
Trump calls for death penalty for Uzbek man charged in New York attack

New York: US President Donald Trump called for the death penalty on Wednesday for an Uzbek immigrant accused of plowing a truck down a New York City bike path, killing eight people, describing the man as a "terrorist."

Sayfullo Saipov, 29, who was hospitalised after he was shot by a police officer and arrested, told investigators he had been inspired by watching Islamic State videos and began planning Tuesday's attack a year ago, according to a criminal complaint filed against him on Wednesday.

"NYC terrorist was happy as he asked to hang ISIS flag in his hospital room. He killed 8 people, badly injured 12. Should get the death penalty," Trump tweeted.

Saipov was charged with one count of providing material support and resources to a foreign terrorist organisation, specifically Islamic State, and one count of violence and destruction of motor vehicles causing the deaths of eight people.

Bahij Chancey, centre, holds a photo of his friend Nicholas Cleves a victim of the New York terror attack, during an interfaith vigil in Manhattan.

Bahij Chancey, centre, holds a photo of his friend Nicholas Cleves a victim of the New York terror attack, during an interfaith vigil in Manhattan.

Photo: AP

Manhattan acting US Attorney Joon Kim said the first count carries a maximum penalty of life in prison, while the second would make Saipov eligible for capital punishment if convicted, if the government chose to seek the death penalty. Additional or different charges could be brought later in an indictment, Kim said.

Saipov confessed to authorities that he made a trial run with a rental truck on October 22 to practice turning the vehicle and "stated that he felt good about what he had done" after the attack, the complaint said.

The 10-page charging document said Saipov waived his rights to remain silent and avoid self-incrimination in agreeing to speak to investigators without an attorney present from his bed at Bellevue Hospital Centre in Manhattan.

The complaint said Saipov had requested permission to display an IS flag in his hospital room.

US President Donald Trump speaks during a cabinet meeting in Washington.

US President Donald Trump speaks during a cabinet meeting in Washington.

Photo: Bloomberg

It said he was particularly motivated by seeing a video in which Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who led the campaign by IS - also known as ISIS - to seize territory for a self-proclaimed caliphate within Iraq and Syria, exhorted Muslims in the United States and elsewhere to support the group's cause.

Investigators found thousands of IS-related propaganda images and videos on a mobile phone belonging to Saipov, including video clips showing IS prisoners being beheaded, run over by a tank and shot in the face, the complaint said.

Emergency personnel carry a man into an ambulance after the New York attack on Tuesday.

Emergency personnel carry a man into an ambulance after the New York attack on Tuesday.

Photo: AP

The FBI said it had located another Uzbek man, Mukhammadzoir Kadirov, 32, wanted for questioning as a person of interest in the attack.

US law enforcement officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because the investigation was ongoing, said Saipov had been in contact with Kadirov and another person of interest in the investigation, though they did not elaborate.

Sayfullo Saipov.

Sayfullo Saipov.

Photo: Handout/AP

Of those killed, five were Argentinian tourists, who were among a group of friends visiting New York to celebrate the 30th anniversary of their high school graduation, one was a Belgian citizen, one was a New York resident and one lived in New Jersey.

Saipov allegedly used a ute rented from a New Jersey Home Depot store to run down pedestrians and cyclists along a 20-block stretch of the bike path that runs along the Hudson River before slamming into a school bus.

According to authorities, he then exited his vehicle shouting "Allahu Akbar" - Arabic for "God is greatest" - and brandishing what turned out to be a paint-ball gun and a pellet gun before a police officer shot him in the abdomen.

Saipov lived in Paterson, New Jersey, a one-time industrial hub about 40 km north-west of lower Manhattan.

Saipov, seated in a wheelchair, appeared for a brief hearing in Manhattan federal court on Wednesday evening, local time, before Magistrate Judge Barbara Moses, appointed public defence attorney David Patton to represent him. Saipov did not ask for bail and was remanded to federal custody. It was not immediately clear where he would be held.

Earlier in the day, Trump said he would be open to transferring Saipov to the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where other suspects including alleged September 11 plotters are held.


Kim, the federal prosecutor, said there was nothing about charging Saipov in civilian court that would necessarily prevent him from later being declared an enemy combatant.


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