Our Partners

Partnerships are at the heart of our success stories. They form the foundations of our biggest accomplishments in policy, conservation, research and education.

We have a long-standing history of working with responsible public- and private-sector companies. A relationship with DUC is a credible and meaningful way to demonstrate social responsibility by supporting a healthy and sustainable environment on a local, national and global scale.

Some of our partnerships involve collaboration with governments, communities and non-profit groups. Others bring us together with corporate partners who are committed to building our success through fundraising and awareness. Every partnership is based on a shared commitment to conservation.

Partners in Conservation Spotlight


Agrium’s $1 million gift launched the Legacy Wetland Restoration Program that restores wetlands across the prairies through the use of revolving land purchases.

Bayer Cropscience

Bayer CropScience is providing more than $20 million in funding for winter wheat programs across North America.

Canadian Forest Navigation Co. Ltd.

Canadian Forest Navigation Co. Ltd. has donated $400,000 to conserve two ecologically significant wetland areas in Quebec and Ontario along the St. Lawrence River.


Enbridge and its affiliates have donated more than $800,000 across Canada in support of us. Their most recent contribution of $215,000 is directed to key projects in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario and Lizard Lake in Manitoba.

Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline

Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline are strong supporters of our efforts in the Maritimes supporting the Atlantic Wetland Care Program, wetland education and the Ducks Unlimited Conservation Centre in Fredericton, NB.

Manitoba Hydro

Manitoba Hydro has contributed in excess of $1 million to us through their active, engaged and generous support of conservation efforts that demonstrate their ongoing commitment to sustainability.


PotashCorp’s $250,000 gift is the start of a wetland conservation legacy in Saskatchewan helping to secure over 750 acres of wetland habitat and in support of great wetlands to visit such as the Chappell Marsh Conservation Area in Saskatoon.

RBC Financial Group

RBC Financial Group through the RBC Foundation  has contributed nearly $1.2 million to us including an RBC Blue Water Project grant of $400,000 in support of water quality research in Saskatchewan, many contributions to Project Webfoot and most recently became a Provincial Education Sponsor in Alberta.

TransCanada Pipeline

TransCanada is a ‘Wetland Champion’ with over $2 million of support for DUC’s conservation efforts.  Currently TransCanada is supporting a number of initiatives including; conservation projects in Quebec and North Dakota; DUC’s Wetland Mapping program; and conservation education through DUC Wetland Centres of Excellence.

ATB Financial

ATB Financial Legacy Fund allows DUC to purchase at-risk lands, restore the wetlands and grasslands, then sell the property with a conservation easement to protect the habitat in perpetuity. Proceeds are re-invested into the Revolving Land Conservation Program in Alberta.

Partners in the Boreal Spotlight


LP Building


Sustainable Forestry Initiative

FP Innovations

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