Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Peace Of Mind. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Peace Of Mind. Mostrar todas las entradas

Peace Of Mind.Upset split EP

"Each individual, in his place, is securely confined to a cell from which he is senn from the the front by the supervisor; but the side walls prevent him from coming into contact with his companions. He is senn, but he does not see; he is the object of information, never a subject in communication. The arrangement of his room, opposite the central tower, imposes on him an axial visibility; but the divisions of the ring, those separated calls, imply a lateral invisibility. And this invisibility is a guarantee of order. If the inmates are convicts, there is no danger of a plot, an attempt at collective escape, the planning of new crimes for the future, bad reciprocal influences; if they are patients, there is no danger of contagion; if they are madmen there is no reisk of their commiting violence upon one another; if they are schoolchildren, there is no copying, no noise, no chatter, no waste of time; if they are workers, there are no disorders, no theft, no coalitions, none of the distractions that slow down the rate of work, make it less perfect or cause accidents." (Michel Foucalt, Discipline and punish).

Otro split con grupos alemanes, bastante similar al anterior en lo musical, pero con un concepto más elaborado en el diseño y el libreto, que parte de la idea de la panóptico (sobre eso trata el texto de Foucalt)  para tratar el tema de la incomunicación y el control social en los muchos textos que acompañan el disco (en alemán e inglés). El libreto está muy bien, y la música que lo acompaña también. Tres temas más melódicos de los longevos Peace Of Mind, con voz masculina y femenina, y un sonido algo más elaborado que en anteriores trabajos. Por la otra cara, dos temas de Upset, más metálico, intenso y agresivo, ponen el contrapunto perfecto para equilibrar esta perfecta colaboración de grupos y sellos alemanes.

"The concept of panoptic tower is not to be understood as a sovereign power which leads from one central being in power down to those not in control, it is rather to be understood as forms of power which circulate in the social field. Then, power is rather a dynamic of control and lack of control - relations of power are dispersed and fragmented throughout this social field. An understanding of how modern subjects are constructed might open ways for change and contestation. If power is fragmented throughout the social field, so must resistance to this form of power. It is not to be expected to make one form of liberalization from oppressive powers possible. The question rather is if we can enable other knowledges and forms of differences which can break down the cellular spaces we are trapped in. This could be possible by means of communication and by struggling for otherness, for de- and re- construction of social subjects and practices - let it be gender identities, forms of sexuality, definition of friendship and/or relationships, beauty, ways of communication, creativity...whatever..." (Urte from Peace Of Mind).

Sacado por World Upside Down Records, Das Syndikat Records y Frank Booth Inc. en el 2000.

"I cannot speak of freedom when I know of all these fucked up things going on. Even though I personally have quite a few choices, even though I am really privileged because I fulfill certain suppositions that the society I happen to live in values as important for itself. Still I cannot even call myself free, because I feel the borders of the given standards as soon as I try to define my life for myself. I dream of breaking down all these standards. I dream of total freedom. And I try everything I can to gain freedom for myself and every other living being. Without freedom, nothing is of value. There is no real life without freedom" (Jobst from Peace Of Mind).

Peace Of Mind.Upset split EP

Fahrt Zur Hölle Compilation EP

"Drive To Hell (Fahrt zur Hölle) is the message of this record. It's about punk and my problem with male behaviour and about the fact that people don't build their opinion themselves. I don't know... where is the point to start to break free? YOURSELF!?! Create a life on your own and listen to nice music... punk? The poster is about building dreamworlds. It doesn't mean it's not ok to have a friend but the world is more than this, there are a lot of other people around. "No human being is illegal" is a simple phrase but fucking true. By the way... the bands on this compilation are really nice people.. No fun and tschüss." (Philippe, Aus'M Bauch Records).

Bonito siete pulgadas recopilatorio de los que tanto me gustan con seis bandas alemanas de emopunkrock significativas de lo que se hacía por esos lares a finales de los noventa. Pillé este disco por Peace Of Mind y, sobre todo, por Koyaanisqatsi (uno de mis grupos alemanes preferidos), pero como sucede en las buenas recopilaciones, como ésta, me sorprendieron dos grupos que no conocía, Mad Minority y El Mariachi, con las dos mejore canciones del disco. Los otros dos son Küchenmesser Nr.8, que tampoco está mal, y Dellwo con una canción de apenas treinta segundos. Por otra parte, está muy bien presentado (la portada es plateada) y repleto de textos (en alemán) del chico que sacó el disco y de los grupos, además de un cartel (que tengo colgado en la pared), las letras traducidas, unos flyers del sello y un panfleto del colectivo Kein Mensch Ist Illegal (Ninguna Persona Es Ilegal). Un disco completo: como tienen que ser los buenos recopilatorios.

"To see the path one has to open their eyes. To hear the truth one has to listen to the voice. To understand the situation one has to know the causes. Who sees. Who hears. Who understands... has to fight." (Küchenmesser Nr.8).

Sacado por Aus'M Bauch Records de Alemania en 1998.

Fahrt Zur Hölle Compilation EP

Break The Distrust... comp EP

"...Even if there are more than enough reasons for distrusting..."

Como dice la portada un siete pulgadas recopilatorio sobre sexismo, esperanza y abrirse paso. Son cinco grupos: tres alemanes Pershing Boys, Peace of Mind y Spit Acid, los italianos Kina (con su Mondo mai visto) y los estadounidenses Sleeper. Aunque muchos de los textos están en alemán y no los entiendo, el libreto está muy cuidado: tiene colaboraciones -escritos y dibujos- de la gente de los grupos y los sellos que apoyan el lado musical de esta idea. Me gustan los discos hechos en común con ganas y cariño.

"Try to come together -cause one against the other we only sink in the hate against each other and might forget about our aims- to build a world where it's nice to live in for all. Fight together against thet sexist society!!! Think, communicate!"

Sacado en 1995 por el sello alemán World Upside Down.

"...But don't forget to fight!"

Break The Distrust... compilation EP

Peace Of Mind / Anomie Split LP

"It's 1995. Punk is as never before commercial, part of the system, fashion, bought up, oppressed.
Never before money played even in the "underground" such a big role.
Punk is dead, when it let's itself buy up, when it let's itself commercializa, when it becomes part of the system, when it is fashion.
Punk 1995 means nothing more than music. Music as an article to make money with, to tame the youth with, to consume with. Then punk means adjustment instead of resistance.
But for us it is still more than music.
Punk is for us still part of the resistance against commercialism, capitalism, oppression, against all those who oppress, fight wars, build weapons, kill, rape, worldwide, so it is against the same who want to make punk a fashion, an article, to control it and us, to kill resistance, to make money.
That's why it is in 1995 as necessary as never before not to let this happen, to take our lives back in our hands, to organize by ourselves, to resist, to live. On all levels.
This record is for us part of this attempt.
This record is for us an expression of this attempt.
Do it yourself or die!!" (Peace Of Mind & World Upside Down Records).

Más alto aunque no más claro se puede decir en 2011, ¿no? "This split LP is part of the worldwide d.i.y. conspiracy" pone escrito en el lomo de esta maravilla de disco compartido por dos conocidas bandas europeas: Peace Of Mind de Alemania y Anomie de Francia. Como en todo buen disco trae un libreto muy guapo con textos y letras y rabia y cariño. Musicalmente hay poco que decir que seguramente no sepáis ya: la cara de Anomie es quizá una de los mejores ejemplos de emopunk francés que tanto insiró a tanta gente en esa época y todavía hoy. A mi me encanta, sobre todo, la idea que tuvieron de juntar a gente de los dos grupos (aunque al final sólo pudo colaborar Jobst, el cantante de P.O.M.) para grabar un par de canciones (las últimas de cada cara: Afraid es buenísima) llevando así la idea de los discos compartidos un poco más allá: es divertido escuchar a Jobst y Kathleen cantando juntos, se nota que se lo pasaron bien haciéndolo.

"I just wanted to say that for me a split LP represents far more than just a record collaboration. It's the reason why I thought about making some songs together with Peace Of Mind members. After deciding to make it together we organized it. The fact is that just Jobst came from Germany (we were a bit sad that the others couldn't come). These two songs are just the fruit of our relation. I just believe in this." (Gilles /Anomie)

Do it yourself and do it together!!

"These songs are an expression and attempt of working together. I'm very glad we did these songs. They mean very much to me. It's fun to make music, creatively do things, be active together with people you don't really know but like very much. A great experience! Thanks Remi, thanks John, thanks Gilles, thanks Kathleen! I love you all!" (Jobst, P.O.M.)

Y que me decís de la canción acústica de Anomie...

Sacado por World Upside Down Records (sello llevado por Jobst) de Alemania y Ape Records (sello de Gilles y Kathleen) de Francia en 1995.

Peace Of Mind / Anomie Split LP

Agressions in an emotional way compilation

"It's a beautiful world, if you believe their lies."

¿Cuántas veces habré escuchado la canción de Day by Day de este disco? Hoy me ha vuelto a alegrar la mañana.

Editado por Daydream Records en 1994. Grey, Better Tooth Organization, Systral, Spit Acid, y Peace of Mind son los otros grupos de esta joya de recopilatorio. Uno de mis primeros vinilos y, sin duda, de los que más me ha marcado. ¡Vivan los recopilatorios!

Agresión emocional.