advocacy group, a vocal critic of the NBN, didn’t disclose his ALP’s membership, it has emerged.

Law raps on Teflon John’s door

Book Launch John Ibrahim

John Ibrahim is accused of being at the centre of a Kings Cross drugs and standover ring, yet he’s never been found guilty of a crime.

exclusiveQuery over NBN critic’s links

Supplied Editorial Internet Australia CEO Laurie Patton. Source: Supplied.

A leading ‘internet user’ advocacy group has received money from Optus and Google, and its chief is a Labor member.

Home at last after questions

Terror Follow Up

The second Sydney man to be ­released after being ­arrested on suspicion of terrorism has returned to his home.

exclusiveTelcos baulk at cheap NBN fix

The NBN Co construction team rollout fibre in Penrith. Many suburbs in the Penrith region will be amongst the first in Australia to gain access to high-speed, reliable and affordable broadband through the NBN  /  Generic  / Technology  /  Broadband  /  Communications  /  Infrastructure  /  Internet  /  High Speed Data  /  Online  /  Business  /  Western Sydney.

National Broadband Network speed woes could be eradicated by telcos paying just $9.75 extra a month per connection.

Airlines vary on security

M5 Traffic Chaos Fromchopper

The nation’s major airlines will either work with authorities in a security crackdown or have ducked for cover.

Police release terror ‘suspect’

A man in a police vehicle is moved by Australian Federal Police from Sydney's Police headquarters in Surry Hills on Sunday, August 6, 2017. A Sydney man arrested over a plot to bomb a plane bound for the Middle East has been charged with a non-terror related offence. (AAP Image/Aaron Bunch) NO ARCHIVING

The final Sydney man arrested by Australian Federal Police on suspicion of being connected to a terror plot has been released.

Fourth man charged after raids

2 X Men Charged With Terror

A fourth Sydney man accused of involvement in a plot to bomb a plane destined for the Middle East has been charged.

Vulnerable ‘stuck’ on higher power bills

Finance and Wealth - Tax Return Forms

Vulnerable and poorer consumers are being slugged with higher power bills while new customers enjoy heavy discounts.

Chinese may seek casino compo

ASF consortium's supplied images of their Gold Coast Integrated Resort with proposed hotel, casino resort development to be built on land between Sea World and Palazzo Versace on the Gold Coast

Queensland taxpayers may foot the compo bill after the state government backflipped on a deal with Chinese developers for a second Gold Coast casino.

NBN backlash sparks watchdog call


The government has put the communications watchdog in charge of assessing customer complaints with the $49bn NBN.

$3bn Gold Coast casino rejected

ASF consortium's supplied images of their Gold Coast Integrated Resort with proposed hotel, casino resort development to be built on land between Sea World and Palazzo Versace on the Gold Coast

The Queensland Government has rejected a proposed $3 billion casino and hotel resort development.

Qantas flies to Osaka

Osaka, Japan at Dotonbori Canal

Qantas has launched the first Sydney to Osaka direct flight to capitalise on the booming tourism market.