
How you can make your dead body environmentally friendly

Traditional burials can be a toxic affair, leaching chemicals from the embalming, burial and cremation process into the air and soil.

A Brisbane-based mathematician is hoping Australians with an eco-friendly approach in life will continue that stance into death, by donating traditional funeral costs, to conservation efforts.

The notion of conservation burials, the act of using burial costs to fund the acquisition of land for nature, is still very much in its infancy and Australian Research Council’s Matthew Holden said Australia could contribute greatly to its definition.

Dr Matthew Holden with a cake he baked to reflect his conservation burial research.

Dr Matthew Holden with a cake he baked to reflect his conservation burial research.

Photo: Twitter

“Traditional burial, because it is using things like formaldehyde and putting a lot of concrete or marble into the ground, it is actually harming the environment potentially over land that wouldn’t have those elements,” he said.

“By removing those components, that is a natural burial.


“A conservation burial takes it a step further...instead of being net neutral in the burial process...(it can make) nature better by taking land that maybe would have been developed or not currently managed, and planting native plants over these dead bodies to try and encourage the persistence of native wildlife.”

The average cost for a cremation without a service is $2755 while the average cost for a basic or essential services funeral came in at $4902, according to findings published in The Conversation by researchers earlier this year.

These costs can rise to $15,000 for more elaborate caskets, burial and flowers, according to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.

An Australian Funeral Directors Association-commissioned survey conducted in 2014 found of the 519 over-50s surveyed, 66 per cent of Australians stated cost as being “extremely or significantly influential”, ahead of religion or life philosophy.

Funeral costs for tombstones and plaques could be re-directed to conservation efforts, Dr Holden says.

Funeral costs for tombstones and plaques could be re-directed to conservation efforts, Dr Holden says.

Photo: Michele Mossop

Dr Holden said redirecting these costs, estimated to be in the tens of thousands, could greatly improve targeted conservation efforts.

“Often, protected areas and parks and smaller protected areas end up being placed in spots where there aren't very many threats because there aren't very many stakeholders fighting you putting the protected area there,” he said.

“We are talking about a lot of money that people are willing to spend on afterlife services to commemorate their loved ones, (so) having that money to be able to say, ‘no, we can actually buy this land at market value’.

“(To be able to say) we are willing to spend a lot of money to buy this protected area...because we know it is really valuable as a conservation site.

“One thing about conservation burials (is) the amount of money people are willing to spend on funerals is really high and this is a way, a new way we can leverage money for conservation.

“This may be a new opportunity to bring in a lot of money into conservation that we normally wouldn’t have.”

Dr Holden said there was only a scattering of conservation burial sites across the United States and it was up to those interested in conservation burials to pave the way forward.

“Maybe they could pair up with conservation charities and say we will buy a small piece of land for your plot in the city and make it a natural area that is great for urban green space,” he said.

“You could take extra money...and maybe not buy so much land for the burial ground itself but could take that money to fund some other type of conservation land elsewhere.

“One thing we wanted to do in the early phase is not limit the creativity of burial sites, really allow them to try and choose the methods that would give the biggest societal benefits to humans but also benefits to conservation.

“I think we are at a really great time to define what is a conservation burial.”

The research was published in Conservation Letters.

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