

Opinion & Perspectives

Two triumphs: Of marriage, football, ethnicity, and progress

Wednesday November 15, 2017 was a good day for Australia. Even great. Two joyous things happened.

Mark Kenny
Mark Kenny

Today's cartoons: The illustrated news

The news of the day as interpreted in the work of our award-winning cartoonists.

    The five key lessons to emerge from the same-sex marriage result

    Australia has rejoined the rights revolution. That's the first of five key lessons to emerge from the outcome of the same-sex marriage vote.

    Peter Hartcher
    Peter Hartcher


    Treasurer Scott Morrison and Immigration Minister Peter Dutton have flagged a new battleground in the wake of same-sex marriage.

    Peter Dutton, Scott Morrison flag push for 'religious protections' laws once same-sex marriage is legalised

    Leading conservative cabinet minister Peter Dutton has intervened in the debate about same-sex marriage laws, slapping down calls for sweeping changes to senator Dean Smith's proposed legislation but suggesting a new "religious protections" bill may be introduced in 2018.

    • by James Massola
    Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull takes a selfie with Socceroos captain Mile Jedinak on Thursday.

    Two triumphs: Of marriage, football, ethnicity, and progress

    Wednesday November 15, 2017 was a good day for Australia. Even great. Two joyous things happened.

    • by Mark Kenny

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