
Banking & finance

Macquarie staff accused of upskirting, predatory behaviour in the office

Macquarie staff accused of upskirting, predatory behaviour in the office

A group of disgruntled clients have accused Macquarie Group of fostering a toxic culture of harassment and predatory behaviour amid claims a male stockbroker cut off the ponytail of a female assistant and another adviser took "upskirting" photos of a colleague under her desk.

  • by Cameron Houston, Chris Vedelago


Board shake-up can't halt slide as CBA hits new low

Board shake-up can't halt slide as CBA hits new low

A shake-up of the Commonwealth Bank's board has failed to stem a further slide in lender's share price, as investors fret over the future fallout of a money laundering compliance scandal.

  • by Clancy Yeates
'Unusually complex' Austrac case will involve 174 'mini-trials': CBA

'Unusually complex' Austrac case will involve 174 'mini-trials': CBA

Commonwealth Bank has underlined the painstaking legal process that awaits it, when claims that it repeatedly breached anti-money laundering and counter terrorism financing laws are tested in court.

  • by Clancy Yeates
CBA's alleged transaction monitoring problems spark American probes

CBA's alleged transaction monitoring problems spark American probes

US lawyers have told Reuters that CBA was already responding to information requests from a number of US agencies.

  • by Nathan Lynch, Ajay Shamdasani
NAB's 'virtual banker' chatbots to save millions

NAB's 'virtual banker' chatbots to save millions

National Australia Bank will roll out "virtual bankers" to perform tasks previously completed by staff in call centres, as part of an overhaul of its processes.

  • by Clancy Yeates
CBA investors warned over foreign fine risk

CBA investors warned over foreign fine risk

The Commonwealth Bank risks being investigated by overseas authorities known to impose hefty fines if its anti-money laundering compliance scandal extended into foreign countries, investors have been warned.

  • by Clancy Yeates
APRA ramps up pressure on super fund laggards

APRA ramps up pressure on super fund laggards

The financial regulator is demanding meetings with the boards of superannuation funds that are failing to deliver "quality" outcomes for members, escalating pressure for poorly performing funds to lift their game or merge with a rival.

  • by Clancy Yeates
Future Fund could manage your retirement savings, chairman Peter Costello says

Future Fund could manage your retirement savings, chairman Peter Costello says

Future Fund chairman Peter Costello said that the sovereign wealth fund could possibly start managing superannuation money.

  • by John Collett
Trust in institutions eroded: Ken Henry

Trust in institutions eroded: Ken Henry

The erosion of public trust in banks is part of a wider decline in pubic sentiment towards large institutions, which will take a long time to rectify, National Australia Bank chairman Ken Henry says.

  • by Clancy Yeates
First drop in banks' interest-only loans since 2009

First drop in banks' interest-only loans since 2009

The value of interest-only home loans on the books of Australian banks shrunk for the first time in more than seven years last quarter.

  • by Clancy Yeates
CBA could lose market darling status on Austrac scandal: analysts

CBA could lose market darling status on Austrac scandal: analysts

A money laundering compliance scandal threatens to cost CBA its position as the country's top-rated banking stock.

  • by Clancy Yeates